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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. But it's still an advantage, and you are arguing a pretty substantial one- but not used unless it's under 45 degrees? Is it not an advantage in nice

    weather still?

    Your logic is flawed. Maybe they do deflate the balls in warm weather. The key stat is not how they do in warm weather, it's how everyone else in the league has a drop in production in bad weather except for the Patriots.

  2. ^I don't think you understand what I'm saying. You're taking the results of a single game to suggest that Tom Brady would never do better with a deflated ball.


    Another analogy: Patriots video tape opponents walk thru, but opponent never uses those plays and Pats win anyway. The Pats still cheated even if it didn't directly help them win.


  3. The whole argument of "Brady did better in the second half after the balls were switched by the refs" does nothing for either side of the argument. It doesn't suggest that the Patriots weren't deflating balls on purpose for an advantage and it doesn't mean that Tom Brady would do better with a fully inflated ball every time.

  4. It's funny because there have been plenty of people that have been saying for years that the Patriots are cheaters. Not only because of Spygate, but because of their actual play. Anyone that watches a ton of football can tell you that the Patriots win so many games because they do almost everything better than every other team in the league. So much so that it defies logic. It simply didn't make sense for a team(even with Tom Brady) to be that consistently good for so many years in every little category that every other team struggles with. Every single team's passing game struggles in bad weather, except the Patriots. Every other team struggles with turnovers at some point, except the Patriots. Injuries to key players devastate every other team in the league, but not the Patriots. They lose half their starters and don't miss a beat. Lots of little things.

    Yes, some of that can be attributed to Tom Brady being so good and Bill Bellichick being so smart. But not all of it. People that have been claiming the Patriots must be cheating, even before this deflation crap came out, said so because it's impossible to do what the Patriots do. It transcends having an amazing QB or coach.

    Who knows how long they were filming opposing coaches' signals during games before they got caught in 2007? people also forget that they got busted for using weird radio signals during that same investigation. The league could never pin the exact reason, but it was most likely to listen to calls opposing teams were making. The official report says the Patriots "were found using several strange radio frequencies that the team could not properly give an excuse for." Who knows how many years they were using slightly under-inflated balls to make it easier for their offense to throw and catch, and making it easier for their ball carriers to not fumble? People saying this deflategate scandal isn't a big deal need to realize just how big an advantage something like that would give you over a period of time. Consider this:

    The Patriots are the only team in the league that average MORE yards per carry in bad weather games than they do in fair weather games. Here's a breakdown of some of the top passing teams over 2010-2014:


    And what about fumbles? Surely a huge game-changing event in any game. A deflated ball is much easier for a runner or WR to grip onto and not be stripped of. How have the Patriots' fumble stats stacked up over the past few years compared to the rest of the league?

    2014: 2nd least fumbles lost

    2013: t5th least fumbles lost

    2012: t4th least fumbles lost

    2011: t1st least fumbles lost

    2010: 1st least fumbles lost

    2009: t4th least fumbles lost

    Am I to believe that every player on the Patriots roster over the past 5 years, even though they've gone through so many different RBs and WRs during that time, just happen to have some of the best hands in the league? No. The chances of that are slim to none. Ex Patriots players have also accused Bellichick of having players listed on the injury list practice during the week(which is illegal). if true it's no wonder his players never seem to come in "cold" after missing games due to injury. They come back and pick up right where they left off.

    All of these things might seem minor, but when you add them all together, combined with god knows what other rules he's bending or breaking, it adds up to a distinct advantage that explains the Patriots' unexplainable consistent success over the past 15 years. Are the Patriots good? Really good? Yes. Are the Patriots as impossibly good as they've appeared to be over the past decade and a half? NO.

    And now you know why I hate the Patriots.

  5. Lingerie Bowl sounds like fun. I might have to check that out. Especially if the Patriots start running away with the game.


    Someone posted this petition on the Bills boards that has over 22,000 signatures already to strip the pats of their AFC champ title



  6. Lol what a terrible excuse. The weather?! 11 out of 12 of the Patriots balls were affected by weather and 12 out of 12 of the Colts balls weren't? Yeah ok.


    I'm sure the under-inflated balls the Colts complained about when they played the Pats earlier in the season and the ones in the Ravens/Pats game were caused by the weather too. Get out of here with that apologist crap.

    And the source you use is Boston.com lmao. No way they're biased.

  7. Matt Leinart says “every” quarterback tampers with the ball, except one


    “Every team tampers with the footballs,” Matt Leinart said on Twitter. “Ask any Qb In the league, this is ridiculous!!”


    Leinart then carved out one exception: “Actually my guy @kurt13warner didn’t tamper w the footballs because he wore gloves,” Leinart said. “Used to irritate me..So correction, almost all QBs!”





