I'm convinced that the Buffalo News has an agenda with the Bills. The letters tend to run more negative than positive...PTR
I think you're missing the point of the "letters" section, whether it's in the sports or editorial section.
The News' objective, as with all advertising, PR or sales literature (now there's an oxymoron), is to present a point of view that breaks through the "white noise" and gets you to have an emotional reaction. The more negative / outrageous the better.
For example, who gets more ink, airtime or $$$$$$-- Paul Harvey or Rush Limbaugh?
It's all about relieving you of your hard-earned 50 cents ($2.00 on Sunday). Don’t take it personally, it’s just entertainment…the same way Jim Rome, Howard Stern, or for you real golden oldies, Howard “telling it like it is” Cosell, gained fame and fortune.
Just remember, what Sullivan (either Margaret or Jerry) have to say is immaterial...it's only designed to get a rise out of you...sort of like Rudy on TSW.
Today’s news is tomorrow’s bird-cage liner.