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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. Yes. He's a little younger than Brady and Manning and probably still has 3-5 good years left in him. I'd trade our next 3 years worth of 1st round picks for Brees right now. We'd instantly be a superbowl contender for the next several years.
  2. Being at the game probably gives you a worse vantage point than anyone watching it on tv.
  3. How in the world do you know that? I've seen him do it numerous times this season. he didn't trip. He didn't stumble. He caught the ball and then just fell forward right before contact.
  4. No thanks on RGIII. We don't need someone sitting on the bench next to EJ after he fails.
  5. Some of his falls seemed on purpose to avoid contact. Kinda concerned me.
  6. Our defense is going to absolutely annihilate the Raiders offense. Of that much I'm sure. It'll just be up to the offense to put something, anything on the board.
  7. I think our defense is going to absolutely destroy their offense. It wouldn't surprise me if we tied the franchise sack record next week by racking up 7. I still expect our offense to struggle though. Because they suck. No way we score 41 points with the way Orton is playing.
  8. I can't remember the exact point in the game, but it was late and the Bills were trying to drive. Sammy had the ball and was running for a critical 1st down and instead of plowing forward he just dove to the ground and I was almost positive he was short. I think it got called back for a penalty anyway but it reminded me of Orton's slide last week short of the first. Did anyone else see that? If that kid isn't still hurt I'm really, really concerned with his avoidance of contact. Wasn't one of the things he was known for in college plowing over defenders? I've seen him go down to avoid contact all season.
  9. Beating the Pats in NE in week 17 would be just as good for me as making the playoffs.
  10. Aside from the "any given Sunday' thing I just don't think we have a great chance of winning. I'd love to be wrong though.
  11. The Bills would be a Superbowl contender with Andrew Luck.
  12. Because The Bills rarely play Rodgers or Manning. On the other hand, they play Tom Brady and Bill Bellichick twice a year every year. They've proven for a decade and a half that they can gameplan to completely dominate whatever roster the Bills have on the field and pull out a win. Brady's career record against the Bills is like 23-2. Also, they haven't lost a conference game at home in almost like 7 years.
  13. I am.... not very optimistic about our chances in NE.
  14. It must suck to have a QB that has 38 touchdowns on the season. Thank God we have Orton instead.
  15. Trading Kelvin Shepphard for Jerry Hughes was the best straight player-for-player trade in the history of the NFL.
  16. You can hear the culture change every time one of our defensive players land a crushing hit on someone with the ball. They're playing hungrier than I've ever seen.
  17. I'm glad we beat GB. it was impressive. But does anyone here really think we're going to beat the Pats in NE?
  18. A 10-6 record for a team that has had such a mess at QB this season is phenomenal imo.
  19. Whaley is probably the biggest asset in the entire franchise. The Bills would be insane to let him go. How many GMs in the league can you say have made as many brilliant moves as he has over the past 2 years? -Getting Kiko in the second round -The Jerry Hughes trade -Preston Brown, Corey Graham -Finding Robey as an undrafted free agent -Thigpen and Rambo Kiko and the Jerry Hughes trade would be enough to him in the "some of the best moves of any GM over the past 2 years" category. The rest is just icing on the cake. Preston Brown has played every defensive snap as a rookie and is looking like a steal for us. Graham has played above his billing in the secondary. Robey has turned into one of the best slot corners in the league. Thigpen and Rambo have surprised me these past couple weeks. Whaley definitely has an eye for hidden talent.
  20. Unless the Bills make the playoffs and actually advance to at least the second round Marrone as HC of the Year is laughable.
  21. Pittsburgh is favored over KC, The Niners are favored over the Chargers, and Denver is favored over Cinci. I feel good about this week.
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