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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. Agreed. I've just honestly never seen that before. Have any of you? I mean is it some kind of crazy new strategy the OC decided to try, or Henderson thought he could get away with, or what? I guess I just want to know if they do that in college ball, and if not, who decided to try it in the NFL? It's kinda ballsy.
  2. There's no way it was an accident. A guy that big, that heavy, to have such a minor and subtle muscle twitch twice without the rest of his body moving.... It seems like it would have been brilliant if it had worked. I'm just trying to figure out if he carried that over from college or if it was a strategy in place once he got to the Pros.
  3. Doesn't matter. An OC should know: 1. KC is ranked #1 in the league in pass defense 2. KC has given up over 5 yards per carry through the season 3. You just ran the ball for over 60 yards down their throats to get to the 4 yard line 4. You're in 4 down territory and have 4 chances to use a heavy runner like Dixon or Summers to get 4 freaking yards for a TD 5. Not to pass 4 times in a row with Kyle Orton, who is not Tom Brady or Peyton Manning.
  4. You're absolutely right but it's not a very fair yardstick to measure this season with. The team IS better this year. But so is the rest of the AFC. It's basically only the type of bad luck the Bills can have.
  5. Yes all, and I only say that because: A) Bringing Orton in as a backup was a very smart move. Even after today's loss he's still done very well for us so far. B) Pulling EJ as early as they did was ballsy. Really ballsy. I would have never expected them to pull the trigger that early. See: The Jets C) Getting EJ out of the spotlight was the smartest thing they could have ever done. He could still develop into a really good QB. Hey I can't blame anyone for wanting it now. Anyone that's been following the Bills for the past few years knows that this year felt different. To finally have a team we can say "Wow, they really do have a ton of talent" yet still miss the playoffs is brutal. Up until today they were playing like winners, even in the games they lost. They really have minimized "Bills-like" mistakes for most games other than today. It gives me a lot of hope for next season. And with Pegula at the helm I'm more confident than ever that we'll pony up the dough to keep our stars(Dareus, Hughes, etc.).
  6. Not that it really matters now, but could someone that watches college football tell me if Henderson's "twitch" move is used in college at all to try and draw defensive linemen offsides? It was obviously deliberate and seems like it would actually work most of the time, especially in college. Or was it just a rogue attempt by Henderson that he thought he could get away with and will get chewed out for by the coaches?
  7. The way I look at it is like this: -The Bills are a vastly improved team this season. -All of the weaknesses we've been screaming about for years are finally being addressed. Terrible run D? Improved. Terrible ST? Improved. Oline? Weak maybe, but they brought in 4 NEW OLINEMEN to try and address the problem. -Winning several games in the last moments when they almost ALWAYS would have found a way to lose in past years. I wanted to believe this year was the year, but I realize I have to be patient. The improvement to this team is evident. The rest of the AFC just happened to show up this year and will probably keep us out of the playoffs. BUT, this team is FINALLY on the rise and should be a legit contender for the postseason next year.
  8. I have no doubt a few of them will fall off and screw up. The problem is that there are so many(5) that we need to completely tank that the math says we're basically screwed.
  9. The Bengals The Steelers The Ravens The Chiefs The Chargers We're TWO games behind of each of these teams because they hold tiebreakers on us. The chances of all 5 of those teams going 9-7 or worse, especially considering the cross-schedules they have, is slim to none. Even if they did, that would mean the Bills would have to go 5-2 for the rest of the season. That means beating every team we "should" AND beating Green Bay. Look, I'm not trying to be pessimistic for no reason. I'm just telling you that if you look at records, the conference records, and the remaining schedules the Bills' chances of getting a WC are slim to none. We can be optimistic because this year's team IS better than it's been in a long time and they WILL end up with a better record than we've seen in half a decade, but they're not going to make the playoffs.
  10. The sad thing is if I told you the Bills will go 10-6 this season back in June everyone would be ecstatic. Who would have guessed 10-6 probably wouldn't get them into the playoffs this year?
  11. Even if the Bills win their next 3, they're 8-4. If they beat the Raiders they're 9-4. If they surprise and beat Green Bay they're 10-4. That's winning ALL their remaining games except IN Denver and IN NE. That makes the Bills 10-6 with a 6-6 conference record. Look at the rest of the AFC teams right now and tell me that gets the Bills to the playoffs.
  12. It's aggravating because any other season over the past 5 years the Bills would still be in great position for a WC spot(and when's the last time we could say that?) but the AFC is on fire this year. We would need so many decent-to-good teams to tank the rest of the season while the Bills win an almost impossible 6 out of their the next 7 to make a WC spot. It's just not meant to be this year.
  13. There are no similarities between this season and seasons past other then their terrible luck. This team is and has been better than in the past. It just so happens that this season, a lot of other AFC teams have been doing very, very well.
  14. More power to you man. I'm usually the same way. The circumstances in the rest of the AFC make that impossible for me this season, though.
  15. Even that, with that being the best case scenario, very most likely will not be enough to get a WC. As improved as they are this year, their playoff chances just got killed.
  16. I'd say when playing the #1 ranked pass defense in the league who has an average run defense, passing 6 times on 2 drives inside the 15 is really, really bad playcalling.
  17. So even if we beat the Jets, Miami, Oakland, and a surprise win against Green Bay and then lose to NE and Denver that leaves us at what? 10-6 with a 5-6 conference record? Does anyone really think NONE of the other WC teams in the hunt are going to be at least 10-6 by the end of the season with a better conference record?
  18. Even if we win the next 3, beat the Raiders as expected, and pull out a surprise and win against the Packers I still don't think we make the playoffs. Aside from the miracle of winning in Denver or in New England, I don't think it's much to say our playoff chances are dead. Just look at the other AFC records, their conference records, and everyone's remaining schedule. I'm usually one of the most optimistic guys around, but today was a must-win imo.
  19. I didn't want to start a whole thread on this, but did anyone else see Gilmore not even try to catch up to Charles on that 41 yard TD run even though he was the physically fastest guy in pursuit? He basically just jogged toward Charles even though the Charles hadn't even hit the 10 yard line yet. Could he have caught him? I don't know. But it certainly wasn't a case of "No point in trying because he's too far away." I was pretty disappointed in that play.
  20. Unfortunately the one of the "big 3" we have the best chance of winning is GB at home, which isn't a conference game. Our conference record is absolutely terrible and could very well be the deciding factor in the WC race.
  21. That's a shame, because I'd challenge anyone here to name a single GM that has knocked it out of the park as much as Whaley has over the past two years. There's no homserism involved in saying Whaley has topped all the other GMs during that time period.
  22. This is a joke right? The Bills' special teams has been so much better this year than last I can't even imagine this is anything besides a joke.
  23. If ownership got rid of the GM that got Jerry Hughes in a player-for-player trade for a player that is riding the bench right now, found Kiko in the second round, signed an undrafted free agent rookie that turned into a top 5 slot CB(Robey), drafted their starting RT in the 7th round, drafted a 3rd round LB that has played every defensive snap of the season in Preston Brown, had the balls to trade up to grab a generational WR in Watkins, let a Pro Bowl safety walk who turned into the biggest FA bust of the season, traded or signed for guys that improved the team like Dixon, Bryce, Corey Graham, Brandon Spikes, and Kyle Orton, ALL WITHIN 2 YEARS I think it'd be the biggest single mistake they could possibly make.
  24. Come on now you can't blame the fans. If the Bills NEEDED fans cheering they would be losing away games too. They've been way better on the road than they have been in previous years.
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