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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Yeah, the fifth one is usually pretty good.
  2. The team is not perfect. Therefore the team is terrible. Fire everyone and trade Josh to New England for half a pack of Kools and a skunk PBR.
  3. The Chargers really rolled the clock back with their game plan on D. The beat speed with size and technique, they didn't try to match speed with speed. Hit them early, hit them often, always jam at the line
  4. Gaaaaaaaarrrrrbage call + makeup call = what do we pay these refs for.
  5. Tyreek Hill is Questionable to return.
  6. Herbert's instincts in the pocket tonight... it's like he's got spider sense or something. If he had gone through a proper throwing motion, Van Ginkel strip sacks him and somehow he knew.
  7. Why did Denver waste all those TOs? WTF were they thinking?
  8. Oh no, poor Tommy, that's terrible, woe is him, we're all very sympathetic over here I can tell you.
  9. You'll get no objections from me. Whatever happens this year, get Kromer his guys in the off season. Kromer's an asset. Utilize him.
  10. You've got it. And you haven't drank yourself to death since Harry Kane's spot kick, so you've got that going for you as well.
  11. Words of ***** wisdom here. The panicking is out of hand.
  12. DL won the game today. That's good to see.
  13. I never thought i would see a Gordon Wood pull on this message board. Well done.
  14. Success over time is the best indicator of talent. Tua's got 2/3s of season with the best WRs in the league and a mad scientist coach. Film always catches up with scheme.
  15. New poster trying to be edgy.
  16. This Bills team, with McBeane and JA have a lot left to do. Like get a Lombardi. At no point though should they worry about being kind, gentle or magnanimous to the Patriots. Without Brady, Belichick is a . 500 coach. As a GM, he couldn't sell lemonade on a sidewalk in August.
  17. Exactly. They need another...18 or so years of this before we're square. Just the way things are, unfortunately. If the Pats need somebody to feel sorry for them or show pity, there's plenty of other places to look.
  18. Thanks to McCorkle for helping us ice the game.
  19. Every sect of Christianity on the planet teaches that we are saved by the unmerited gift of God's grace. None of them teach that we are saved by individual responsibility.
  20. He's got a ton of stuff on Russian demographics, and they're ***** appalling. Russia has 144 million people, but only about 8 million of them are males aged 20-29. In comparison to say, the 1941 USSR, which had 180 million people, but 15 million active duty soldiers and reservists.
  21. Right, so back to the topic Peter Zeihan on why May, 2023 will give us a decent idea of who's going to win the war. Zeihan is an analyst of macroeconomics and demographics. He's currently giving talks at major economic forums, Ft. Bragg, Ft. Benning, the US Army War College and a bunch of other places. His big claim to fame is that he predicted the Russian invasion of Ukraine down to the year and month. To make a long story short. By May 2023, Ukraine will have had time to repair and refurbish the mountains of weapons it's captured from Russia. Russia will have had time to fortify its positions and flood Ukraine with poorly trained, badly lead, badly equipped cannon meat. So May is when we find out who wins, Ukrainian quality or Russian quantity.
  22. I really hope you're right. Otherwise we're going to see Hong Kong style crackdowns at best. Xinjiang or Tiananmen Square level brutality at worst.
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