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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. The people spoke. We got divided government, based on a razor thin GOP majority in the house. We now have a speaker who let the most radical elements of his party order off the menu to secure his job. That doesn't bode well to say the least.
  2. Alright, I'm really interested to know what the Pre-Gingrich rules were. Thanks Newtster! 🙄
  3. Ron DeSantis. Looking forward to your next attempt at a "Gotcha!" post.
  4. The 2022 Elections proved one thing to Matt Gaetz and supporters. That Trumpism doesn't need Trump anymore. Trump stepped in and tried to be the kingmaker. Instead he proved the point beyond all doubt when Gaetz told him to kick rocks without any consequences. Gaetz is after as much power as he can get.
  5. I take umbrage, Sir! I agree with people on this forum all the time. But this little tiff has gone on long enough. It's time for the adults in the room to come together and make a deal.
  6. The GOP needs to roll up its sleeves and put in the hard work of COMPROMISE. It's time to end this. Get the grown-ups in a room and work this out.
  7. Man, I used to like Cinci before this week. Andy Dalton did us a solid and the Bungles years were so bad you could you hate them? Now?
  8. How Ukraine's 1st Tank Brigade for a Russian Force 10 Times It's Size- And Won I mean, EVERYONE knows if you outnumber your enemy 10-1, you attack because they've got no chance. You'd have to be a special type of stupid to ***** that up!
  9. What a terrible take from someone who should know better based on their credentials. None of these pseudo-intellectual op eds begins their argument with the most persuasive point they could make. Which is how Russia is better off now politically, economically, socially and militarily, than it was on February 23, 2022. They don't because it's an impossible case to make. Instead, we get a lot of SAT word salad about how we should interrupt Russia while it's making a mistake. Also about how it's a terrible diplomatic, moral and economic blunder to disincentivize pointless wars of conquest. What nonsense.
  10. We just need HighFootballIQ to come back, then we'd have our three musketeers. Assuming they all aren't the same person.
  11. Tecmo Bowl Tua.
  12. Give Miami free releases. Check. Fail to protect the middle of the field. Check. Letting Tua get into rhythm. Check. Packers better shape up at the half.
  13. How is GB unprepared for a Blitz 0 call on 3rd Down. Have they watched any film on Miami?
  14. Good. QB purgatory continues.
  15. God that's frustrating, but it is what it is. This team knows they are what their record says they are.
  16. It's nuts that if we had kept up last year's performance against division opponents, we'd be coasting into the 1st seed at 15-1. Thems the breaks.
  17. How that play was not blown dead for forward progress is anyone's guess. Stevenson should have been ruled down for no gain. You're bang on pointing out that of course when the Zebras decide to screw the pats, they find a way to screw us too.
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