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Sammy Watkins' Rib

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Everything posted by Sammy Watkins' Rib

  1. I expect KC to handle the Bengals. I think it will be the Rams in the Super Bowl and I expect that to be a close game that can go either way. I'm torn on the KC/Bengals game. Obviously the Chiefs have won enough. Let another team win and take Patrick down a peg. But if the Bengals win that means Joe Cool 2.0 will be the next best thing since sliced bread. Allen will be the forgotten man.
  2. This is on one man. McDermott. In the biggest game of his life how does he not personally find Bass and tell him in his own words what they are doing? But for the record, I don't really buy the narrative of the thread title. I think they meant all along to kick it off. McD was scared of a long run back to the 40 or worst. But none of this is as bad as the defense afterword.
  3. This is a big nothing burger. What else is Beane going to say? I think it is 50/50 Cole comes back. Might really depend on if they are able to retain McKenzie. And that depends on if they will pay McKenzie's market value and if they will plan to commit to a offensive gamelan that will utilize him more than just a 4th string gadget receiver.
  4. I agree. Seems that some posting in this thread do not recognize how lethal Mahomes has been in his career on 3rd and long with his legs. I believe he lead the league last year in conversions on 3rd and long with his legs. That is over, Allen, Jackson, Murray etc. It's odd because he doesn't appear to be that fast but he reads the defenses so well he knows exactly when and where to run. Where as Allen is often running past, through and around defenders Mahomes is simply running through wide open green field on many of his long runs. It's not about stopping him from rushing for XX amount of yards. It's about stopping him on 3rd downs. He converted two on the ground in the opening drive alone. Stop him on the first one and the Chiefs are punting at their 40 yard line. Stop him on the second one and they are probably kicking a FG instead of scoring a TD. 3rd down is the down you spy Mahomes.
  5. I think the only team that could beat them that is remaining as the Rams. That would truly be a 50-50 game I think. So no I don’t think it’s an overstatement.
  6. I mean that’s still on McDermott. He is the head coach. He hast to take five seconds to walk over to Bass and tell him that we are squib kicking it. I don’t care if McDermont is the 10th person to tell bass.
  7. I’m going to give McDermott the benefit of the doubt for now. One thing that I find very encouraging is how aggressive he became this season with the offenses. I think he learned his lesson in last year’s playoff game settling for two field goals against the Chiefs. No doubt the defense was a disaster in the final 13 seconds in overtime. And he also may have been playing scared when he opted to not squib kick. He learned this season to not play scared with the offense . So hopefully he’s learned now to also not play scared with the defense and special teams.
  8. Mahomes has to be spied on third downs. It seems we did not do that. The very first Chiefs drive killed us. There had to been at least three or four plays during that drive where could’ve gotten off the field or forced a FG at the least. Could’ve been the difference in the game. Mahomes is prolific on converting third downs with his feet. Especially third and Long’s. This is pretty well known and has been the case for a few years. I’m fine with not spying him on first and second down. But not spying him on third down is criminal. I feel like he converted at least two or three third downs with his legs on the opening drive of the game for the Chiefs
  9. Basically anything other than what we did would have worked. Still feel nauseous about it all. I think McDermott and/or Frazier we’re trying to outsmart themselves. The only thing I can think of is that they were certain the Chiefs were trying to get a 30 yard completion. But even if we give them a pass for the first downplay to Hill the subsequent play to Kelce and the defensive strategy there is inexplicable.
  10. I’m also intrigued with Gesecki. At the right price.At the right price. The start of his career is been a little underwhelming so maybe that’ll keep the price tag low. And he’s had a front seat to see what Allen is capable of in the passing game. Maybe he would consider going to Buffalo to really jumpstart his career at a lower than market rate price.
  11. I gotta imagine JC is going to be looking for a massive payday. So I think he’s off the table. And overall I like our corners. Wallace filled in really well as the number one. And Dane Jackson as a second year guy wasn’t too bad. I was pissed in the last game though that Dane had his hand on the back of Hill for what looked like really no reason at all. Just asking for a flag though. Which he got. But he’s young and will hopefully learn. I am pretty concerned about White coming back from an ACL injury though. I would think with the amount of Cutting in quick reactions cornerbacks have to do ACL injuries are the hardest for them to come back from.
  12. I don’t know if I’d say they are a paper Tiger necessarily. The bottom line is elite quarterbacks and elite offenses are gonna have their way against even the better defenses. I mean there’s all this talk about the Chiefs being the best defense in the league since like week eight or whatever. The bills absolutely lit them up. And you gotta remember we were down arguably our best defensive player in White. In a game as close as that one was he likely would’ve been the difference between an L in a W. There really aren’t elite defenses anymore. But what we do have in the league is one or two elite defensive players. They can sometimes single-handedly wreck a game like a TJ Watt. But a TJ Watt himself won’t necessarily be on an elite defense.
  13. They need to extend Davis. I can’t imagine his price going down after next season. Beasley could be gone but that may depend on what happens with McKenzie. Rather not lose both McKenzie and Beasley. Maybe the bills could do a one for three and replace Sanders, McKenzie and Beasley with Cordell Patterson. Feels like Patterson’s been around forever though. But I guess he still playing at a high level? I would think at this point in Patterson’s career he probably wants to play for a contender. Could possibly get a discount. McKenzie on the other hand probably wants a payday and I wouldn’t blame him for that.
  14. their forum is an absolute cesspool. No moderation at all I am guessing. I guess it is why Zerovoltz hangs out here and on the Broncos board.
  15. we might not run him intentionally when he is in his 30’s. Ideally we won’t have to because Allen will be putting up 320 and 4TD’s through the air on a per game average by the time he is 28+
  16. think this game being his average game. That kind of lethal is what I am talking about.
  17. I mean he is still going to run when he is 28+ too. That won’t totally disappear. But he will not have to rely on it as much because he will be so much more lethal with his arm.
  18. the two are not mutually exclusive. The NFL has an easy fix here. Just play an entire 15 minute quarter. Why the rush to get the game over? Regular season is one thing but in the postseason just keep it going.
  19. Allen will also be an even better passer when he is 28+ though so that will even things out. Allen is still learning the game as a passer which is a scary thing for the rest of the league.
  20. It wasn’t a short window for Brady. And Allen is hands down the best QB in the league. He simply does that things routinely that no other QB can. Mahomes is very close in that regard so it will at least be a challenge to get to the super bowl consistently. But AFC championship game damn near every year with Allen should be expected for the next 10 years. Oh, and Allen is only getting better too. He’s not close to his prime as a passer. He’ll hit that in another 3-4 years or so.
  21. Tonight’s game is played in Buffalo if this coaching staff utilized Davis more. Especially in the first half of the season.
  22. he can probably take Beasley and Sanders with him?
  23. they’ll finish with the #1 seed at least one eventually over the next five years is my guess. That will be there best opportunity IMO. That said, no reason why the Bills shouldn’t go al the way this year either. Especially now that they could host the AFCCG.
  24. seriously. I know it is a regular season award but unless Rodgers goes undefeated and leads the league in both total TD’s AND total yards next year I wouldn’t give two thoughts about giving him the MVP again.
  25. I don’t have a problem with it. It’s the playoffs. You take a W anyway you can. The soon to be back to back MVP scored 7 points on their opening drive and then only managed to score 3 points after that. And he was playing home.
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