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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. If you thought Patriots* fans were insufferable before, just wait until they beat Seattle Sunday night.


    Greatest Team of All Time. Case closed. No more debate. Brady > Montana (won't make any sense because it never did but it will be said).


    The Patriots won't win if they can't cheat. They can't cheat because they're under a microscope because it's the SB. Probably the same reason they were undefeated in 2007 and then lost in the Bowl to the Giants. The league supplies the balls for the SB.

  2. I'm sure I'm in the minority but I'm not sure Kraft and Goodell like each other at all anymore. Kraft is as big a scumbag as Bellichick IMO and is a master at making himself out to look like the good guy or that he is your friend. He's an !@#$ of the highest order. He's known for lobbying for Goodells payday but that's exactly his MO. So he can use it down the line. He doesn't give a **** how much money Goodell makes. The NFL surely looks like it set up a sting. Goodell is probably furious at the Patriots right now unless you subscribe to the they're going to make a mint off this scandal. Kraft just did his scumbag lay down the gauntlet folly aimed right at Goodell. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they hate each other these days. Although if one has to die it's probably going to be Goodell. Kraft is evil and good at it.


    I don't think they do either. They're starting to play dirty against each other.

  3. I think it's funny the league leaked it when the Patriots were on a plane heading to the SB, so they couldn't respond for a couple hours even if they wanted to. I'm starting to sense some bad blood between the league and the Pats, because that's a pretty dirty tactic. Combined with Robert Kraft's statements yesterday there definitely seems to be a rift in his and Goodell's relationship.


    It's not fast if there's someone else who's already in the bathroom, waiting. Two people could easily do this in 90 seconds.


    Good point. I hadn't even considered that.

  4. Just for clarification, Sherman and Lynch don't work for the NFL. They work for Paul Allen and the Seattle Seahawks. If Sherman and Lynch were bad mouthing the Seahawks I could see them being fired. Unless there are specific rules regarding expressing opinions about the league they can't force Allen to do anything. Paul Allen could tell the league and the other owners to go to hell. If you don't think that happens Google Al Davis. We live in a very litigious society, if the league started pressuring owners to blackball players for speaking negatively, at some point they would get sued. That kind of law suit could jeopardize the NFL's anti-trust exemption. They would never take that chance.


    Yes, there are rules regarding expressing opinions of the league. Colin Kaepernick drew an in-game penalty and a fine from the league for criticizing Goodell in earshot of refs between plays while talking to Bears defensive end LaMarr Houston(http://theupfl.com/2014/09/kaepernick-fined-criticizing-goodell/). And we all know how often coaches get fined for criticizing refs.


    That might be true, but they aren't anywhere close to that, right? Both are (so far) sticking to specific incidents that torque them off - Lynch on his friend being fined for a celebration (he and Lynch) say he didn't make, and Sherman on the public, close friendship and acceptance of valueable gifts (box seats etc) creating an appearance of favoritism/impropriety between Goodell and Kraft.

    The league looks really bad if it torques them for that.


    Hard to say. I definitely don't think the league will do anything to either of them(other than fines maybe) for what they've said/done so far, but I think Lynch is more in danger of being blackballed by teams because he's just acting like a brat. The golden cleats, the crotch grab, refusing to say anything to the media except "Thanks for asking" to every question. There's gotta be a point where teams just don't want to deal with that kind of crap. It's a distraction to the the rest of the team and bad press.

    Seattle is already expected to dump Lynch at the end of the season and he basically took them to the Superbowl this year. That's got to say a lot about what they think of his antics.

  6. The big question for me is "Was that kid supposed to be handling the balls(lol) at that moment? If that was the normal point of the routine for him to go get the balls from the official's locker room and bring them to the field, I'm skeptical he did anything more than go take a piss. If however he wasn't supposed to be taking them from the official's locker room or if the balls are normally brought out by an official or some other employee of the NFL, it's very suspicious.

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