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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. The nice thing about all this is that even if we were out of the picture I'd expect Denver to beat Cinci, the Steelers to beat KC, and SF to beat a Keenan Allen-less SD with a beat up Phillip Rivers.
  2. His career completion rate is 2 full percentage points higher than Orton's, better than Eli Manning's, and he went to the Pro Bowl in 2008.
  3. I say screw it, stick with Kyle Orton for one more year. With a couple upgrades we'll probably make the playoffs anyway. -Resign Hughes, Easley, and Wynn. Let Pears and Spikes Walk. -Sign G Mike Iupati from the Niners to upgrade the line -Sign either Julius Thomas from Denver or Jordan Cameron from the Browns to uograde TE Be in a similar situation in 2015 that we're in now, where we're close and may or may not make the playoffs. Then in 2016 we'll have a first round pick for trade ammunition, or to draft a 1st round QB, not to mention the following QBs will be free agents: Eli Manning Big Ben Phillip Rivers Sam Bradford Andrew Luck Ryan Tannehill Drew Stanton Nick Foles
  4. That's just how the NFL works. Some players feel dedication to certain teams. No team feels dedicated to a player.
  5. That doesn't really seem like something a player would publicly admit went into his decision to resign somewhere does it?
  6. Likely I think. He has to be aware that some of his success is due to who he's playing next to. I'm sure he doesn't want to go back to the type of production and profile he had before he was traded to the Bills.
  7. The Bills Dline better get a nickname after this season or I'm gonna be pissed.
  8. One of the best guards in the league is an FA this season and he's only making a million more a year than Pears, who is also an FA this season. Let Pears walk and sign Mike Iupati from the Niners and we instantly upgrade out line in a huge way. It would greatly reduce the need for us to gamble on more rookie linemen in the draft. Plus we still have young guys like Richardson and Kujo developing in the wings.
  9. Iupati would be like night and day compared to the guards we have. We'd instantly go to one of the worst guards in the league to one of the best, and he's only making a million more a year than Pears is right now.
  10. I'd be just as happy with big upgrades on the line. I think Orton could be a good QB with a solid pocket. Pears is a FA at the end of this season. If we were to let him walk replace him with someone like Mike Iupati from the Niners who is also a FA this offseason it'd be huge. He was voted to the Pro Bowl in 2012 & 2013 and is only 27 years old.
  11. In my fantasy football league this is what we would call the toilet bowl.
  12. As long as we upgrade QB in FA somehow, I don't even mind not having a 1st. I'm happy with the rest of our roster and we already have plenty of young guys developing in the wings.
  13. I remember thinking that as long as we picked in the 20s this season I'd be happy with trading up for Watkins. Here's where everyone would be picking if the draft were today: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000407751/article/updated-2015-nfl-draft-order-top-3-needs-for-all-32-teams Not sure why they list LB or S as out top needs though. Should read QB, OL, TE.
  14. If word starts leaking out that they're covering up a serious injury they may have no choice but to sit him. They could get in a lot of hot water for putting a player at risk like that, especially with all the recent media attention to the long-term physical dangers players face in the NFL.
  15. True. They're still really good though. GB is up there too imo.
  16. The Broncos have only given up 13 sacks and 33 QB hits all season.
  17. I sure notice a difference when I watch Green Bay's Oline.
  18. Bill Bellichick is notorious for getting rid of star players right after their prime but before they start to fade. He gets a high value for them BECAUSE he gets rid of them before they start laying stinkers.
  19. That all sounds fine until you realize that if someone like Phillip Rivers or even someone like Joe Flacco was our QB the "ill-coached passing attack" would be working fine. I find it hard to blame the coaches for a QB missing open receivers constantly.
  20. How would he know what happens when the offense does well?
  21. Here's the list of QBs with money that guarantees after this season. http://www.spotrac.com/premium/research/nfl/the-cost-to-cut-or-trade-a-2015-starting-qb-488/
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