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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. Read BackInDaDay's post. And as I said, everyone handles their issues their own way whether it's acceptable or not. What's not acceptable to us may be perfectly acceptable to him. I'm not gonna make any judgements or diagnoses on the guy, because I am not a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

    This isn't some private citizen whose life we're prying into when it's not our business. He's a sports entertainer for one of the most watched sports in the world. We're not our"infringing on his personal life." He has no personal life. This is the NFL.

  2. And maybe he would rather pay the fines than have to deal with all the questions. Makes plenty of sense if he has some serious mental issues. Everyone handles their demons differently.

    If you have social anxiety you don't do things that draw attention to yourself. He KNOWS you can't wear golden cleats during a game. He was ALREADY warned about the crotch grab the game before and he did it again anyway. And now he makes a spectacle of himself during his interviews, while wearing a hat to promote his "Beastmode" brand of clothing even though it's against the rules and he'll probably be fined $100k for it. Why? Because he's a businessman and he knows his profits from merchandise sales will exceed the fine due to the publicity he's getting for his antics.


    I can respect a dude playing a good hustle like that. What I can't respect is people claiming he has some kind of mental disorder to explain his behavior. They have a name for people like that where Marshawn grew up and in every other hood in America. "Chumps" or "Marks."

  3. he completely stays out of the media incurring hundreds ofthousands of dollars in fines, and your conclusion is he does it for more media attention?


    some people are truely dense.

    But you're ignoring the attention-seeking fines he also incurs, like the crotch grab and trying to wear golden cleats. The guy isn't as much of a hermit as you're all making him out to be.

  4. I don't know man. I really don't. While I realize that players probably think like this quietly, I just can't believe a player would be that dumb nowadays with everything going on to say something like that in an interview. The league should fine him for pure stupidity. Not even kidding. Just say it's to protect players' health or something, but slap him with a fine for being a complete idiot.

  5. He has no problem talking to the public. He just think is he is special and can put on a show... Honestly he could just act like a boring Offensive Lineman and the media would background him, he knows what he's doing. "Look at me!!! Look at me!!!"


    A guy doesn't get all spiffy with expensive bling everywhere if they just want to be left alone.

    That's basically what I think of him. Social anxiety is just an excuse people are making for him. Has he ever even said he has it? He may have I didn't check.


    But he certainly doesn't have the telltale signs of it. He has the telltale signs of not wanting to do something he's supposed to so he just throws a tantrum.

  6. Serious question: Social Anxiety is an officially recognized psychological disorder. If he had a doctor diagnose him with it and state that being forced in the spotlight can cause him real psychological trauma, wouldn't the NFL be forced to give him an exemption or risk a lawsuit? Why doesn't he just do that?

    How did Ricky Williams do it?

    Some people with anxiety disorders smoke weed to alleviate the symptoms.

  7. I don't buy it. 90% of the people in the world would feel anxiety with a camera on them broadcasting to the world.


    But legit social anxiety? Doubt it. He wouldn't be where he is today if he had real social anxiety.

    He doesn't like to be on camera, which I'm sure plenty of athletes can relate to. He's just throwing a fit and taking it to the extreme, refusing to do it.

  8. Wait do people really believe he has clinical social anxiety? lol. Not liking being asked questions on national television is NOT social anxiety. It's almost an insult to people with that disorder to say Lynch has it. Someone with severe social anxiety can barely stand in line at the supermarket. Does Lynch strike you as that kind of person?

  9. An overgrown kid that's been arrested for running over a lady and driving away, felony gun possession, and DUI on 3 separate occasions during his pro football career. I have a hard time siding with a guy like that. Unless he's a Bill. :D

    With that said I'd love for him to stampede the Patriots and break some Superbowl running records this Sunday.

  10. Hard to believe that's even possible at this point with the deflategate scandal and the Blount thing people are talking about now.



    Browner wants Patriots to attack Sherman, Thomas's injuries


    The New England Patriots corner spoke to ESPN's Josina Anderson on Monday and indicated he would tell his teammates to attack the injuries of Richard Sherman and Earl Thomas.

    "I'll tell my teammates to hit (Sherman's) elbow, (Thomas') shoulder. Try to break it if you can."




    I don't see how he could say something like that without repercussions?

  11. So do you ever admit when you wrong or do you just argue and argue and argue until the person just gives up and ignores you?


    Look up John Bogle and tell me where he is on your precious list. Guy runs a 3 trillion dollar mutual fund and they estimate his worth at less than $100M. Give me a break.


    Do you ever admit that you're wrong? Or do you just keep changing your argument every time it's proven wrong to keep arguing?






    But go ahead and explain how John Bogle didn't really give away most of his money to charities throughout his life and how he's "probably hiding hundreds of millions of dollars" because "that's what rich people do." You seem so keyed in to billionaires' financial inner-workings.

  12. Maybe you should read this article from the NY Times Mr. Link happy.




    Seems fine to me. Unless you're suggesting that Ralph Wilson had some kind of secret stake in with Columbian Drug lords or had any reason whatsoever to hide a bunch of money that people a lot more rich than him don't bother to do. Maybe he was secretly in the CIA?




    Quantifying extreme wealth is a notoriously tricky business, since many billionaires have large and complex investments, some of which are public and some of which aren’t. Both Bloomberg and Forbes have released explanations of their methodology. Bloomberg says that its list relies on a mixture of public and private data, with the valuations of private companies being calculated relative to public competitors, and with a “liquidity discount” of 5 percent applied to companies whose “assets may be hard to sell.” Forbessays it relies on interviews with accountants, advisers and lawyers to compile its list, and takes into account “stakes in public and private companies, real estate, yachts, art and cash” while accounting for debt. Bloomberg says it makes no assumptions about personal debt.

    Just curious, how do you think Forbes makes up their list? Do you think they send out a survey to everyone they believe could possibly be on the list asking them how much they are worth? Unless the people are CEOs or huge shareholders in public companies, they are just guessing. There is no "hiding" money from Forbes, they just don't have access to that kind of information on many of the people on the list. Accordingly, the list is known to be quite inaccurate and missing a lot of very, very rich people who are rich on the down low.


    Do you have a link to back that up? Anyone noteworthy you can point out that they miss?

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