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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. Who the hell are you and why do you care if someone else watches the Bills or football in general? I despise Tom Brady and wouldn't root for him. So what? That makes that the most ridiculous post you've ever seen? gtfo of here
  2. You're comparing a single year salary to an entire contract's cap hit. That doesn't really make sense. If a team knows they don't want to use a particular QB going forward, they're either stuck paying his salary or taking the dead money hit. Trading these players away before bonus and salary guarantees kick in would SAVE them money.
  3. There's a lot more going on in San Fran to explain that than what you're suggesting.
  4. Since I'd expect to be picking in the high 20s after next season with Kap as QB, I wouldn't mind trading our 2016 1st round pick for him.
  5. The most likely "unlikely trade" I can see on that list that I would like is trading the Niners for Kap. Depending on how their season ends the Niners FO might not be too happy that a 4th year QB led them to a losing record after a 12-4 playoff season, all right before he's set to get huge guaranteed money. Cam Newton is also a possibility but I haven't watched him AT ALL this year so I'm not up to speed with how he's looking. Of course the Bears will be trying like crazy to unload Cutler, but the more I read about his attitude and his huge contract the less I want the Bills to bother with him.
  6. If the Bills are thinking bold move, you have to look at the QBs who have big bonus and salary guarantees that kick in at the end of this year or during this offseason. Interestingly enough the biggest savings would be if the Patriots got rid of Brady at the end of this season. Otherwise his 2015-17 salaries of $24 million are guaranteed. As crazy as that sounds, it's a total Bellichick move. The Bears can save $10 million by getting rid of Cutler before March Ravens can save $7 by dropping Flacco right after the season ends Arizona can save $10.5 million by getting rid of Palmer before February The Niners can save $12.4 million by getting rid of Kap before April Dropping Dalton before March saves Cinci $4 million Panthers can save $14.5 mill by getting rid of Cam Newton before March
  7. Special Teams has contributed more to our wins than the offense has this season. Anyone complaining about the personnel decisions on ST is crazy.
  8. It's simply a matter of who is available. The rest of the roster is serviceable-to-excellent, so it's not like we need to go out and look for a ton of positional upgrades. I fully expect them to spend pretty much all of their time and resources trying to grab the best QB possible. With most important players still under contract, some big cap hits coming off the books next season, and plenty of money to sign the few FAs we want back, we should have plenty of money and cap space to grab whoever we can steal. I honestly wouldn't care if they packaged all of our remaining 2015 draft picks and some 2016 draft picks in a trade to grab a good QB from another team. We have plenty of young and talented players playing and developing right now. We can forgo adding more to get a QB that will take us into the playoffs NOW.
  9. JJ Watt has the same amount of Touchdowns as Sammy Watkins does. It makes me cringe.
  10. Beating Tom Brady and the Patriots in NE in week 17 > Making the playoffs and losing in the first round imo
  11. The problem with the argument that we should be able to shut down Brady because we shut down Rodgers and Manning is that the Patriots have proven time and time again that they "have our number." It's probably due to the larger degree of familiarity the Patriots staff and Brady has with the Bills, but whatever it is some teams are simply a bad matchup for certain teams. The Patriots have been our worst matchup of any team every year for the past 15 years. Even when we get off to hot starts their halftime adjustments always kill us. In games we dominate, Brady always finds a way to pull it out in the end for a win over Buffalo. It's not crazy for people to think they'll probably kick our asses in week 17. That being said, I hope I'm wrong and nothing would give me more satisfaction than the defense dominating Brady and handing them a loss at home. I'd get more joy from that than even making the playoffs would give me.
  12. Medical science is advancing so rapidly that this might be a moot point soon anyway. What they're doing with stem cells will likely make degenerative brain conditions a thing of the past in the not-so-distant future. Too many hits to the head? No problem. They'll be able to fix you right up.
  13. These types of things are kind of a wash anyway. Should we have won the Detroit game? Probably not but their kicker missed 3-4 field goals.
  14. If they haven't already, his family might want to start making funeral arrangements before this Sunday's game.
  15. I doubt he's the only person in the world that would be willing to shorten their lives by 10-15 years for millions of dollars in the prime of their life.
  16. We have a little plush Bills football that we pass around then spike at home, but that's only after a TD. So no, not after Field Goals. Unless it's a game-winner.
  17. No point in rehashing the past. We all knew how important the KC and Miami games were going into them. All we can do now is try to win our remaining games.
  18. To be fair, these guys get bombarded by these questions every single day multiple times a day from fans. It makes sense for them to ask the same questions their listeners want to know answers to when they get to interview someone from the Bills front office.
  19. I hope so! There'd be nothing better than to stick it to the Pats!
  20. -The Bills have never won in Foxboro -The Patriots have won 9 of their last 10 games -The Patriots have won their last 43 home games against AFC opponents -Tom Brady is 23-2 in his career against the Bills -The Patriots are ranked #1 in the power rankings right now -The Patriots have had 10+ win seasons in 10 of their last 11 seasons -This is the first season in a decade the Bills have gotten a .500 or better season -Bellichick and Brady have shown they can consistently own the Bills and pull out a W regardless of who is on the roster or who is coaching -Our offense has been absolutely horrendous over the past month and this year in general To name a few
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