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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. The league might love it anyway, so it doesn't matter. Maybe that's why they fine the guy for a crotch grab and then start selling plaques that include a picture of him doing it, or why they always post articles about lynch's antics on their official social media pages.

  2. On the other hand, the NFL may be loving all the drama because it grabs peoples' attention. I bet they already raised the price for a company to have their logo behind lynch during press conferences. Because as Americans we're so smart we'll tune in in bigger numbers to watch a guy say the same thing over and over again.

  3. Pretty sure every coach in the league places a huge emphasis on ball security. There's only so much emphasis and practice you can do in ball security before doing that much more doesn't make a difference. We're talking about one of the most basic principles of football that players learn when they're in peewee football. Do the patriots invent some secret way to hold a ball or something?

  4. ^^Er, I've already said I don't care what Lynch does in interviews. I just think it's funny some people act like he's some kind of hero sticking it to the man when he's just some dimwitted crying about stipulations of a contract he willingly signed.

  5. That's just the way it is. We may not care if players do interviews or not but plenty of fans like hearing what players have to say. I know I always listen to Bills player interviews when I can. I'm sure plenty of Seahawks fans would like to hear what Lynch has to really say.

  6. He's not getting paid to give interviews any more than he is to do community appearances. He's being paid to play football.


    Are you okay with him answering "yeah" to every question asked? It would seem that you would be because he is meeting his contractual obligation.

    Players are paid to do whatever it is their contract says they need to do. That certainly isn't just playing football. And no, answering 'yeah' to every question is dumb. He's just trying to circumvent the rules. The NFL requires the players to do interviews for the FANS. He should either give the fans what they want, pay his fines, or go play somewhere else where he doesn't have to give interviews.

  7. The point is that there are a lot of fans that like hearing players talk. That's why the league makes them do it. It's an entertainment company and the players are the entertainment. I'm not going to feel bad for a guy making millions of dollars for having to talk so fans can hear him. If he doesn't want to do it he can go play in the CFL. Why doesn't he? Because he's being payed millions of dollars to play football AND give interviews.

  8. I think Lynch is going to get in a lot of trouble if he keeps it up. I don't see his career in the NFL lasting much longer. He seems like the type to say eff you and just retire early if/when the NFL come down hard on him.


    So I actually expect his fine eventually to be higher than the Pats'

  9. I don't really care what Lynch does in interviews, but people acting like he's right don't seem to realize he's a very well paid sports entertainer with contractual obligations that were negotiated by his union with the NFL. Don't want to be forced to speak to the media? Don't sign the contract. Nobody is forcing him to play in the NFL.


    If he's really "all about the game" then he could always go play in the Canadian league where they're not obligated to do interviews. Football is football right?

    If he has a problem with the rule he should ask the players union to lobby for it to change. Throwing a hissy fit and acting like a spoiled brat millionaire isn't going to get anything changed.

  10. I mentioned Welker because you did. Welker was included in a study of six Pats** fumbling stats done by the Wall Street Journal. Collectively, he, Amendola, Green-Ellis, Woodhead, LaFell and Blount "have lost the ball 8 times in 1,482 touches for the Pats** since 2010, or once every 185.3 times. For their other teams, they fumbled 22 times in 1,701 touches (once every 77.3).


    Care to explain?



    Other coaches don't care if their players fumble. Only Bellichick.

  11. Seriously?


    He was a hard-as* about hanging onto the ball before the rule change, too, yet the Patriots still fumbled about as frequently as most other teams back then.


    It was only after the league granted Brady his new rule change that the Pats fumbe numbers dropped- quite literally - off the charts.


    Bingo. The massive improvement coincides exactly with the time the rule changed which would allow the Patriots to doctor their footballs.

  12. This has NEVER been about QB fumbles specifically -- it's been about fumbles in general. I think it's safe to presume that no one is arguing that softer balls prevent strip sacks (it would be a foolish argument). In theory, such balls are intended to help RBs and other ball carriers. The fact of the matter, however, is that QBs virtually always lead their teams in fumbles because of blindside sacks, taking too long to get rid of the ball, and wild scrambles -- not because of qb sneaks, which is what most of Brady's runs are. Consequently, such fumbles have to be factored into the total. But neither Brady nor Manning is a fumbler. They're careful with the ball. The times they do fumble represent the inevitable outcomes of an occupational hazard. Their teams don't fumble much collectively as a consequence.


    Also, you seem to not be getting my point about statistical insignificance. 0.019 is greater than 0.015. But it's an insignificant difference. I suggest looking at the bad team fumble and sack rates. Look at the Jets, for instance. Look at Washington. Alternatively, look at Seattle. They fumble a lot more, and it has nothing to do with the ball difference. It's because their QBs are careless with the ball, hold onto it too long, scramble wildly a lot, and/or have bad pocket sense. Comparing Brady and Manning on the fumbling front is like comparing Godzilla vs. Mothra. They're outliers because they're really, really good at avoiding sacks and taking care of the ball.


    I think we can agree that we're not going to agree on this.



    First of all, Lynch is an Irish surname...


    Second, why should he answer these completely inane questions posed by these sports "reporters". They are the same stupid questions asked every week, over and over. Why do they bother asking any player these inanities? They get the same cliched responses. It's a silly game they are forced to play every week. We learn absolutely nothing from these encounters ("we tried our best and came up short", it's a great win, but it was a team win, not just me", "they made better adjustments then we did", "we will have to work harder this week and come out next Sunday playing harder").


    Maybe if they could screen the whole room of press before these snooze-fests started: "does any one of you have anything at all that is unique or interesting to ask anyone we are going to bring up to the podium in a few minutes?" It would save a lot of spilled ink and a lot of money for players who have no interesting answers to stupid questions.


    Probably because he's contractually obligated to.

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