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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. Not sure how people could still be claiming this study is flawed. The wall street journal doesn't exactly post garbage. The study has been redone to include all fumbles both lost and not and the Patriots are still off the charts.


    And why are people acting like the Patriots are the only team that benches players that fumble?

  2. The average person wouldn't notice a corked bat, yet it provides a huge advantage.


    When you're talking about repeat offenders from the largest cheating scandal in NFL history, it becomes less about how much of ajar advantage it is and more about the fact that they're cheating period.


    Anyone thinking the Patriots are being unfairly persecuted needs to realize that they forfeitted the right to get the benefit of the doubt when they were caught cheating in 2007. Period.

  3. The quote you are looking for is here in the last 2 or 3 paragraphs: http://mmqb.si.com/2015/01/22/deflategate-reaction-of-nfl-coaches-bill-belichick-press-conference/

    Yes thank you. If the league tries to claim they don't have enough evidence every news org in the world will be splashing this quote around.

    Cnn using 13.5 vs 10.5 and not easily distinguished (despite being the gap from accused to the TOP end of the legal range).

    I doubt anyone at CNN has ever played football, let alone QB. I wouldn't expect every random Joe to notice a difference.


    The most likely guilty party in all of this is the guy handling the footballs; so Brady. Any smoking gun will, if it shows up, involve him. If it does show up, then the case is closed.


    If nothing shows up, the league is in a bind. Should they choose to employ the relaxed "burden of proof" that you speak of and cast blame on Brady, without full proof, the league had better prepare itself for a defamation suit. Brady has ample $ to afford hiring a who's who team of the hottest lawyers in existence to battle things out in court. Faced with the very real possibility of losing, I can't imagine the league would touch this with a 10 foot pole.

    I'm sure there's something in player contracts about agreeing to abide by rulings by the league. It would only make sense for the league to proactively protect itself from those kinds of lawsuits from players.

  5. I have a bad feeling they're not going to do anything because they "Don't have any/enough proof" to pin it on the Patriots. Which is bull ****. Within the last 3 days I someone post Roger Goodell's letter to the competition committee he wrote right after Spygate that basically said that from here on out the league was going to significantly relax the "burden of proof" required of the league when dealing with these matters. I have a feeling the words in that letter are going to splashed all over the internet when the league claims they don't have the evidence to punish the pats.


    Does anyone have a link to that letter or what it said? I'm driving myself crazy trying to find it on google.

  6. Nevada State Senator Rips the NFL today


    Harry Reid, Dean Heller rip NFL for ‘deflategate’
    By Lucy McCalmont
    1/22/15 6:08 PM EST

    Nevada Sen. Dean Heller ® called upon the National Football League Thursday to “restore the credibility of the game” in the wake of the alleged use of underinflated balls recently by the New England Patriots.

    “I am seeking decisive actions ensuring all teams are playing according to the rules,” Heller said Thursday in a statement, adding that the league should work with the NFL Players Association to resolve the issue ahead of the Super Bowl on Feb. 1....



  7. Thrive for 5. Bending the rules is cheating - plain and simple. The Cheatriots are repeated offenders. Only Roger Goodell know what was on the destroyed tapes from (7?) years ago



    Win or lose, Patriots have sacrificed their legacy - The Boston Globe




    I actually don't care if the league does absolutely nothing or even if the Patriots go on the win the bowl AS LONG AS this scandal is finally the one, when combined with everything else, that forever taints the legacy of Bellichick and Brady. If 30 years from now people talk about those two as being embroiled in huge cheating scandals, I'll be a happy man.


    OP, where'd you get this table from? Are we talking about YPA here? Is "cold" defined as 45 degrees or some other temperature? Was it an article? I'd be interested in seeing the narrative and context as well as seeing how the rest of the league matches up, particularly other cold weather teams like the Bears, Bills, and Browns.


    This is pretty fascinating stuff as well. I'd argue YPA (if that's what the above table represented) and fumble ratio are the two most important factors in the success of an offense.


    Yep it's yards per attempt. It was from an article on USA TODAY a couple days ago:



  9. I'd imagine the league is scrambling to figure out exactly what to do before Goddell makes a press conference. The problem is that everyone's patience is thin because he took so long on the Ray Rice thing.


    I wouldn't be surprised if we hear from him within the next couple days and he announces the investigation has been completed and lays out the punishment(if there is any) right then and there.




    I posted this snipet yesterday as it was being tweeted around. This is the most hardcore evidence of cheating imo. It almost exonerates Brady since it lends to the theory that the deflated ball helps reduce fumbles, especially in bad weather. It helps the RB's grip the ball better. It may not help or harm Brady in any way to have the ball 2 PSI below the minimum levels.

    Reminds me of the Barry Bonds saga. Even though he was already a great player, at some point in his career he cheated to gain an additional edge. The Pats did this in 2007 and saw results and kept doing it. They play outdoors in typical Northeast weather...similar to Jets, Giants and Bills. Brady might be better than other QB's at ball security but they should not be this far above the other Northeast clubs.


    That write-up is basically all anyone should need to see. It's as close to a smoking gun as you can get.

  11. YET the guy who intercepted him could?


    Something that makes me think the league is just doing this to cause drama and pump up ratings for the Superbowl is that the Colts player who intercepted the ball posted on Twitter yesterday "Um, I don't know who said that but I didn't notice anything about the ball."


    I get the feeling that the league has known the Patriots have been doing this for a long time and only chose to make a big deal out of it right before the Superbowl.

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