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Yo no se

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Everything posted by Yo no se

  1. Dann that sounds good. I was just up in Toronto two days ago, but didn't stop into Tim Hortons. Maybe next time.
  2. Tim Hortons. I love those French vanilla cappuccinos.
  3. Bring back Fergy apparently likes posting with no shirt on.
  4. Buried with a nice white oak planted on top. Out in the woods somewhere.
  5. Full Thanksgiving dinner. Great food with the benefit of putting me to sleep before they do.
  6. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  7. Just a theory here. They are switching to a family day in December because those seats have been pretty hard to fill. This might help ensure a full house late in the season.
  8. Exactly. Karlos could have had access to everything his family ever needed. Instead, his selfish actions led to the loss of millions of dollars. A man with his talent, athleticism, and the opportunity he was given shouldn't be in this position. I sincerely hope Kason gets better. My point is that his father's selfish actions are why he needs people to donate for his medical bills.
  9. Hopefully little Kason gets the help he needs. Unfortunately, he already would have everything he needed if his father wasn't an idiot.
  10. I had a girlfriend in high school who used to do that. She was part polish,and would put a ridiculous sounding accent on words like perogi. Drove me nuts.
  11. If you consider Reece's peanut butter cups a candy bar, then that is the clear winner.
  12. I am unfamiliar with this scene. I'll have to look into it.
  13. Hahaha they actually did it.
  14. Bills on the clock again. Time for our last pick.
  15. How did he get 45 touchdowns then? Head butting the ball? He certainly knew how to throw in Death Valley.
  16. I like the pick of Peterman. Intelligent, athletic, and shows up against the biggest competition.
  17. 171 is next pick. 2 away
  18. Aggressive LB, good special teams player. I'll take it.
  19. Ok. On the clock. Let's see.
  20. Wow, that's pretty bad.
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