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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. I guess we'll see just how clutch Russell Wilson is right now.
  2. Maybe he's faking it and looking for a sneaky pick. Seems weird that he's holding his arm to his chest like it's lame WHILE playing, almost like to advertise it. If he really was at a disadvantage you'd think he'd try to hide it.
  3. Nice try Fox channel. They just added 1 point on the scoreboard for GB out of nowhere lol
  4. I've been very surprised and impressed by GBs defense. They're playing lockdown D in a way I expected Seattle's defense to.
  5. Should have went for 2. Still a 2 score game, same as it would have been if they failed a conversion.
  6. That Seattle D has to be getting worn down. Seattle O hasn't been able to stay on the field at all and Lacy is a heavy punishing runner like Lynch. If GB can make it a 3 score game and then run the clock for the rest of the game Lacy will grind Seattle's D to dust.
  7. If they lose nothing is going to stick out as much as his 3 picks.
  8. If the Seahawks lose this game Russell Wilson will never live down this terrible performance. It'll be brought up in conversations about him years from now.
  9. There are a few guards available that are significant upgrades to what we have that would come much cheaper than Franklin or Iupati. I'm certainly not going to frown if they sign one of those two, but I think they could vastly improve the line for a lot less money and use that cash elsewhere. There are 3-4 FA OGs that took more snaps than Iupati in 2014 and had a PFF grade of +1 or higher. I'm on my phone so I don't have access to the list right now but Boling is one, and they ALL would be a huge upgrade over Pears(-29 OFF) at only a million or so dollars more than we're paying Pears right now($4.5 mill) Either way I was worried that we'd be stuck with Chris Williams since he just got a relatively big contract last year but I think he was Marrone's guy. I think the new coaching staff will eat the cost and try and replace him.
  10. At least Richard Sherman's antics and big talk are backed up with intelligence. Lynch just reminds me of a big dumb bratty child.
  11. Loving the game so far. I'd be psyched if we could get a Packers/Colts superbowl.
  12. I'd actually probably prefer a coach most people here hate because that would mean he's probably doing something right.
  13. I like Shwartz more as the D coordinator than a HC. If he does get the promotion I wouldn't be surprised if he promotes Pepper Johnson to D coordinator.
  14. The undead are hard to tackle iirc. It could be an advantage for us in 2015 imo.
  15. I'm excited if for no other reason than we might actually get a good coach now. The team was winning in spite of Marrone, not because of him. As long as Shwartz stays the Defense should be fine and really, could whoever the new coach is really do any worse on offense than Marrone did? It's exciting because we know the Pegulas aren't afraid to spend money, and with the roster as talented as it is Buffalo could actually be a pretty desirable place for prospective new coaches. We may not have a QB but walking into a job with a defense like we have is a pretty good safety net. A new coach is literally a QB away from taking a team that missed the playoffs for 15 years straight to a team that's a year-in and year-out playoff contender. That's like a dream job.
  16. Whaley is a really smart young GM, regardless of the hate he gets here. I'm glad he's going to be involved.
  17. I definitely wasn't excited when I heard Polian might be coming here. He's been out of the league way too long. Every time I read a comment by him it seems out of touch.
  18. -He made the best player-for-player trade in the history of the NFL when he got Hughes -He found one of the best slot corners in the league as an undrafted rookie free agent in Robey -Found a DROY runner up in the second round, with an extra pick he got from trading back -Found another stud every-down LB rookie in the 3rd round(Brown) -Found a starting RT in the 7th round -Let Byrd walk when everyone thought it was a terrible move -Signed Brandon Spikes, Corey Graham -Signed Rambo and Thigpen, who basically won us the Packers game.
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