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Sammy Watkins' Rib

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Posts posted by Sammy Watkins' Rib


    I'd like to preface what I'm about to say that I think Shady is an amazing RB and even though he was stuffed in the running game his receptions were invaluable to our win.


    Having said that, there were plenty of plays where lost yardage that he could have made minimal gains or have gotten to the LOS, but rather attempted to bounce it out and as a result lost more yardage. Do you believe that Tolbert was able to get 3.7 yards a carry that game on 11 carries because the Broncos didn't anticipate him running the ball? The reason why Tolbert was more effective running the ball was because he was more north south with his approach.


    Basically I disagree with the underlined part up above. But I do agree with your larger point that the offensive line has been porous in the ground game over the past 2 games.

    You need to factor in that we don't call the same run plays with Tolbert. And why would we? Tolbert is strictly a north to south runner. If we only called north to south running plays with McCoy I'm sure he would likely have a much better average in the last game.

  2. Alexander can fill in at DE as well. Would like to have Shaq but won't worry if he's out.

    Yarbrough has looked decent so far in his limited time.


    Plus you would think the $100 million dollar man in and Shaq out would still be a net positive for a defense. At least you would hope.


    Not even close to reality as we know. Shady literally should have had zero or negative rushing yards in the last game. He made chicken salad out of chicken you know what against Denver. Bills line has been allowing the least amount of yards gained before contact. Good news is Atlanta defense is giving up the third most yards per rush in the league at 4.8 I think the run game gets going this week. It will at least be a whole lot better than it was the last two weeks.

  3. It really bothers me that people feel compelled to tell athletes how to spend their time/money...., just because this has been made public, doesn't mean others don't do similar acts privately, or with less fanfare.

    Yep. And Dunn is a perfect example. An excellent football player who's been retired for a while now and somehow NOW is the first time I am hearing about how generous he has been over his career?

  4. It is feeling different. I'm 100% expecting to end the drought if we beat Atlanta on Sunday.

    Remember that one year we were 3-0 then 5-2 then the wheels fell off?

    It turned out the teams we were beating, weren't that good.

    I'm pretty confident Denver is at worst a top 16 team. And possibly still top 10-12. The question still remains can we beat multiple good teams in one season? Beating Atlanta would be huge. Currently this does feel more like that 3-0 year where we beat New England. It was a great win but never followed up with another signature victory.

  5. Best way to bring people together is to exclude those with a different view.

    I think you have missed the biggest problem with what Kelly did. It's not that he disagrees with some of the players kneeling. It's that he took his grievances to a public forum and outside the locker room. I'm sure there are plenty of disagreements going on in all 32 locker rooms over this issue. But teammates and coaches keep those disagreements in-house. If Kelly wants to be on the sideline and part of the team he should act like a teammate or coach and keep everything in-house.

    Typical of these days. Piss and moan about something, but then criticize someone doing the same thing only on the opposite end of the spectrum.


    Another person who misses the point of where Kelly is wrong with outing a teammate in public. I'd be fine with what Kelly was saying and how he went about sending the message if he were not around the team and on the sidelines. But since he is in the same position as a player or coach he needs to act like one.

  6. As a Bills fan born in the early 80s, obviously I am a big fan of Jimbo. Hughes is right, either you are one of us or you are not. If you are not, please get off of our sideline. That's what I'd expect of a player. They take offense if you criticize them or their teammates.

    Same age. And well said. I'll always hold Kelly in high regard but not surprised at all that Hughes would stick up for his teammate. And great point about being a part of the team and on the sideline. I'm fine with having Kelly there but he needs to act like a teammate or coach then. You wouldn't ever hear a teammate or coach openly criticize a fellow teammate or player like that.

  7. He didn't put it on his adams apple per say. He grabbed his jersey and pushed up, so he was holding the collar of his jersey and his fist was touching his neck/throat area.

    That is how I saw it too. That would mean you are still putting a good amount of pressure on the throat/adams apple area. Doesn't seem like something that should be legal even if it happens by accident. But I also don't know the exact rule.

  8. Adolphus was just interviewed on WGR. He said he never touched the OL's face and he asked him after the flag if he thought he touched his face and even the OL said no. He said he did touch his neck which is legal.


    Seems odd to me that putting a hand on a guys adams apple would be legal. But definitely the hand was not above the neck area for sure.

  9. someone brought up Siemian's winning record as a "positive" and that hes only 25.


    Meanwhile Tyrod has a winning record as a starter on the Bills, without (up until this yr), the best defense in the NFL.


    But we dont care about that apparently. Siemian is a stud right? With his 17-14 winning %. He only took over a team that won the F'ING Super Bowl.


    Well said. I agree.


    I'm happy for Tyrod. Heck, I have his jersey. And I've only ever owned two bills jersey's my entire life. Bruce Smith and his. That said, unless Tyrod has an MVP type season or leads us deep into the playoffs with quality play we are drafting his replacement next April.

  10. McCoy was big on the receptions but struggled with his runs. He has a tendency to lose more yards than he has to on some runs which is why Tolbert was more effective running the ball today.


    I'm guessing he will have a much better ground game next week.


    That's because we run stretch plays with McCoy. When those get blown up you lose yardage. We can only run Tolbert straight up the line.

  11. Week 2 he played 18 snaps. This week we faced the NFLs number one rushing attack. I think that made more difference. Half of their rushing yards today were on 2 or 3 plays. They stuffed them for the most part.


    This. I would be concerned if we were consistently giving up 4-7 yard gains over and over. That was not the case today. They broke so few big runs that the ones they did break could have easily been on a play that Dareus was in on or even out of because he is taking a breather.

    Exactly. Said this three times today.


    Haha. And I just quoted you saying it. Didn't scroll down to your reply yet. Great minds think alike?


    It was. They gave up 4.8 YPC today.


    It was a mixed bag. They were gashed I think 3 times for big runs that raised that average to 4.8


    All in all though I thought it was good though because pretty much 90% of the carries went for 2 yards.

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