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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. You don't send Peacekeepers to deter aggression. The Screaming Eagles though, they tend to get their point across. The point of NATO is to deter Russian aggression against NATO members. Poland asked for and is getting a permanent US base. Which makes sense because Poland is a NATO member, Russia invades its neighbors for no reason, and because Eastern Europe has a long, long history of being sold down the river by Western Europe whenever the words "War" and "Russia" pop up. People forget that 1/3 of Poland's population died or was murdered in World War II. Poland is afraid Russia will attack, because Russia has said over, and over, and over again that they want to rebuild the USSR/Russian Empire, whether their old territories want to come back into the fold or not. They've also said over, and over, and over again the reason they want their Empire back is to break up the global order we created after WWII. I like it when my country has more power and influence, rather than less, so I think Russian success is a bad thing. I don't put it past Russia to pick a fight with NATO, because Russia has been saying so repeatedly for months. Since Russia only respects power, we've got to meet threat of force with threat of force. Biden's been really good about actually standing up to Putin and making him put his cards on the table. He's still a one-term president. Your last point though...I couldn't agree more. Any real statesman would have seen through Russia's BS and called their bluff years ago. Instead we had three administrations get their lunch money taken by Putin's bluffing because...well who the ***** knows.
  2. Hey, his statement makes perfect sense...if you ignore everything Russia said when they thought they would win in four days.
  3. No its not in a strictly legal sense. But since abortion is now murder in a lot of states, and men don't get pregnant, how do you enforce the law?
  4. They should go back to cat fishing horny Russian soldiers, then geo-locating their tinder profiles for artillery strikes.
  5. Rod Dreher! I dont know what "grooming children for genderqueerness" means, but I guess its supposed to frighten me? He can save his screeds for the social media addicted, instant gratification junkies.
  6. There are two ways the GOP can potentially ***** up thier prospects. Unifying and motivating democratic voters through Roe. And a Trump vs. DeSantis fight to the finish that demoralizes and splits the GOP base.
  7. So in the states that just banned abortion. Does this mean women will have to register their pregnancies with the government? How are we supposed to make sure all these pregnancies are being carried to term? Has anybody thought about enforcement, what it looks like, and the implications?
  8. Lawrence Welk? Holy ***** man, that's a pull.
  9. The easiest way to tell trumpists from conservatives or republicans is the whataboutism.
  10. Sounds like a good time to sit on your cash, build up a strong down payment, and wait for the "pop" sound.
  11. Who is Matthew H, and why should anybody care what he says?
  12. Yeah, I remember when the Crusader was designed, basically our version of this. Rumsfeld canceled it because we were never going to fight conventional wars again. Also so he could funnel more billions into Future Combat Systems, which produced... basically none of the revolutionary weapons systems it was supposed to. It sure would be nice to have a couple thousand Crusaders sitting around right now. So here we are, 20 years in the future, needing the ***** we said 20 years ago we'd never need.
  13. Trolls trolling is how PPP works though. Any substantive posting has to be interpreted through the "Libs vs MAGA" lens. It's how they shape all narratives and dominate all dialogue.
  14. Its a great chance to virtue signal though.
  15. I don't think anybody's getting railroaded, and I don't give a ***** if a "Dem" or a "Rep" (or whatever the cool kid words for our political parties are) scores the points. Somebody has to stand up in Congress and stand up for Congress as an institution. Otherwise we're down to 2 branches of government, each of them thinking they can basically rule by decree.
  16. If Congress isn't providing checks and balances to the other branches, then it's not doing its job under the constitution. The executive and judicial have WAAAAAYYYY too much power because congress can't solve problems or get ***** done. So I'm ok with Congress flexing a bit.
  17. The evidence is piling up for a whole lot of criminal activity. I dont know if they'll be able to prove things like seditious conspiracy, but if Trump is barred from office and doing 8-15 for wire fraud...Well Ron DeSantis will thank congressional democrats for the nomination.
  18. Right? Well this should be interesting. ...But the ***** infuriating thing is that if all the stolen election stuff was false, then January 6th should never have happened. If it was all false, the January 6th was about sour grapes and sore losers AT BEST. ***** grown ass men and women should have learned to handle in elementary school.
  19. So everything about the election being stolen was false. Trump then bilked his supporters out of $250 million that went straight into his own pocket. Then he paid his son's fiance $60,000 for three minutes of work. That's about where we're at so far? Man, Joel Osteen should be taking notes.
  20. This is the guy that Miami chased for almost three years. No wonder they didn't bat an eyelash at Tyreek Hill.
  21. It brought a chuckle to my day. BTW, if there are any Browns fans lurking here, feel free to come on up the I-90. The water's fine.
  22. It really doesn't concern you that the last time Europe got its economic and military ***** together, European countries conquered 80% of the world in about 200 years? That just *maybe* it's ok for them to freeload a bit on our dime so they *don't* reform, remilitarize and produce a new superpower for us to worry about?
  23. What's the bombshell? The Pentagon called Russian moves around Kyiv a repositioning, not a withdrawal, and said so back in March. They even said those forces were going to the Donbass. AP, Reuters, Forbes, ABC, all were saying that the Russians were pulling back so they could head over to the Donbass. Nobody was saying that the Russians were withdrawing because of Ukrainian pressure. This guy is screaming out an answer to a question nobody asked. But yeah, there is always propaganda in war. Like the whole crowd who thought the attack on Kyiv was just a feint, that 40,000 Ukrainian troops were going to be cut off and annihilated within 48 hours of the war starting, that Ukraine had been "ground to dirt"...two months ago. AKA Col. Douglas MacGregor, who the author of article references as an authority.
  24. There's a ton of people who shout loudly about how they are !American Nationalists!...but they cant seem to wrap their heads around this point. We built the modern global system because we used to be 50% of the global economy and the only country with the A Bomb. Aka because we won so hard we almost got sick of winning. But ya know, burn it all down because rabblerabble.
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