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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. I was thinking about this earlier. I don't blame the fans or anything, I just think it's odd that for years and years the Bills couldn't win on the road but did a lot better at home and now it seems like the complete opposite.
  2. I don't have a problem with that call. It was a false start. I'm just saying it's surprising that the refs noticed that twitch in real-time.
  3. Do I think anyone should be fired because of today's loss: No Do I think any players should be cut or benched because of today: No Do I think it's justified to be angry today because this game pretty much kills out playoff chances: yes.
  4. I can't tell if you're being intentionally obtuse, but all I was saying is that it's surprising the refs saw that twitch in real time.
  5. If I thought we could still make the playoffs by winning the next 3 I'd be fine with that. Since I don't, the world has to pay the price. Does anyone know where you can buy voodoo dolls?
  6. A win against Miami on Thursday won't sate the bloodlust I feel from today's loss. He may not have fractured his leg, but I'm hoping during a routine temp check Albert bites too hard down on the thermometer and dies from mercury poisoning.
  7. It's not debatable whether or not he twitched. Anyone with 2 guys could see it on the replay. What's debatable is how the hell the refs saw such a small twitch.
  8. This is dumbest thread I've ever seen. Whaley has made more great moves in his past 2 years as a GM than any other GM in the entire league over that same time period. How the hell does anyone blame this loss on Doug Whaley???
  9. I don't know how anyone can blame Marrone for this loss. The Bills were in control for the vast majority of the game and had a pretty great gameplan. The ONLY blame I lay on the coaches is the redzone playcalling. Everything else that screwed us is solely on the players.
  10. Orton didn't lose this game. As crappy as he played the Bills still would have won this game without the 2 fumbles.
  11. It was almost definitely intentional. I don't watch college football but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a tactic Olineman use sometimes to draw offsides penalties. Obviously that **** doesn't fly in the NFL.
  12. This is why the loss today crushed my hopes for the first time this season. Record and Conference records of AFC teams in the hunt: Bengals - 5-3 (conf 4-3) Steelers - 6-4 (conf 5-3) Ravens - 6-4 (conf 3-4) Miami - 5-4 (conf 4-2) Houston - 4-5 (conf 3-2) w/ head-to-head win against Bills Chiefs - 6-3 (conf 5-2) w/ head-to-head win against Bills Chargers - 5-4 (conf 4-3) w/ head-to-head win against the Bills Bills - 5-4 (conf 2-4) That doesn't even include the 4 current division leaders that could get knocked out of the lead and compete with us for a WC spot who have conference records of 5-2, 4-3, 5-2, and 4-1. We're now basically dead last in the WC race with Green Bay, Denver(AFC), and New England(AFC) still on the schedule. Even if we win all our other AFC games this season except for IN Denver and IN New England our conference record will end up being 5-6 with head-to-head loses with 3 WC contenders. So don't be surprised when the "playoff odds" comes out this week and the Bills' chances are listed at like 10%.
  13. Even with a win against Miami we'd be the only WC race team in the AFC with a losing conference record. With head-to-head losses to 3 other teams that are in the WC race. If you could pick which games to lose and not to lose so far this season, the Bills have basically lost the worst ones possible.
  14. The problem is which particular games we've lost. We may only look like we're 1 game out of a WC spot so far but our "record" is actually worse than it appears. We have by far the worst conference record out of all the teams in the hunt, with several head-to-head losses to them. Our chances at the playoffs took a fatal hit today imo.
  15. At least Goodwin got some yards on returns. What about the drops by Lee Smith, Watkins, and Chandler? It's also kind of funny this thread pops up the day TJ had like a 68-yard TD pass lol
  16. Good. I'm in a scorched Earth mood today. I hope every single mother!@#$er we play for the rest of the season comes down with Ebola and dies.
  17. It was definitely 2 twitches, but they were so slight that you wonder how a guy that big could cause such a small movement in his muscles. I'd be amazed if refs caught that more than 30% of the time.
  18. Redzone offense is the sole thing holding this team back imo. Even with shoddy-to-average offense on the rest of the field this team would be tied with NE for the division lead, or better.
  19. Luckily most of the teams that are in the WC race with us lost as well. If KC wasn't one of them this loss wouldn't even be that bad.
  20. This. It was so subtle and on such an obvious down trying to draw the D offsides that I'm positive it was intentional by Henderson. If the refs wouldn't have seen it Henderson would have been called a genius. I'm shocked they saw his calf muscle twitch as slightly as it did.
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