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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. He has at least a Bachelor's Degree in Communication from Stanford and went back for his Masters as of the beginning of 2013.
  2. I believe he has a Masters Degree in Communication from an Ivy League School. It came up when people were calling him a thug after that crazy postgame interview he game after last year's bowl.
  3. It's possible someone here cares about your opinion on me but I sure don't. Instead of posting about me in a thread you contributed zero relevant posts to, maybe you could say something about owners, their wealth, and what that means to coaching positions for that franchise.
  4. See now they're just cracking down on him any way they can because he's pissing them off. Dude is so stubborn I honestly expect this to end eventually with his early retirement while he flips the NFL the bird on his way out.
  5. I bet it would or they'd open themselves up to a lawsuit. If he was smart he's just pay some doctor to doctor to diagnose him with clinical social anxiety disorder.
  6. I could use Fred Jackson's whole interview from last year when he was asked about his age as an example. I found it extremely interesting that he thinks he'll still be able to produce for 3-4 more years in the league. And I don't think he would have said that unless he really believed it.
  7. So now we're back to the "omg a house isn't like a football team" argument because you can't provide any information whatsoever to show that basically all of Ralph's wealth was tied into the team? You're nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking. If I said "This man is worth almost a billion dollars but all his wealth is tied up into a football team" you really need to pipe up to point out that $3 million of his money isn't? $3 million out of $1000 million, really?
  8. Imagine if NE won the bowl and then a week later the league announced they were stripping them of the title due to their findings of rampant cheating. Bahahahaha
  9. ^^So $3 million of his almost a $1000 million wealth not being tied up in the team means what? Now you're just splitting hairs. That's like saying all of his wealth wasn't tied up in the team because he had $100 in his pocket.
  10. What you're asking for is ridiculous. I've found plenty of the post-game stuff that Fred and Kyle say interesting. Sorry if I don't have specific lines about a specific game. You may think all that dumb drama and controversy is the only interesting content players give, but I much prefer when they talk about football.
  11. I'm definitely more excited about this coaching staff than any we've had in a looonnnggggg time.
  12. Do you think their decision to wait has anything to do with their findings? Or do you think even if they're positive the Patriots are innocent right now they'd still wait? I'm just looking for anything I can to give me hope that the Patriots will be found guilty.
  13. Are you really asking me to give specific lines from interviews that players did over the 5+ years they've been here?
  14. I heard the last ball boy wouldn't say anything other than "I'm just here so I won't get fined."
  15. Here's a question for you guys: Do you think the league will wait until after the Superbowl to announce their findings? I'd be very surprised if they didn't already know pretty much what they're going to say by now. Does waiting until after the bowl hurt or help the game? On one hand if they're innocent, you'd think they'd want to announce it before the game so people won't look at the match as a game tainted by one side being cheaters, but on the other hand if they DO have definitive proof the Pats cheated they'd probably wait until after the bowl for the same reason.
  16. Marshawn Lynch is a dimwit and I doubt he'd have anything interesting to say anyway. But if you take it to the extreme, imagine if no player ever talked to the media because they didn't have to. 90% of the interesting content the NFL puts out during the season would be gone. I don't know about anyone else but I'd rather listen to a player interview or coach press conference than read the lame generic articles the NFL writes about what's going on in the league.
  17. So I just provided two links which you asked for that show that Ralph Wilson's net worth was under a billion dollars while the team was worth over $900 million, meaning more than 9/10ths of his wealth was tied up in the team, and your response is "I'm putting you on ignore?" And I'm out of MY league? Ok guy.
  18. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/11599/11599 So if the team was valued at just under a billion dollars, and Ralph Wilson isn't on the Forbes 1000 list but someone with a net worth of $1 billion is, what does that tell you? This link lists the top 19 wealthiest owners all the way down to a billion dollars and Ralph Wilson isn't even listed: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/03/26/paul-allen-is-the-richest-nfl-owner/ Your turn. Please provide a link showing that Ralph Wilson's net worth was more than what the franchise was worth by even a slightly significant margin.
  19. I don't care what players of other teams do or say in interviews so I don't care what Lynch says. I just think he's being dumb. Freddy and Kyle have said plenty of interesting stuff during interviews.
  20. ^Exactly. I love football. And I love tuning in after a game to see what the coaches and players have to say about the game they just played. Even if it's just them confirming some of the things I was thinking.
  21. Of course I do. And obviously so does the NFL or they wouldn't require players to talk to the media.
  22. Yes, it was. Forbes consistently listed Ralph Wilson's net worth as about the estimated value of the Buffalo Bills. Jesus Christ you guys are nitpicky. I was just trying to use an easy example to explain that the vast majority of his wealth was tied up in the team when someone asked if he was super rich or not. No **** you can get a loan against some collateral or property.
  23. There are other teams that bench or cut players that fumble.
  24. There are some guys I love listening to because I think they speak from the heart. Freddie and Kyle Williams come to mind. But I'm not ashamed to admit that when Sunday's over and I'm itching for Bills football that won't come for another 7 days, I hang on every word any Bills player or coach makes during an interview to get me pumped up for the next game. Just like some of us feast on every little report or note that comes out of training camp. Performances in TC don't mean crap, but it sure feels like they do when you're starving for football.
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