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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. Well, the #1 ranked pass defense let two receivers run wide open into the endzone. So, I'm not sure how that factors in. Also, this Orton fella, wasn't it only two games prior that he threw two passes (one on 4th and 20) the other down to the half yard line to set up a THIRD pass, the game winner? So...? That never happened? I'm confused.


    And if you're saying our coaches suck because our QB sucks...congrats, you just made my point for me.


    How many potentially game-winning passes do you think he's missed in his career? Is the coach only supposed to take into consideration his last two games out of the dozens and dozens he's played in his career?


    He's not Tom Brady. He's not Peyton Manning. You don't put the entire game in his hands like that in the redzone when your running back is averaging 6.1 yards per carry in a game. They were bad calls.


    I love how people seem to think coaches aren't supposed to know the limitations of their players when calling plays. "Orton sucks! It's not Marrone's fault! How was Marrone supposed to know Orton wasn't Aaron Rodgers???"

  2. And again, two of them would have netted go-ahead TD's had the thrown been anywhere near where it was supposed to be.


    So, I'm sorry. What are you trying to convince me? That the those playcalls sucked?


    It's a shame would haves don't count or we'd still be in the playoff race. And yeah, they were bad play calls. Anyone that doesn't take into consideration who their quarterback is (a career .500 QB) and what defense they're facing (#1 ranked against the pass) is an idiot and shouldn't be coaching an NFL team.

  3. The point is that Dixon was averaging over 6 yards per carry that game. Does it being 5 pass attempts in the redzone out of 7 plays instead of 6 straight passes make any difference when discussing whether or not they were bad play calls? Absolutely not.


    It sounds like your case is the one that sucks.


    Nevermind fans, commentators, mainstream media, and now players are all commenting on the bad play calling. YOU must be the one that has it right. Everyone else is just crazy.

  4. Well, the first thing never happened. And if even it did happen the way you said it did, you mean to tell me that on two of those passes where receivers were running wide open in the endzone and the QB just missed them...that's...the coach's fault?




    It's clear you're willing to reassess your assumptions.


    Also, two plays in two games does not three plays make.


    Actually it did happen.


    And yeah, because I named 2 instead of your arbitrarily demanded 3 examples my point is totally invalid. I also named 6 stupid plays instead of 5.

  5. its a fine line between constructive debate and fracturing a locker room. i wont judge which side this is on, but it could probably be an indicator of deeper running issues.


    It's one thing when a player is part of the problem and publicly trying to blame others, or when the criticism is unwarranted, but Aaron simply said what everyone else has been thinking all along. I can't fault the guy.

  6. This whole idea that players should keep their mouths shut is stupid imo. If the players have a problem with the way the coach is calling plays, just like EVERYONE else in the media and fanbase does, they should say something about it. I'm sure they're a lot more frustrated than we as fans are that they probably won't make the playoffs this year. Saying what he did is a lot better than saying what he's probably really thinking; "Get rid of this bum because he's holding the team back and we should be in the playoffs."

  7. Honest question: besides a few errant throws that landed right in his lap, was Kiko's rookie season THAT much more impressive than Preston Brown's has been? Not saying Brown's has been better but people forget that Kiko really cooled off after the first six games or so last year. Either way, I am psyched to have both of them starting next year.


    Yes. I remember a section of an all-22 last year dedicated to breaking down a couple plays in slow motion to show how fast Kiko was to diagnose and react to plays. He starts to react to a play before most of the other players even diagnose it. It was pretty amazing to see in super-slow motion.

  8. How can we be so unprepared for every opponent? What did we do in our bye week to prepare for the Chiefs? Did we overlook them and get ready for Miami? I don't think so. We have **** the bed the last two weeks. What are these coaches doing?????


    How the !@#$ do I know? Our roster is slightly more talented than Miami's imo. The only reason we lost was because of coaching. Which sucks because I was such a huge Marrone advocate and a Hackett apologist up until today. It doesn't feel great to have to admit you were wrong.

  9. What I have to say is very simple. People have called me a homer for as long as I've been posting on Buffalo Bills forums. I actually got banned from BBMB for mother!@#$ing pessimistic posters.


    But now that I've gotten suckered into a season I truly believed in and am forced to realize we'll miss the playoffs yet again, I'm conceding. I will not spend another dime on Bills tickets or gear until they make the playoffs. The Bills tattoo I got back in August is burning a hole in my back.Maybe I'll keep it under wraps for a couple years.


    It's a playoff roster without a doubt. The only thing left to blame is coaching.

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