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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. It figures the one time I want them to RUN over and over in the redzone they pass 4 times in a row.
  2. I still maintain our best chance for the playoffs now is to win the division. If we win all our games except NE and Denver, which isn't a stretch, we can overtake the Patriots. Just because the Pats are playing solid football at home doesn't mean they can't falter. Hell, the jets almost beat them in NY, Miami crushed them, and so did the Chiefs.
  3. It's the biggest thing holding this team back imo. Even with the terrible fumbles we still would have had a tie game if we just converted on 50% of our redzone trips.
  4. Certainly possible, but that doesn't get us in the playoffs does it? It's kind of hard to read on my phone.
  5. This defense gives the Bills a chance to win against any team they play. I think with better redzone offense this is a playoff caliber team. Plenty of good teams have made the playoffs consistently with an ok offense and a stellar defense.
  6. You're right, yesterday was definitely a stereotypical Bills loss. But it was the first one of the season imo. Sucks it happened in such an important game that kills our WC chances, but the division is still possible. NE has a tough schedule coming up.
  7. Why? We're only 2 games back and only have to compete with the Patriots(assuming we beat Miami again) instead of 6 teams for the WC. One super boneheaded loss doesn't wipe away all the good this team has done this year.
  8. When's the last time a half dozen teams were this close in the WC race going into week 11 though?
  9. The problem is that there are 5 other teams to contend with for a WC spot and they all have much better conference records than us. What are the chances none of them make it 10-6?
  10. If they knew they were in 4 down territory they should have ran it a couple times to create a 4th and short. We were running all over them our past 2 drives. Terrible play calling to throw to the endzone 4 times in a row on the #1 ranked pass defense in the league with Orton as your QB. ESPECIALLY since it wasn't goal-to-go and we could have gotten a first down before the endzone.
  11. Pretty much how I feel about it today. Our fate is no longer in our hands. Not only do we need to win win most our remaining games, but we now need some other teams to have some losing stretches.
  12. Our best chance of making the playoffs now is to win the division. We have to hope the Pats have a bad stretch of games and we win 5 of the next 7. There's no way we win a WC with our conference record, even of we go 10-6.
  13. Get the !@#$ out of here. We're obviously not watching the same season.
  14. It doesn't make sense to me because regardless of what people say, the offensive gameplan today was stellar. EXCEPT FOR THE REDZONE. It drives me crazy and confuses me at the same time.
  15. M. Williams. I expected him to have a much larger role in this year's offense.
  16. That was a pretty clever and totally unnecessary way for them to get me to watch 4 paid-per-watch ads.
  17. What's your point? What's your point? What's your point?
  18. you know he's tied for 3rd in the entire league for interceptions right?
  19. Redzone offense is the only thing anyone could possibly complain about. We got more yards than most teams that have played the Chiefs.
  20. Leodis and Summers are great. Lee Smith can hit the curb, though.
  21. See I can't agree with that. A paper tiger is a team that looks good against terrible teams but completely folds when faced against a skilled opponent. The Bills had stupid mistakes that ended up being really costly today, but they certainly weren't exposed as a weak team. On the #1 ranked pass defense in the league, Kyle Orton passed for more yards than Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Phillip Rivers, and all but ONE(Jake Locker during KC's horrible week 1 game) QB the Chiefs have played all year. They were in control for most of the game and had 6 sacks against a team that before today was only letting up an average of 2 sacks per game. The Bills lost this game the way we're used to them losing games over the past few years. It sucks because they've been able to avoid those "Bills-like" mistakes that cost games up until this week.
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