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Sammy Watkins' Rib

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Posts posted by Sammy Watkins' Rib

  1. Anybody hoping that Goff would be as bad as last year, will likely be disappointed. Looking very good in two preseason appearances, with lots of weapons around him now. Looks like Kupp is his first look, though.


    He literally had one of the worst rookie campaigns ever for a QB so it's not like an improvement will mean much unless he improves a ton. He does seem to have some weapons to throw to now so we shall see what kind of step up he takes.

  2. Starting right away did not destroy Manning bros, Stafford, Winston, Mariota, Wilson, Carr, Luck, Ryan, Newton, Prescott, Roethlisberger confidence of recent guys thrown to the wolves right away.



    100% agree. In today's NFL I am a big believer in starting a rookie QB day one if that is an option. With Taylor being here I'm not sure it is for us. But it could be possibly. Today's young QB's pretty much either have it and show it from the word go or they don't.

  3. If Tyrod continues to look this bad & still starts, I will loose a lot of respect for the coaching staff. Start the best at each position.

    Go Bills!!!!!


    Peterman hasn't exactly lit it up against 2's and 3's. So who are you saying is the best at the QB position? The thing in Peterman's favor is that he is a rookie. Sometimes the saying, if the battle for the position is close then give it to the rookie is true. Sometimes it's not.


    Also, consider that the last pre-season game we just saw from Taylor was probably the worst we've seen ever outside of maybe the fourth quarter of the Oakland game last year. Basically even with that terrible film, there is a good chance that was an anomaly. Preseason game #3 will be interesting but at this point I think Peterman has to look a whole lot better to take the job from Taylor no matter how bad Taylor looks in the next game. Now if Taylor's first two games to start the season are very similar to his first two games to start the season last year then I think we have a legitimate argument to make that Peterman should get a look.

  4. I have to say "thanks" to the OP for posting this. I am always amazed when I see breakdowns like this one. I've been saying for years that the NFL is going to have a QB Shortage sometime in the next few years, and that time the game is going to once again have to evolve. (It's either that or they are going to have to get better at evaluating college football talent.) It seems inevitable to me.


    I don't want to get WAY ahead of myself but Watson, Turbitzky and Mahomes all showed promise in their first live action the other day. If players keep developing we could be just fine as a league as a whole. Throw in Wentz looking decent and Mariotta and Winston continuing to build on their careers and the NFL could be just fine.

  5. And yet with 2 missed games very very productive right?


    Production decreasing every year. Down to career low 11.0ypc last season. Is his body starting to slow down on him? Same thing with Boldin. If you throw any receiver the ball enough they will rack up yards. Thing is, on this team they are not likely to get the ball thrown their way that much so it would be a good guess to see production drop.

  6. Why would he want to resign with the Rams? A true competitor would bet on themselves to have a good season. A good season for Sammy would open up the market for him. Shouldn't he want to sign with a contender? Just a theory of mine. Maybe the Rams shock us all by turning into a contender.

    He won't have a choice if the Rams tag him. If he gets tagged he may decided to sign a long term contract with the Rams or just play under the tag. Many options really.

  7. There were like 2 games that he left by halftime with injury. One I think was against Miami where he twisted his ankle catching a TD pass. I forgot the other but I remember he left by halftime.


    The ankle twisting TD was against the Bengals and yeah that was just before the half and he didn't return. The other games was Miami as you correctly said. There he caught a 30 or 40 yard pass and pulled up with a strained calf muscle.

  8. the rams could be in a tough spot. they need to come up with a reasonable contract soon the sign sammy, and if smart, he'd take it. if he has numbers like you mentioned, i'd guess he'd want to test the market, and possibly find a better situation for him. likely the rams will over pay now and take a chance on his health, which i question. it's not a terrible gamble, so for the rams i think it's worth it.


    As long as Watkins stays healthy, plays 14/16 games at minimum I see the Rams doing whatever they have to do to keep him. Regardless of his stats. Bringing in Watkins for the Rams is more about finding out what they have in Goff. Very good chance that next year they will be picking somewhere where they have the choice of sticking with Goff or going a different route at QB. Watkins helps them evaluate Goff if he can stay on the field.

  9. then why did sammy have huge games here and there? when he felt great he played great. i'm willing to be he didn't feel great 50% of the time. sure other receivers were banged up, but to use that an excuse for the lack of sammy's production when not healthy just doesn't make sense. i really did like sammy, but to ignore how his injuries effected his play is crazy.


    Look at the number of targets and you will probably find your answer. Did he not produce because he wasn't 100% or because we only through the ball a total of 25 times and Sammy only saw 6 or 7 balls thrown his way? My guess would be on the latter over the former.


    He started some games while injured and just played decoy.


    Even when 100% healthy he's been a decoy in our ground and pound offense. Remember the Kansas City game? That should have been a 3 TD 200+ yard game for Watkins. But he went decoy in the second half no fault to his own.

  11. It's not just about the games he play in or started...it's also about how often he was playing hurt. I loved Sammy as a writer for the bills, and would rather still have had him on this team, but his nagging injuries were evident in his play. I'm willing to bet he hasn't been completely healthy for 50% of his time here.

    It's the NFL. You think other star receivers are playing 100% healthy all season? And before you say, yeah but they produce, well yeah that is because they have more competent QBs and passing attacks that give them 10+ targets a game.



    When he asks for 90m+ for 6 yrs after playing in 10 or 12 games and making 40 or 50 catches we can laugh ;)



    Don't hold your breath for that to happen.


    Look. Is Watkins injury prone? You could probably say so. But everyone is acting like the dude is going to miss 8 games again. That is extremely unlikely. As pointed out he played 29/32 games his first two seasons. Nothing wrong with that at all. He is way more likely to play in all 16 this year then miss even 4 or 5 games.


    As for what kind of production he puts up? Well that is part of the key to this trade. Would Beane ever have had the balls to trade him to a team with a legit QB? I'm thinking not. But with him going to a team with a bad QB, it almost insures that the Bills at the very least don't come out looking like they got smoked in this trade. With Goff, Watkins cieling is probably 1150 yards and 10 TDs.

  13. if the bills can get a top qb in the draft then yes, it's very worth it. it would be nice not to have to worry about the qb position for a decade plus.

    haven't the pats typically had high number of picks each year?

    And this year they are going the other route. Bringing in Gilmore, Gilislee, and Cooks. They haven't exactly been good a drafting players the last decade. They just have Brady and Belicheck and really that's all that matters.

  14. They are getting their ducks in a row to make a run at a top QB in next year's draft.


    Without one we are doomed to mediocrity.


    The plan is worth a shot, and it is too early to judge.


    They need to ditch Taylor then. Why start him this year and win say three games you would have lost with Peterman or Yates at QB instead. Insure that you get a top five pick. May even need to ensure you get a top 3 pick with the number of teams looking to tank.

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