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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. Says who? Them not letting up a rushing TD could be circumstantial. We didn't allow any up until the Jets game and then they ran in 3 on us. KC is NOT ranked as a top run defense. They ARE tanked as the top pass defense.
  2. In a situation where you have a higher chance of success giving the ball to one of your RBs? No. You shouldn't.
  3. We may not get as many turnovers and points, but I'm honestly expecting a game like the jets game where our defense just straight up embrarasses Miami's offense all day.
  4. I'm fine with blaming them all. Kyle Orton is not Peyton Manning. How many clutch plays do they really expect him to make on game winning drives before he blows one? Everything in the book was screaming for run plays on both of those drives: -average run defense giving up 5 yards per carry -#1 ranked pass defense -Career inconsistent QB at the helm -First downs available just before the endzone on both drives And they pass 6 times in a row instead. They should have AT LEAST ran a couple times to put themselves in a 3rd/4th and short situation instead of trying to hit the endzone every freaking time.
  5. As many as we did going into the Jets game where they ran what? 3 in on us?
  6. People do realize he was selected to the Pro Bowl the season before all that crap happened, right? Here was a perfect opportunity for the Bills to get a high-quality guard for dirt cheap but instead they what? Took the moral high ground? It makes zero sense to me. I hope he signs with the Broncos and completely shuts down our rushers when we play Denver.
  7. The way I look at it is: He and the other players(but especially him) were extremely ANGRY after the loss. Not "disappointed," but downright pissed. They were pissed because they know how good of a team they can be with this roster, they know how important that game was, and they know they should have had that game locked up. For all the analysts loving on Miami and claiming how good and "up-and-coming" they are, I think the Bills are going to go in there and clobber them. The Bills still won't get the proper recognition for that, but who cares. A win is a win. All the news will be about how Miami isn't as good as we thought they were instead of about the Bills being better than they thought they were. That's fine. Tannehill is going to get demolished. I'm sincerely questioning whether or not he'll be able to finish the game Thursday night.
  8. Do I really have to explain why fans would want the Bills to PASS in the redzone against a team like the Jets but RUN in the redzone against a team like KC? I don't care what the routes were or were supposed to be. When facing the #1 ranked pass defense who is also top 3 in the league in sacks, AND you're averaging 5 yards per carry throughout the whole game, you should pound it in.
  9. Why? He was obviously emotional and pissed about the game, and he also knows we're a better team than Miami and the team is probably going to go out there and stomp them on Thursday. Let the guy vent.
  10. Both of the redzone drives were insanely stupid. You don't throw 6 straight times in the redzone against the #1 ranked pass defense who also leads the league in sacks when you're averaging 5 yards-per-carry rushing that day and have Kyle Orton as your QB. I don't care how open anyone was. Kyle Orton is not Peyton Manning or Tom Brady and you have to figure his historically inconsistent play into your playcalling decisions. Bryce Brown and Anthony Dixon would have almost definitely got us TDs on those drives.
  11. If someone else signs him I'm going to be pissed. I've been screaming to bring him in all season and was told over and over again that "nobody will sign him, he's blacklisted, he'll never play in the NFL again, blahblahblah." He could have been an instant upgrade to one of our worst positions on the team and he would have come cheap.
  12. I can't think of a team I'd rather have the Bills playing on a short weak in primetime than the Dolphins. And that includes teams like the Raiders. We've been mauling them the past couple years. Our defense seems to be able to consistently dominate them more than any other team.
  13. What a suckers bet. The Bills are going to crush Miami.
  14. The Bills have Miami's number in the same way NE has ours. I don't care how good they've looked lately against other teams. I'm guaranteeing another dominating beatdown of the Dolphins on Thursday.
  15. No way this team lays down. They know they have what it takes to make it to the playoffs and I'm sure the players were a lot more disappointed yesterday than we were. I think we crush Miami.
  16. I mean it wasn't the prettiest win but they minimized mistakes, capitalized on ours, and beat a really good defense on the road. I'd he pretty happy if the Bills did that.
  17. I'd feel pretty damn good if I was KC. It was an extremely important game for both teams.
  18. There was zero excuse to throw the ball to the endzone 4 times in a row against the #1 pass D when you're getting 5 ypc and there's a first down available at the 5 yard line. Unless your QB is Brady, Manning, Brees, or Rodgers.
  19. I think they stick with Orton but I wouldn't mind EJ getting some more game experience if we're out of the playoff race. It'd be a low-pressure situation for EJ.
  20. The Jets, Browns, Miami, and Raiders aren't world-beaters. We're better than every one of them imo. That leaves 3 good teams and we only have to beat 1 of them. It's not that much of a stretch.
  21. I don't know about that exact scenario but I do think that if we win against Miami, the Jets, Browns, Raiders, and one of the remaining 3 games we have a chance at the division. Here's to hoping the Patriots blow it. They have a tough schedule coming up.
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