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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. I can see the parallel. An industrial city that goes bust when the coal mines and shipyards died out, where the folks go to church and get buried in their jerseys. Way worse for them though because of all that promotion/relegation BS. And the officiating seems about as awful. That one guy getting a DWI after he took out a curbs worth of parked cars hit a a bit too close to home.
  2. Got 4 tickets to the home opener, hoping that Hammer will open up too! There's 5 of us going in total.
  3. Last I checked StubHub, there were all of 4073 tickets left for the home opener.
  4. Hot take, there's a Bill on the roster right now that's getting moved to put a Bill on the roster tonight. *Please let it be Trent Murphy that goes.
  5. So who are the best WRs and Pass Rushers left?
  6. Hopefully not even that, now that Dante Scarnecchia's retired for the 2nd or 3rd time.
  7. It took 19 years, but the dynasty is finally dead.
  8. I read this thread without checking the score, and thought NE was up 24 at the half.
  9. The analytical side of me says this is solid analysis from well informed football fans. The homer side of me says they're afraid, finally.
  10. Ahhh, the Bots have arrived! Got some chores to do this morning right up to game time. That'll keep my mind off of how nervous I am.about this game. I always liked Greg Roman, and I wish we could have kept him and Joe D'Alessandris up here and given them a chance to work together. Instead of letting Rex Ryan fart around and hire every flunky and second cousin he could find.
  11. My buddy is a big Giants fan, and he just about passed out laughing when I showed him the DL clowning Zeke's celebration.
  12. They definitely believe in "billboard material", no matter what they say going forward. ...and they got three straight days of NFL talking heads telling them to not bother getting off the bus at Jerry World.
  13. Romo is unmatched in the business. ESPNs crew should walk off a bridge.
  14. I've got a cold, convince me not to start drinking. This wait is a pain in the ass!
  15. Is that one of our female coaches or one of the Bills media people?
  16. I wonder how the Broncos media is going to explain this one...
  17. -Bills win. -Singletary with 150+ scrimmage yards -Josh, 250 passing, 2 TDs, No picks, no fumbles, two sacks -Jordan, Micah and Tremaine back to being their first quarter of the season selves (not that they've been bad, but they were incredible weeks 1-4) -Defense keeps Chubb and Hill from beating us.
  18. With these "Amoeba" fronts, they look like the "Creep" defence that Perry Fewell and Bills brought out against Dallas for that Monday night loss in 2007 or 08. Dallas and everybody after that combatted it by audibleing to a running play, and the Bills stopped using it. Why doesn't that work against it now?
  19. Good Morning from the Super 8 in Hamburg! No bills fans here, every shower and alarm clock in the place didn't go off between 630 and 7. Nope. Seeya at Hammers!
  20. McDermott will clap Watching the Bills go Seaworld On Flores' bums
  21. Schwartz's D didn't turn up today. The secondary's all over the place.
  22. Miami has had three drives, and produced 22 yards of offense.
  23. Tyreek Hill just jumped his height straight up, beat tripple coverage...my God.
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