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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. If there's one online bastion more responsible for progress, it's change.org


    Hey they brought Brian back on Family Guy!




    In November 2013, Aaron Thompson from Tuscaloosa, Alabama started a petition, directed at Seth MacFarlane to bring back Brian Griffin on Family Guy, after his death in Season 12 episode "Life Of Brian", he stated that "He added a witty and sophisticated element to the show," petition creator Aaron Thompson wrote. "Family Guy and Fox Broadcasting will lose viewers if Brian Griffin is not brought back to the show... they killed off the dog who has lived in our homes for the last 15 years. They killed the dog we all have come to love. They killed America's dog!" Thompson's petition gained 30,000 signatures within 36 hours and is still causing controversy today.[25][26][27] The character was brought back to the show a few episodes later.[28]
  2. But they're certainly concerned when a scandal involving them is a trending topic. It's every company's and every politician's nightmare. Companies have literally been put out of business by unfavorable videos of their employees treating a pizza delivery guy badly going viral.

    The duration of the popularity of this topic and the scale at which it trends will likely help determine how hard the league comes down on the Patriots. They'll basically do the least possible they can that they feel will cause the uproar of the scandal to subside.

  3. Is there any location yet for the Saturday night party ? We are trying to figure out the best location for our hotel, probably want to spend time in the city, but Sunday night near the stadium. If the Saturday party is near the stadium, we would stay near stadium, otherwise Friday / Saturday nights in the city and Sunday near Wembley.


    I'd like more information on this as well. Not only location but any details about the party anyone has heard up to now. Trying to decide whether to buy tickets for it or not.


    I think the point he was trying to make is that twitter is irrelevant. Or at least highly capricious.


    Then he doesn't understand the modern day media or the importance large corporations place on social media trends.

    Anyone that thinks large corporations don't pay close attention to Facebook or Twitter don't understand how public relations works in the 21st century. Both sites are more important to the NFL than anything that's written in a magazine or newspaper.


    - Yea those fans are going nuts because they lost to them but the players on those teams are advocating for letting it go because they know it had no impact.


    - Its being reported because the media will beat any story to death but many reporters and knowledgeable people, including former players, are saying that it has little to no impact on the outcome of a game and it happens a lot across the league. So while it may be a story it is a non-issue, my bad for poor choice of words.


    - Spygate happened and that was cheating but this is many years later and is not something I would consider cheating. Just because they were "caught" here doesnt automatically make the two connected. If you commit tax fraud and then get a speeding ticket for 10 mph over the limit those two dont necessarily point to a pattern of criminality. One is something obviously malicious and the latter is something that almost everyone does. The two are not related.


    If you're not interested in the topic of this thread, which is "Filing a complaint with the NFL," then go post in another thread. There are plenty of threads to discuss what you think about the Patriots, not that anyone cares what you think about the Patriots. Go post in those.

  6. Let's say your 8 year old son takes $5 from your wallet left on a night stand while you were out mowing the lawn. You note the loss of the $5 bill and for some reason confront the 8 year old regarding this. He says he knows nothing about it. You later find out from your 10 year old daughter (eye witness) that the boy took the $5 and she told him he would be sorry.


    Do you say "no big deal, it is only $5. That's not a lot of money and it doesn't really impact the economics of running my household" or do you freak out b/c your 8 year old is learning at a young age to steal, be dishonest, and lie?


    Is this a "minor infraction" or a very serious matter for you?


    To me, that is perfectly analogous to Deflate-gate.


    More importantly, this would have been the 2nd time you've caught your 8-year-old stealing from your wallet.

  7. I don't know about anyone else but I'm sick of the Patriots constantly undermining the integrity of the league. As if it's not hard enough to beat the best QB to ever play the game, we now have to compete with cheating. As far as I know the Patriots are the only team to ever been caught blatantly cheating and fined by the league, and now it's happened twice. I don't pay good money to see that kind of crap.

    Shoot a quick email to the league by clicking "Other" to let them know.


  8. Me personally I went with lower sideline seats because I want there to be as much blue visible in the stands as possible. I'm not sure what the club seats are like but I'm not going all the way to London to cheer for the Bills from a boxed-in room.


    Plus, good sideline seats are like half the price as Ralph sideline seats. Near midfield only 20 rows up were only $135 apiece. if you tried to get those seats for a game at the Ralph they'd be over $200.

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