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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. Yeah, but Richard Sherman doesn't need the league as much as the league needs him. Even if he wasn't playing football, I'm sure he would be doing fine in some other career. He's an intelligent, driven dude. I'm sure he has calculated his every move in front of the cameras.


    I'm sure he has. He's a smart dude. Lynch not so much.


    But you have to wonder what his endgame is. Is he playing chicken with the league and betting that his talent level is high enough that they'll have to make some changes to their rules due to the bad press he's heaping on them? He can't know for an absolute fact that all this won't negatively affect his career. Calling out the commissioner like he did is a really big deal. He basically accused him of being a cheat and colluding with the Patriots. Up to this point I don't think they'll do anything for what he's said so far, but how long will he continue to do this? And what will he say next? There has to be a line in the sand somewhere that the league will not be ok with him crossing.



    Overlooked by the CMU folks (and Belichick, and others) was the reported ability of the Colts’ footballs to remain within the accepted range of 12.5 to 13.5 PSI after the same duration of exposure to the same elements and conditions. If, on average, the footballs tested at a starting PSI lost 1.8 pounds on average (i.e., 14.4 percent of their air pressure), footballs pumped even to the maximum of 13.5 PSI would have lost 1.94 PSI on average, taking them to 11.56, nearly a full bound below the minimum limit.
  3. I don't care what anyone says, no company in the World is going to let an employee say anything they want to make the company look bad and employ them no matter what they say. If Sherman and Lynch keep escalating their criticism of the league like they have been they risk running into serious problems. Sherman just basically accused the NFL commissioner of cheating and a cover-up. This is after he criticized their press conference policies and called them hypocritical for having alcohol ad sponsors. Who knows what he'll say next? When you start messing with a multi-billion company's money and criticizing their sponsors you're probably going to have a bad time.

  4. The whole point I was trying to make is that it doesn't matter how good you are, if you make yourself enough of a problem for WHATEVER reason you can get blackballed. What Lynch and Sherman are doing are arguably worse for the league's image than anything else people have been blackballed for before. They're coming right out and criticizing the league and how they run their business repeatedly. It's not impossible for it to get to a point that the league simply tells teams they better not sign them or else.

  5. bull ****. And do you know why? Because they are both very good. The Bills gave up Lynch for nothing and one reason was his character. Winning teams worry about winning, not about their players being boy scouts. As long as they can play they will do so and be well compensated for it. Blackballed, please.

    Yeah you're probably right. That's why Josh Gordon will probably still get a huge contract. And why Mike Williams, who had like 11 touchdowns in 2013 isn't currently sitting at home without a job. Which team is Pro Bowler Incognito playing for again?

  6. I don't know. I find it hard to believe that all these other teams are tampering with balls and blowing off the violation of the rules as "everyone does it."


    There is a process in place to check the balls. Would take a lot of chutzpah to have the refs measure the balls and then take them and deflate them. I just can't see other teams doing that.

    Because other teams don't. And even if they were, "Well everyone else is doing it!" is not a valid excuse for convicted cheaters. If the league is being harsher on them, it's their own fault.

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