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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. I doubt it's a coincidence that this was leaked while the Patriots are physically en route to the Superbowl. Travelling so they can't make an official response yet.

    lmao a Patriots fan just summed their message board up perfectly:


    Monday after accusation: "It's a ridiculous witch-hunt!"
    Tuesday after 11 of 12 report: "We're f**ked!"
    Thursday after BB/Brady pressers: "It's a ridiculous witch-hunt!"
    Friday after NFL's presser: "We're f**ked!"
    Saturday after BB's explanation: "It's a ridiculous witch-hunt!"
    After Bill Nye's rebuttal: "We're f**ked!"
    After twitter and Vegas report the conspiracy angle: "It's a ridiculous witch-hunt!"
    After Glazer's report of ball attendant: "We're f**ked!"



    I said this up thread a bit too, but I still think it's interesting that BB basically said 'Ask Tom, I don't know.' right after the Pats* restructured Tom's contract to make him cheaper to cut. They are famous for cutting ties a year or two early, though this is obviously far fetched


    It would be the most Bellichick-like move of Bellichick's entire career to get rid of Brady a year or two before people expect. I've been saying all season it's going to happen sooner than people think.

  3. i dont think theres a ton to hide.... if they have the pressure measurements pre game, the guy handling the balls out of the ordinary, and then the balls low pretty soon after (didnt even make it to halftime)... they could hammer the pats just like they did the saints for various institutional control, and non-cooperation penalties. i thought they got crazy with it then, but there is precedent for it now.


    but they would not want the saints style push back the week before the super bowl. ill still guess large fine and day 2 draft pick, but they have very much surprised me before.


    My guess is that they had the video and they just needed a confession from the ballboy, possibly implicating one of the coaches or Brady. Because having those two pieces of proof would allow them to absolutely eviscerate the Patriots.

  4. This is really starting to hit the sports news now.

    most pundits are saying that there is no way this attendant would deflate the balls on his own.

    it's simply not believable and most are saying

    the the patriots are cheaters for sure.


    It's unthinkable that anyone lower than a coach or player would ever have the balls to do something like this on their own. We're talking about handling the tools of millionaire celebrities as a low-level employee. It'd be like some lowly sound tech altering the whole sound system for a Metallica concert without consulting the band.

  5. we can agree there. especially since there is no indication it changed the outcome, the nfl has little incentive to rush this and risk messing it up on the largest stage by dq'ing the pats.


    That's why I think it has to be the NFL has nothing or the NFL has everything. If it was anywhere in between they would have made a statement right away trying to temper expectations or quiet the public roar a little bit. Because by staying quiet for this long, they're either going to be completely embarrassed when they announce they have no proof or completely vindicated and celebrated when they announce they'd made the biggest cheating bust in almost a decade.

  6. How could it possibly be the latter; if the NFL has an absolute smoking gun implicating cheating beyond all doubt and they let the Patriots represent the AFC in the Superbowl anyway would be the worst PR nightmare in history.


    It's not practical to change the teams in the superbowl no matter what they do. As soon as the Patriots/Colts game ended millions of dollars were placed in bets around the world.


    If they have a smoking gun, they'd want to take their time to tie up every loose end and make sure they're fully prepared to present it. There'd be no rush to announce their findings right away, because once everyone hears the findings the discussion is over. IF it's a smoking gun.

  7. The crazy thing about this entire situation is the absolute silence by the NFL. Not one statement. DO THEY BELIEVE THIS IS JUST GOING TO GO AWAY?


    Staying this silent could only mean 2 things in my opinion: One it was botched by the NFL and they have nothing on the Pats and want it to go away OR two, they have an absolute smoking gun that, once released, will completely implicate the Patriots beyond all doubt. I hope it's the latter.

    all it takes is 2 PSI.....


    And player substitutions meant to circumvent the rules. And god knows whatever else they do. If someone is willing to cheat by deflating a football and record opposing coaches signals/listen to opposing team's radio transmissions there's no doubt they're willing to do other illegal things that give them an advantage. Just because they haven't been caught doing anything else doesn't mean they haven't been.


    Just your claim that they still have video. No video is safe in NFL hands.


    Good point.


    I mean if it WAS found that the Patriots have been deflating balls for years would anyone really be surprised? The Patriots have been able to maintain an almost impossible streak of winning even as things around them fell apart after their amazing 2007 season. Digging into stats like fumbles and passing in bad weather it's clear they were performing at a level a 37-year-old QB with far worse receivers shouldn't be, even if it's Tom Brady. I mean you can watch the Patriots and SEE that they're not as good as they were back then, yet they still keep winning. Not even Bellichick and Brady are THAT good. They've whiffed on plenty of high draft picks, a lot of their key star players are getting really old, they've gone through a bazillian RBs, yet they're ALWAYS good even when you can watch individual players play and see they're not individually as good as they used to be.



    Yeah, it's unfathomable to think there might be some exaggerating of the transgression on this board. There were only thousands of posts (tens of thousands?) prior to this incident, by people displaying "negativity" towards the Patriots.


    You mean since they got caught cheating in 2007? I wonder why people would be negative towards them after the were caught cheating. Weird.

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