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The BLUES Brothers

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Everything posted by The BLUES Brothers

  1. Thank you for sharing Limeaid - There are many people that have connected with distanced relatives recently and if you really think it is you - why not ask them if they'd send the pictures to you? But totally up to you and hope this continues to intrigue and make you even more happy sir! Cheers
  2. When I heard the sad news - made it a point to watch it tonight on HBO - even years later - it is classic interaction between him and DeNiro!
  3. This day seemed soooo far away for so long right?!?! Thanks to all for the great content and your Buffalo Bill's perspective prognostication of what will happen these next 3 days! Go Bills!
  4. a DE is what I believe the brain trust wants but switching to the CB first especially if Newsome is available... In the past, after the draft - Bills PR used to show footage of the War Room banter during some of the picks - Hope they do that again! .
  5. One of the posters in another thread said he would hate RB as first pick but would be secretly excited about what it may mean to the offense - I agree with that. What I think is that if the Packers do not pick Newsome II CB with their selection - The Bills will be looking to get him or whomever they consider a better CB. This is the way.
  6. When it started - this thread was checked on by me as often as a steak on the grill...Got to wonder if there is a trade in principle and it will wait until draft day to become for real. The only thing I know for sure is this will reach 50 pages. "C'mon - yoooouu can do-it!"
  7. So you're thinking they pass on a potential prospect like this?: No. 30 – DE Joe Tyron, Washington Tryon could wind up being an outstanding value pick. He was a highly productive true sophomore in 2019 that opted out of the 2020 season. And the Bills really could use another edge rusher to give their defensive front some more juice.
  8. First thought was a dedicated group of three of us dutifully staying through the bad part and then gratefully there to be a part of to the amazing end of The Comeback Game! Although bigger dedication may have been staying until the end of the Bills/Jets Finale 2 seasons ago in the pouring rain of a meaningless/ no playoff implication game - but it was in great to me because my 23 year old son (who is a Bills fan because his ol' man is a Bills fan - bought the tickets for us to go together...
  9. I rarely post but on here all the time. It is easy to go down the rabbit hole or out in the weeds on so many possible draft scenarios - and I plan on exploring every single one lol The year we traded down for Tre White - we had all been in a sports bar to watch it and were excited we picked up an additional 1st rounder and still had the pick to root for same night. Being on EST I am already wondering how I'll feel waiting up until late of round one and they decide to trade out of the round? Selfishly I hope a highly rated guy falls to us at 30...but then I will stay up for a while reading all about him lol What would make a trade down better to get some sleep is if a team trades us their draft picks plus a player we like (the way we traded Cordy Glenn). This only works if we go into the draft with some cap room left.
  10. This may have been posted elsewhere but i didn't see it - came through on my phone - Wow - so many choices!! https://www.buffalobills.com/news/2021-mock-draft-watch-5-0
  11. He may be getting older but that fumble return he had for a defensive TD this year was awesome! He didn't go down - kept running until he made it count.
  12. These wise words were shared with me and helped: Keep her alive in your heart and she will be with you forever.
  13. Agreed - not a lot of fluff - very good analysis with film to back it up. Go Bills!
  14. Thank you for sharing Mr. R. Stonada - Good article and learned a few new things about Diggs there -
  15. One of the big 3 bosses at my company knows of my BuffaLove and ended our national Zoom call with: "Have a great weekend and Go Bills!" - may not seem like a big deal but the 3 bosses are all from MA and Patriots fans but cool to see them and many fan bases across the US happy for the way the Bills and their Fans roll
  16. https://www.google.com/search?q=pick+6+bills+shirt+2021&rlz=1C1PRFI_enUS826US829&sxsrf=ALeKk0145qLtNa-5790b-SuGrSET7NQaOg:1611075072681&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=FNWMqD9LAmSkUM%2CNJvu7_toB28ncM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kS6IAAJNe0Zf2WYe6IKxR9KCg5t5A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjY-qaruqjuAhUEBs0KHZhFAAMQ9QF6BAgQEAE saw it in the search - Go Bills! https://rmitshirt.com/tee/101-years-to-the-house-pick-6-buffalo-bills-shirt/
  17. Thank you for sharing! Amazing how far we have come... Definitely awesome to see the play develop. Can I get that button to do that on my TV remote? 😁
  18. When that Hail Mary pass was still arcing up- time stood still... Then when the ball returned to turf - and was batted down incomplete - Eruption! Fandemonium! Good Teams are supposed to win these kind of close games - Gotta Love the USA is seeing us as one of those good teams deserving of wins for taking care of business enough to play again in Round 2.
  19. Another narrative that I would like to believe is what they used to think of our fan base - They used to say we are a bunch of chicken wing eating crazy fans....um ok point taken, they maaaay still got us on that one there lol - but they have also seen the passionate fan base grow and that is including in generosity from Andy Dalton's charity, and then this year with Oishei Children's donations and 26 Shirts has been amazing too! And some old lines were said about the players that some would not want to play for Buffalo like it was in Siberia or something yet - we have a great team with guys who know they have a home and can be the best version of themselves. And the multi-million dollar training facility shows the owners have deep pockets for their guys too.
  20. To quote Michael Scott - "I am not superstitious...but I am a little sticious." lol I felt the exact same way when receiving The Josh Allen jersey for Father's Day this year and the season has gone ( to quote Larry David) "pretty pretty pretty good"! Wear it with pride my brother. Go Bills!
  21. Ian is a really good one and was on WGR recently - I think the link should work: https://www.radio.com/wgr550/podcasts/howard-and-jeremy-20258/01-05-ian-eagle-from-nfl-on-cbs-353887959 Seems like Ian will do a great job - but truth be told I typically listen to pregame on the radio and then keep it on for the Buffalo Bills radio play by play coverage (Murph/Tasker and Sal Capaccio) and have the TV on for video only - the TV guys aren't as in tune with the Bills.
  22. His book "Big Russ and Me: Father and Son: Lessons of Life" is one of my favorites - could hear him telling the store as I read it. We all lost a good one when he passed. Great Bills football and fandom Video - A blast from the past as we're looking towards the future!
  23. Wise Words of Wisdom from Winston Churchill, Jim Valvano and the late great Stuart Scott...
  24. Your professional demeanor is what helps make sports fun - we can both love our teams without trying to start a brawl with the opponents fans. Indy is a cool area - we had a blast attending the Indianapolis 500 - restaurants are great. Was happy for Reich when he got the Coach's nod over the patriots coach that bailed - "just" 28 years ago I was in the crowd at The Comeback game and later met F R at a charity golf tournament - and he was genuinely as nice as he always seemed...
  25. Chris Brown reporting this is going to happen. The Dolphins radio guy on WGR and said he really liked Stills when he was with the Dolphins and seemed depressed the Bills are getting him.
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