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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. Dude, Ralph had a huge art collection with Monets in it. That alone would be 99.99999% of society's golden egg. Then factor in the huge operating profit he pocketed every year. Then factoring in his previous business holdings. These combined aren't pennies like you've suggested.


    Then factor in his biggest asset. His Taurus.


    See now that's a valid argument. His art collection was valued at $10-$20 million. Still a drop in the bucket compared to his overal net worth of just under a billion, but at least it's something.


    Like I said, His overall net worth was just under a billion dollars and the team was valued at just over $900 million. That leaves roughly $20-60 million dollars in other stuff, like art, race horses, his house, etc.


    Anyone who takes exception to the statement "All his money was tied up in the team" just because less than 1/10th of his net worth wasn't tied into the team must never use phrases like "Man everyone thinks Kate Upton is gorgeous" or "Everyone knows politicians are liars." It's always that one dick at a party who butts in to say "Well technically not EVERYONE thinks Kate Upton is how because that would imply every person on the planet does and that's just not true!"


    People like that should be kicked in the teeth.


    You referring to sports websites on owners values? LOL


    Oh by the way Forbes guesses at net worth (and are often wrong). There are several people that are not on that list because their holdings are not public at all. Remember Forbes undervalued the last 3 NFL team sales... there were not even close.


    Most extremely wealthy people hide their wealth... for several reasons (some legal/tax reasons, some are just very private people) Knowing Ralph like we did... it seems to me he might have been like that a little bit.


    I read somewhere that the Mars candy fortune people are almost hermits that way there are secret about their wealth. They never talk to the press, their donations to charity are done in secret. Some say they are the wealthiest people in the world but no one knows for sure. Hiding your wealth is smarter than flunting it.


    Please. Suggesting that Ralph Wilson somehow hid all this wealth he had from Forbes is ridiculous. You think he was just sitting on an extra billion dollars where exactly? Secret offshore accounts? lmao. Get out of here with that BS.

  3. My question is what happens when the public gets tired of his antics? I mean it's a hot story now but people have a short attention span and I can't imagine a guy repeating the same answer over and over again will maintain its novelty for very long. Once it no longer generates any sort of media grab for the league, what will they do?

  4. Do I need to come over there and smack you??? You are not allowed to post Pats* or Patriots* without the *


    Ha sorry I forgot.


    As an aside, just found this. I freaking love these videos lmao. The Bills one did years ago is still the best though. This one was obviously created by a Pats* fan but it's still funny.



  5. Florio knows what's up:




    Whether or not the attendant deflated the balls in the bathroom with or without the knowledge of anyone higher up, though it may be true, might not be of concern to the league. Florio noted that Spygate caused Roger Goodell to tell the owners that they “need to reduce the standard of proof in these types of cases,” that they “don’t need to have a smoking gun.” He also added that even if the attendant says he was just relieving himself, the NFL doesn’t have to accept his explanation.


    That was likely in response to what Robert Kraft said a couple days ago. The relationship between the two has definitely seemed to sour quickly.

  6. I don't want to "hear" anything from him. I've pointed out many, many times in this thread I don't care at all what Lynch says or doesn't say. I couldn't care less what Seahawks players have to say about the Seahawks. I'm not a Seahawks fan.


    I just think his act is stupid and immature and I understand why media interaction is part of players' contracts. You're acting like I'm writing angry letters to the league to complain about Lynch's behavior. I'm just posting my opinion in a thread about MARSHAWN LYNCH that someone else created.


    Bleep Bleep goes the sheep! Follow all the rules! Four legs good, two legs better!


    Good gravy, watching you and BB minge about Marshawn like he stole $20 from each of you is hilarious and transparent. I didn't even know the league sold stuffed Goodell dolls for you two to snuggle with at night.


    But of course, this is a BB thread. His ability to create such awful ones mirrors his ability to evaluate football talent.


    Never forget: Skelton for Mario.


    I don't have any love for the league. Goodell is an idiot. I just think Lynch is a bigger idiot. People are acting like he was drafted into the league like it's the army and had no choice. He's a millionaire sports entertainer, not just "a football player." The entire success of the NFL is built on the foundation that the fans propped up. He doesn't like talking to the media? So freaking what? He's obligated to because a lot of fans want to hear certain players speak. He's one of the faces of that franchise so he shouldn't be surprised people want to see him on camera. There are several alternatives to the NFL that he could pursue that don't require him to interact with the media. He's a Seattle Seahawk in the National Football League by choice.


    What are you missing? He is talking to the media, just as his masters have ordered. Maybe he's not tap dancing fast enough for your liking?

    I'm missing the oblivious mentality that repeating the same phrase over and over fulfils his obligation just because it skirts the letter of the rule. Let's do whatever we can to skirt the rules just because we're technically not breaking them. That's how jackasses think.

  9. And yet you found it necessary to call him dumb. His attitude is likely a result of being forced to do something that he feels completely uncomfortable doing and perhaps is incapable of doing. Meanwhile Bellicheat really cops the same attitude and gets away without penalty.


    I've been calling him dumb long before this whole media circus started(and before he was a Seahawk) so I'm not sure how that's relevant.


    People are required to do uncomfortable things for their job all the time. Do you know how many people with stage fright have to give presentations in front of groups? They do it because it's their job. Marshawn Lynch's job is to play football and talk to the media about it.

  10. ^He's being crucified for his attitude, not his intelligence.

    On another note, I'd be fine if the NFL had a general "Player interaction" rule where they could fulfill their obligation to the fans any way they wanted, whether it be through interviews, social media, in-person appearances at charities and other events, etc.

  11. He completed a years worth of work on his Masters Degree in his final year of college eligibility at Stanford. He is very intelligent - and can also be obnoxious - IMO. I find what he has to say very interesting and often meaningful, except for when he publically belittles other people. To me, that part is classless.


    I certainly have a lot more respect for him than I do Lynch. Lynch is just.... dumb. I thought that even back when he was with the Bills because of his interviews.

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