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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Romo is unmatched in the business. ESPNs crew should walk off a bridge.
  2. I've got a cold, convince me not to start drinking. This wait is a pain in the ass!
  3. Is that one of our female coaches or one of the Bills media people?
  4. I wonder how the Broncos media is going to explain this one...
  5. -Bills win. -Singletary with 150+ scrimmage yards -Josh, 250 passing, 2 TDs, No picks, no fumbles, two sacks -Jordan, Micah and Tremaine back to being their first quarter of the season selves (not that they've been bad, but they were incredible weeks 1-4) -Defense keeps Chubb and Hill from beating us.
  6. With these "Amoeba" fronts, they look like the "Creep" defence that Perry Fewell and Bills brought out against Dallas for that Monday night loss in 2007 or 08. Dallas and everybody after that combatted it by audibleing to a running play, and the Bills stopped using it. Why doesn't that work against it now?
  7. Good Morning from the Super 8 in Hamburg! No bills fans here, every shower and alarm clock in the place didn't go off between 630 and 7. Nope. Seeya at Hammers!
  8. McDermott will clap Watching the Bills go Seaworld On Flores' bums
  9. Schwartz's D didn't turn up today. The secondary's all over the place.
  10. Tyreek Hill just jumped his height straight up, beat tripple coverage...my God.
  11. Getting a new pop up tent, some gas for the grill, and waterproofing my boots for Bills/Fish @ Hammers.
  12. I'd like to reserve 1 spot, coming in from Albany. We've got a Raiders fan with us, but otherwise he's alright.
  13. Looks like TE. He's north of 6'4" and 260 both, so maybe DE/OLB as well.
  14. Pats aren't used to playing a football game instead of running away in a shoot out.
  15. He's New England's "Director of Football Research", whatever that means. Nobody on the Patriots team knows what he does, at least that's what they say. However, it's come out that he's in charge of scouting opponent's tendencies and deciphering their signals and play calls. On game day he sits in a booth, wearing a headset that's linked directly to Belichick's and nobody else.
  16. We'd better have a game plan against the Pats' blitz schemes. Last time, Tyrod had about three seconds becfore the pocket closed around him like a fist. He had no place to scramble to, no place to step up, and no clear throwing lanes. That sort of scheme works even if Tyrod isn't sacked. Kromer's got to find a way to redirect the pass rush away from the play side, or at least get the rushers out of their lanes so Tyrod's got a crease or two. Dante Scarnecchia was always great at doing that for Brady and I still hate him for it.
  17. Rex's presser is classic. He goes back and forth with the NYC sports writers and they roast each other.
  18. Rambo's a one man army. You can go home now Rambo. It's over.
  19. 24-14 Buffalo. Rex wrote the book on how to snuff out Chan's screen and short passing game, and Ivory's in a slump. Mangold coming back is a worry. Hopefully Dareus will be used to test him early on and see if he's his usual self, and adjustments made.
  20. All the lawsuit tells me is that FD/Draft Kings didn't juice in the right people in Albany. Pay to play fellas.
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