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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. He's even been great returning punts. He just needs to learn to hang onto the ball. Mckelvin has become an important player on this team. I don't know why anyone would think it'd be a good idea to trade him.
  2. Besides, it didn't even sound like he was insulting the Dolphins particularly. They interviewed Leodis right after he had a game-altering fumble in a critically important game. The guy was super emotional. The reporter asked him about his next game and he said they were going to beat some ass. Sounds to me like he was fired up/angry and not calling out the Dolphins specifically.
  3. The guy is angry they lost last week and determined to kick ass this week. I don't see the problem.
  4. In all seriousness though I wouldn't be surprised to see a penalty from him tonight. I'm assuming he's going to be in there sometimes to help chip Cameron Wake. A holding penalty wouldn't surprise me.
  5. How does he have control over Brown fumbling the ball or Lawson failing his containment assignment?
  6. How do you know what he's been doing for the past two years? He's obviously still interested in playing football. Don't you think he'd be trying to stay in shape? Look, we're obviously not going to agree. You think it'd be stupid to sign Incognito and I think it's stupid not to. There's not much else to say.
  7. Who says he won't be able to play for 2 weeks? Legursky stepped in the for Chargers like 5 days after signing with them, and we all know Legursky never made the Pro Bowl. Which coaches were there in 2009 that are still coaching for the Bills that supposedly have all this bad blood with Incognito?
  8. What's the difference? Should I come back to this thread after they have another terrible game and say my argument is now better? We all know they're not going to play above average for the rest of the season. Denver obviously doesn't know what they're doing. He's going to ruin their locker room if they sign him and Denver will never win again(not that they ever win anyway).
  9. lmao how is 7 weeks arbitrary? You realize that's how many weeks are left in the season right? And no, I'm not "completely ignoring" recent history. You're just blowing it out of proportion. You act like our season would be doomed as soon as he walks into the locker room. He was on the Rams for 5 YEARS and the Dolphins for 4 YEARS. You act like you know him so well you can say for a fact he couldn't keep his head down for 7 freaking weeks. That's ridiculous.
  10. They're professional football players not little kids. Nothing else matters if they're winning and Incognito would assuredly give us a better chance of doing that than the guards we have now.
  11. There have been zero past results suggesting Incognito negatively affected a locker room he was only in for 7 weeks.
  12. When all is said and done this season's record is probably going to be the best this team has had in a decade. And people want to fire the coach that got us that in only his second year?? You don't go from a bottom feeder to champs overnight. 1985: 2-14 1986: 4-12 1987: 7-8 1988: 12-4 Marrone went 6-10 his first season and will almost definitely end this season with a better record than that. Maybe we should just WAIT AND SEE.
  13. He had kind of a slowish start to the season imo but he's gotten much better as the season has gone on. He may not be playing quite at the level he was through most of last season *consistently* but he's definitely playing better than the years before that.
  14. IF a team gives this guy a chance it's literally his last chance to ever play in the NFL again, and he'll be lucky to even get that. Even a lunatic would try to be on his best behavior for the season. Sign him for the remaining 7 games super cheap, let him try to showcase his skills and help us win games, and then let some other chump team try to sign a "reformed" Incognito to a longer term deal and then he can ruin their locker room.
  15. The guy has been in the NFL for almost a decade. I don't remember seeing the Rams locker room burst into hellflames when he was there.
  16. I think it's hilarious people think he's going to come in here and cause all kinds of problems in the 7 weeks left of the season. Sign him as a rental until the end of the year and then find a longer term solution at guard. I doubt even Richie Incognito can ruin a locker room in 7 weeks.
  17. It's a toss-up between this defense and the 2001 defense as the franchice's best ever imo. Bruce and Bennett were great but the strength of the 90s superbowl teams wasn't the defense. If we keep everyone together next year and Kiko comes back healthy I think they'll take that final step to become the clear cut winner of the "Franchise's best defense ever" title.
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