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Posts posted by Cash2Burn

  1. I agree with Marv.


    The thing I love about pop culture is that its the same people who proclaim at every opportunity they're "individualists" who invariably look/dress/mimic whatever the latest fashion fad is (ball caps, low-rise pants, boxers, tats, piercings, you name it). What's so individualistic about dressing exactly like everyone else, whether its Republican wingtips or do-rags?


    People not afraid to follow convention probably do have an extra 15 points of IQ to draw upon.

  2. Florida should have building codes for hurricanes.



    And what do you propose to do with all the manufactured housing and trailers, which is what's damaged most often by these storms?


    There are thousands upon thousands of retirees living in manufactured housing throughout the state of Florida, even in relatively affluent areas. These folks can't just trade up to "brick and mortar."


    I read this is the first time since 1896 that one state has been hit by four major hurricanes in a single year. The cost of retrofitting existing infrastructure to withstand these types of storms would be hundreds of times greater than the monetary damage they create. As to the human damage, that's another story.

  3. Quite sure. :blink:


    ``I'm not entirely sure what would happen if you Rosened at 200 miles per hour,'' Swanson said. ``But it wouldn't be pretty, that's for sure.''






    I was at the NHRA U.S. Nationals drag race about 6-7 years ago when exhibition cycle racer Elmer Trent fell off his bike shortly after crossing the finish line at about 200 mph.


    According to the track EMTs, every single bone in his body was broken and his face was completely sanded away by the friction with the blacktop when his helmet eventually failed. The first few seconds of the accident were shown live on the Jumbotron before they could cut away. I don't think it's something anyone who was there will ever forget.


    This kid had to be under the influence of something to do 205 on the public highways.

  4. How about eric moulds not turning the ball over??? especially in thred zone..um..um.. I mean bledsoe sucks, sorry




    Exactly. That fumble was all DB's fault. <_<


    That's at least three and possibly seven points that make the "reclaimation" project look a lot different on Monday morning. Drew caused Lindell's kick to sail wide too.


    Pot stiring is what "journalists" do on slow days to justify being on the payroll. Now that the season's here, the only thing that matters is three hours on Sunday. Everything else is just parasitic B.S.

  5. "Is Denney now officailly a bust?"


    Why is it that every post that asks..."is [fill in name] officially a bust?" written by someone relatively new to TSW? Are you just trying to get a rise out of people? ;)


    Denny's an effective role player who'll never get a lot of sacks. But every team needs quality depth guys like him. He'll get a lot of playing time and make Kelsay all the better for it.

  6. Haddad and Sape do not qualify I believe.



    Sombody better tell the Bills then:




    Most likely, Sape and Haddad were not activated 10 times on game day by either the Bills (Sape) or Indy (Haddad), so they qualify for the PS.


    I'm disappointed that Lawton wasn't picked back up. I thought he had some real potential to be a Jamie Mueller-type of player (good hands, good special teams).

  7. The Chinese govenment is suspicious of Microsoft gaining a monopoly position in PC operating systems in China like they have in the rest of the world. As a result, they are officially backing a Chinese-character version of Linux (Chinese 2000 Midori) as an alternative to Windows.


    Here's some more background reading:


    Chinese Linux to topple MS Windows





    Chinese Linux snub to Microsoft: The countdown is on



  8. I think these cuts are good evidence that we are failing to find diamonds in the rough in the later rounds. 




    In the salary cap era, late round "projects" that a team might carry for 2-3 years in hopes that they'll develop are like high button shoes...you just don't see em' anymore.


    Drafting today is about getting players that can deliver value almost from day one. That's why TD and Modrack have a much greater emphasis on picking players from major programs than the Kutztown States of the world like back in the Butler era. Players at the big schools are very well known, so there's less chance they'll actually be lumps of coal waiting to be polished like some of the Bills' "finds" from the 90's.


