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Everything posted by BrycePaup4ever

  1. Is that big real world clock in the upper level new?
  2. Anyone else feel odd he kept saying "cheeks"? It was creepy.
  3. they also have a stock option for fans and it snows there zzzzz
  4. wow hypocrites? (typo?) this may seem like a non story though
  5. im guessing the majority of places would let someone interview, the season is over
  6. Why not let him interview with the Rams? He has paid his dues. So much for GB being this amazing place. Anyone could prob cosch Rodgers and look good, but give him a chance to grow. Thoughts? Am i wrong?
  7. as a DC i would go with this but would rather have schwartz
  8. what happened between them? i dont get it. do we bring Williams back? im guessing no once Marrone didnt like you it was over. i mean what was wrong with the td at houston he looked like a deep threat there
  9. what happened between them? i dont get it. do we bring Williams back? im guessing no once Marrone didnt like you it was over.
  10. the rolling of his eyes when asked about the 4th down calls
  11. lol that was funny good for Paul for speaking his mind it sounds a little like sour grapes but i agree
  12. adam caplan twitter No, I'm not kidding. DE Aaron Schobel played 9 seasons for the Bills. Matt also played in NFL. They let team execs know they're available.
  13. Is this a joke? Would we ever think of him as HC or any position. Was a good player though.
  14. i would bet yes
  15. Dont discriminate age he is respected in Pitts a team that has a culture of winning
  16. Give him a chance to be a HC he is decent
  17. He is very under rated and was great in his short time with us. Can we pry him away from Steelers?
  18. Aaron is the man he loves the city and team
  19. I now realize my post was somewhat insensitive. My apologies.
  20. thanks Mark 80 everyone is so mad at me and i get it but i just hope Cordy is okay it was just a diff situation
  21. we here bout all the other injuries all the time
  22. well the season is over now i feel we have a right to know. i could be wrong.
  23. thanks Steve O great read
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