    Every team tampers with footballs or every team tampers with footballs enough to significantly alter their stiffness outside of the allowed parameters? Big difference.

  8. And in light of this happening in 2007, why wouldn't today's news be a big deal?



    NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has determined that the New England Patriots violated league rules Sunday when they videotaped defensive signals by the New York Jets' coaches, according to league sources.

    NFL security officials confiscated a camera and videotape from Patriots video assistant Matt Estrella on the New England sidelines when it was suspected he was recording the Jets' defensive signals. Sources say the visual evidence confirmed the suspicion.

    Goodell is considering severe sanctions, including the possibility of docking the Patriots "multiple draft picks" because it is the competitive violation in the wake of a stern warning to all teams since he became commissioner, the sources said. The Patriots have been suspected in previous incidents.

    The Patriots will be allowed an opportunity to present their case by Friday, sources said, most likely via the telephone.

    NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said on Tuesday that no official decision has been made and that the club has not been notified.

    How it came to light?

    NEW YORK -- A story in Wednesday's New York Daily News claims that Jets coach Eric Mangini, a former New England assistant under Bill Belichick, came armed with keen knowledge of the team's surveillance methods -- and finally decided to act.

    "[The Jets] knew they did it," the Daily News wrote, citing a person with knowledge of the situation, who sent the newspaper an e-mail. "They caught the guy a year ago, but couldn't do anything about it. When Eric came, he said that's what they used to do. Bill is going to be [ticked] at Eric. He kissed and told."

    Sunday's game was the fifth time Mangini has coached against Belichick since joining the Jets.

    -- ESPN.com news services

    The league also was reviewing a possible violation into the number of radio frequencies the Patriots were using during Sunday's game, sources said. The team did not have a satisfactory explanation when asked about possible irregularities in its communication setup during the game.

    Goodell is expected to have a decision no later than Friday, but that date is not set in stone.

    Patriots owner Robert Kraft was asked Tuesday when he expected a verdict, but said those questions had to be directed toward Goodell.

    "There is an investigation going on now, and perhaps an adjudication of it, and I think it would be inappropriate at this time to make any comment," Kraft told reporters at a charity appearance Tuesday. "When you're successful in anything, a lot of people like to try to take you down and do different things. We understand that.

    "We worked very hard to try to put an organization together that we all could be proud of in New England, and we're very proud of the New England Patriots organization and the record that they've established over the last 13 seasons and one game."

  9. Didn't they get accused of or investigated for also Listening into other teams radio transmissions. Think it was Jets maybe Can't remember. They found all but 1 of the balls under inflated. Nothing will come out of it.. Just seems When cheating or bending the rules. No other teams name but the New England. Some people sleep well no matter what they do.



    September 13, 2007, 12:04 PM ET

    NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has determined that the New England Patriots violated league rules Sunday when they videotaped defensive signals by the New York Jets' coaches, according to league sources.

    NFL security officials confiscated a camera and videotape from Patriots video assistant Matt Estrella on the New England sidelines when it was suspected he was recording the Jets' defensive signals. Sources say the visual evidence confirmed the suspicion.

    Goodell is considering severe sanctions, including the possibility of docking the Patriots "multiple draft picks" because it is the competitive violation in the wake of a stern warning to all teams since he became commissioner, the sources said. The Patriots have been suspected in previous incidents.

    The Patriots will be allowed an opportunity to present their case by Friday, sources said, most likely via the telephone.

    NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said on Tuesday that no official decision has been made and that the club has not been notified.

    The league also was reviewing a possible violation into the number of radio frequencies the Patriots were using during Sunday's game, sources said. The team did not have a satisfactory explanation when asked about possible irregularities in its communication setup during the game.

    Goodell is expected to have a decision no later than Friday, but that date is not set in stone.

    Patriots owner Robert Kraft was asked Tuesday when he expected a verdict, but said those questions had to be directed toward Goodell.

    "There is an investigation going on now, and perhaps an adjudication of it, and I think it would be inappropriate at this time to make any comment," Kraft told reporters at a charity appearance Tuesday. "When you're successful in anything, a lot of people like to try to take you down and do different things. We understand that.

    "We worked very hard to try to put an organization together that we all could be proud of in New England, and we're very proud of the New England Patriots organization and the record that they've established over the last 13 seasons and one game."

  10. The chances of the Patriots being suspended from the Superbowl is pretty much zero. The chance of any player or coach being suspended is probably like 5%. Losing a meaningful draft pick, maybe 10%. They'll almost definitely just give them a meaningless monetary fine. But I hope they do more than that.

    More importantly, I hope this becomes a big enough deal that, combined with Spygate, will tarnish Bill Bellichick's name and let him go down in NFL history as the cheater he is rather than a great coach.

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