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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. I'm asking the question, not stating it as a fact or even an opinion. But right now, here is what we know:


    Marrone chose to walk away and pocket some cash instead of working for Pegula.


    Polian talked to Pegula about serving as a consultant, and said "no thank you" - again, all he was going to do was consult, and something turned him off about the situation.


    Pat Lafontaine stormed out of the Sabres' organization because something about the management structure drove him mad.


    Right now, there does not appear to have been any coherent plan in place for the beginning of the NFL offseason - Pegula's first as team owner. He's had several months to figure out what he wanted to do, yet it seems like he's in reactive mode to the events unfolding in front of him. Maybe there's a plan and we're not privy to it, I really don't know. But I'm starting to wonder if this guy knows how to run a sports franchise. Something about him seems to be radioactive.


    Again, I'm just asking the question. I guess we'll find out soon enough.


    He hasn't even owned the team for 3 months......

  2. "Well obviously, you know, I obviously had to think about what's best for my family, ok. And obviously my time here was special, ok, but I obviously had to see what else was out there. My decision isn't a reflection of my feelings for this franchise or the reason, ok? Buffalo will obviously hold a special place in my heart always."

  3. I'm glad he's not on this team anymore. I absolutely hate his attitude about pretty much everything. From sitting in a sea of players in suits at the Etsies texting on his phone in a hoodie, to turning down an invite to the White house to meet the President because he "wanted to hang out at home on the couch" that day, to his most recent interview:


  4. I think they knew well enough to stay out of things while a season was underway, particularly since the Bills showed improvement. Now that the season is effectively over, I would imagine we'll soon find out what changes are coming (i.e., consultant, etc.).


    This. Plus I'd imagine a purchase that big and complex takes some settling into. There are so many moving parts on both the football side and the business side that you can't just rush in there and start changing things around until you have your bearings.

  5. So let me get this straight.... your plan to build a winning team is to sit back and suck for another season, hope that Rivers doesn't sign an extension, and then in 2016 offer him the highest salary ever in hopes of luring him to Buffalo?


    No. My plan is to stick with who we have in 2015 and then sign one of the QBs from a much better FA pool in 2016 than the FA pool in 2015.



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