    Just to show there are no absolutes in drafting, though, I'm as surprised as anyone that Ritzmann made the active roster. He made some nice plays in the second half of the Lions game but I thought he was destined for the practice squad.

  9. Except that Gilbride won't be running the offense in Jersey, and even if he did, Coughlin has the balls to tell Gilbride to run the ball or else.



    I always wondered where GW kept his cajones (my guess is in a jar next to the nightstand).


    Williams never had enough moxie to tell any of his coaches who was in charge, which was his ultimate downfall. You're right, that won't be a problem with Coughlin.

  10. "He faces a fine of up to $2000 and five years in jail with or without hard labor. "


    "P-Pie is under observation at a local veterinarian."


    I can't decide which of these two statements is more hilarious--the possibility that a pig poker could get five years in jail (probably more than Kenneth Ley of Enron-fame will ever serve) or that a pig's mental/physical state would be worth observing at the vet (I wonder if poor P-Pie's on a suicide watch?). :wacko:

  11. Come on guys. Does it really burn your ass that much that the Bills have to carry 4 QBs due to injury? What about when they carried 2 kickers in past years? That didn't bother you? What if Fletcher and Spikes got hurt and we had to carry and extra 2 linebackers? Would you B word then too? QB is the most important position on the field. Carry 6 of them if you have to.



    Extra LBs, DBs or linemen can play special teams, which is one-third of the game--and as we've seen so far, one of the real areas on need on the team right now.


    Depth guys like Greer or Lawson would be much more valuable/important to keep than Brown and have more upside potential down the road.

  12. we could really use the extra spot for somebody else besides a 4th qb....I liked how mathews ran the team even if it was just a preseason game...brown has been cut and resigned b4 and theres a reason for that....front office knows hes mediocre but they just need to fill that 3rd qb spot so they bring him back....for all it matters we could get a different 3rd qb every year if we wanted to....Id rather the spot be used by another position than keep 4 qbs is all...




    This is EXACTLY the point.


    I don't have a problem with Brown per se. I don't want four QBs on the roster. And just because I'm lobbying for him, don't think I view Matthews as anything more than a marginal vet with limited skills.


    My main thought is that I'd hate to see a "bubble" player at another position that might help us down the road get cut just so we can have Brown's extensive knowledge of the playbook sitting on the bench.


    Face it. If either Matthews or Brown were forced to take over for DB, what chance would the Bills have of winning much anyway. The jig would be up either way.


    I'd much rather have an extra LB, DB or DL to play special teams or even keep Dorenbos instead of Neufeld before I'd keep four QBs. Sorry Travis, life's not fair.

  13. Wha?!?!?!


    The Lions backs averaged 2.9yrds a carry and Detroit had a grand total of 75 rushing yards in 60 minutes of football; and that total includes the QB's!

    They went 3-12 on 3rddown and had the ball for 22 whole minutes!

    And you're kvetching about defending the groundgame?!?!?!


    Wow, you make Nervous Guy look like Josey Wales......




    Hey, now don't go mess'n up people's perceptions with the facts.


    Instant "shoot from the hip" analysis is everything today. Just listen to any media taking head or sports talk show caller...they're always right. Who needs a coaching staff when the team could just read TSW to get its gameplans :(

  14. shane can't throw a deep ball, and his intermediate passes don't have much zip. in a nutshell, his ball is so different from drew's and JP's that he'd be a questionable 3rd. the receivers have too much to adjust to...


    but i'm still impressed by his performance.



    The same could be said for Brown. I haven't been impressed with his arm strength either. Matthews makes good decisions and that's all a backup has to do in an emergency situation.

  15. I haven't been impressed enough with Brown this preseason to make it worth keeping four QBs on the roster. I'd roll the dice and cut him.


    Even if they had another injury at the position, I think he could be resigned easy enough. Who else would be desperate enough to pick him up after the final cuts are made. He's a journeyman with a capital J.

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