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Everything posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. I'm sure he has. He's a smart dude. Lynch not so much. But you have to wonder what his endgame is. Is he playing chicken with the league and betting that his talent level is high enough that they'll have to make some changes to their rules due to the bad press he's heaping on them? He can't know for an absolute fact that all this won't negatively affect his career. Calling out the commissioner like he did is a really big deal. He basically accused him of being a cheat and colluding with the Patriots. Up to this point I don't think they'll do anything for what he's said so far, but how long will he continue to do this? And what will he say next? There has to be a line in the sand somewhere that the league will not be ok with him crossing.
  2. I don't care what anyone says, no company in the World is going to let an employee say anything they want to make the company look bad and employ them no matter what they say. If Sherman and Lynch keep escalating their criticism of the league like they have been they risk running into serious problems. Sherman just basically accused the NFL commissioner of cheating and a cover-up. This is after he criticized their press conference policies and called them hypocritical for having alcohol ad sponsors. Who knows what he'll say next? When you start messing with a multi-billion company's money and criticizing their sponsors you're probably going to have a bad time.
  3. The whole point I was trying to make is that it doesn't matter how good you are, if you make yourself enough of a problem for WHATEVER reason you can get blackballed. What Lynch and Sherman are doing are arguably worse for the league's image than anything else people have been blackballed for before. They're coming right out and criticizing the league and how they run their business repeatedly. It's not impossible for it to get to a point that the league simply tells teams they better not sign them or else.
  4. Uh, Kerry Rhodes and Incognito didn't suck and weren't too old to play.
  5. Really reaching now aren't you? Kind of pathetic.
  6. Nice deflection. Like I said, try another thread.
  7. http://deadspin.com/is-the-nfl-blacklisting-kerry-rhodes-1300128496 http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nfl--tim-tebow-blackballed-by-nfl-teams-because-of-cult-like-following--media-frenzy-054940389.html http://houston.cbslocal.com/2014/01/03/chris-kluwe-the-nfl-would-rather-have-felons-and-racists-and-abusers/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dexter-rogers/why-is-terrell-owens-bein_b_649441.html http://blogofsports.sportsblog.com/posts/1260884/is_the_nfl_blackballing_richie_incognito_.html http://www.titansreport.com/topic/4718-vince-young-blackballed/ And regardless of those links, you're trying to create a straw man argument by making it seem like I'm saying the NFL is blackballing people left and right. Anyone that looks back to the previous page can see that's not what I said at all.
  8. "Corrected" me? lmao. It's nice that you think your opinion is a fact, but it's not. You didn't "correct" me on anything. You don't see the connection and that's fine. Stupid but fine.
  9. ^^Again, if you cannot understand the connection between those good players being blackballed and other good players being blackballed I suggest you find another topic to discuss. I'm not here to connect dots a kid could connect for you.
  10. If you can't see the relevance of good players who are not playing because of negative press they brought the league I'm not sure what to tell you. Try another thread?
  11. Yeah you're probably right. That's why Josh Gordon will probably still get a huge contract. And why Mike Williams, who had like 11 touchdowns in 2013 isn't currently sitting at home without a job. Which team is Pro Bowler Incognito playing for again?
  12. Except for the extremely powerful multi-billion dollar company you work for that doesn't like you making them look bad?
  13. Even if it was a common practice, why are people acting like the Patriots shouldn't be under stricter supervision regardless? This is still the same coach and QB that got caught cheating in 2007.
  14. Because other teams don't. And even if they were, "Well everyone else is doing it!" is not a valid excuse for convicted cheaters. If the league is being harsher on them, it's their own fault.
  15. Nobody cares dude. I'll repeat: Absolutely nobody here except you and the 3-4 people that are trying to defend the Patriots cares about your explanations. Nobody. The Patriots cheated again and they're going to be punished.
  16. For the millionth time, why in the world would anyone give the Patriots the benefit of the doubt when they've already been caught cheating?
  17. They're not the ones who decide how the Patriots' legacy will be remembered. That's the public's job. And in the eyes of the public it's a big deal and the Patriots have already been found guilty.
  18. luckily it's not a non-story to most of America.
  19. I almost can't wait until this whole scandal to blows over so I don't have to read Bills fans tripping over themselves to defend the Patriots.
  20. Yeah they're treading in dangerous waters. There's all kinds of rules written into the league that are meant to prevent players from badmouthing the league. I'm not saying Lynch and Sherman are wrong, just that it's not a great career move.
  21. What would Tony Dungy know about football anyway?
  22. Sherman and Lynch are going to meet untimely ends to their football careers in my opinion. They both keep calling out the league publicly and trying to make them look bad. Sherman with his words and Lynch with his actions. They're going to end up getting blackballed if they keep it up.
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