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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Honesty is a great policy and I appreciate it. PPP could certainly use more like you. But this is where I stopped reading your post.
  2. There's a DeSantis thread for talking about DeSantis. The whole rest of PPP is there for discussing politics n crap.
  3. The T-90M is the second most modern tank in Russia after the T-14 Armata. It's also the most modern tank they're currently producing. All the stuff sicking out of the top of the turret are sensors and gunsights for the crew, bits of the anti-missile defense systems, and remote weapons stations. The rug looking thing draped over it is Nakidka, to help minimize its thermal and radar detectability.
  4. The last time I heard arguments like those, it was in college. And they were coming from guys in sandals and Che Guevara t-shirts holding $6 lattes. Horseshoe Theory has once again proven itself.
  5. Nope, there isn't. You're right. I just wish Russia would take a page from Austria-Hungary's book, back in 1866. Yes, Prussia just kicked your ass, humiliated you, and broke your influence over central Europe. But they didn't break the back of your Empire. So take your L, make peace, let bygones be bygones, accept Prussian rapprochment and get back to doing what works for you: throwing your diplomatic influence around the concert of Europe.
  6. Like, I know China has all these big brained plans that we can't possibly stop... But why invade Taiwan, start a war with Taiwan, the US, and possibly Japan, South Korea and Australia... that won't just involve a naval battle around Taiwan... because the USN would start a distant blockade of China... meaning the PLAAN would have to sail out into blue water and fight all over the Indian Ocean and the Pacific... It doesn't make any sense. Especially when China is dependent on American and European capital to fund it's economic growth. Until you start looking at how China can get what it wants, without severing ties with (((The Globalist Agenda))). China needs food, capital and energy. The biggest capital markets in the world are the EU and the US. The biggest food exporters in the world are the US and its allies. All of China's oil flows through oceans controlled by the USN and its Allies. Invading Taiwan is a... risky proposition, no? But wait. Nobody likes Russia. And you can drive a tank to Russia. America and its Allies aren't going to fight you to protect Russia, because Ukraine. Siberia has all the oil and raw materials China could ever need. And the Russian Army is a gutted shell bleeding to death in the Donbass. So why not convince Putin you're totally going to invade Taiwan and be his best friend forever... right up to the point where you park the PLA on the Russian border and declare a Special Military Operation? Just asking questions.
  7. So watch for this over the next couple of days, but Ukrainian and Russian sources are reporting numerous missile strikes around Mariupol. While technically still in HIMARS range, it's more likely that the Ukrainians are shooting GLSMDBs. That's Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs. It's a projectile that pretty much puts all of Ukraine up to its internationally recognized borders within range of the Ukrainian army. If true, of course. Ukraine's M/O with weapons like this is usually to target supply stockpiles, starting with fuel depots and ammo dumps. Then spots where Russian generals like to hang out. Since in the Russian Army, the officers do all the thinking and the artillery and tanks do most of the killing*, those priorities make a lot of sense.
  8. Somebody in the XFL watches Rugby. That's exactly how penalty replays in Rugby are handled; the ref, his assistants and the replay guy are all real time on live microphones.
  9. Be fair to Putin. He's been threatening to nuke everyone since the beginning of the war. And the whole world knows Russian policy is to nuke everyone who invades Russian Territory. Look at the recent nuclear strikes in Kherson Oblast. Ukraine attacked it on August 29th, 2022. Russia declared it part of Russia on September 30th, 2022. Ukraine liberated all of Kherson up to the Dnipro River by November 11, 2022. Russia nuked Ukraine on November 12th, in accordance with its longstanding policy. Putin isn't some candyass that lets people drive tanks over his red lines. He follows through.
  10. The whole statement from Biden you posted is about humanitarian aid. Schools, Hospitals, and helping Ukraine meet it's obligations to old people and retirees. Did you even bother to watch it before you completely refuted your own comment with you own twitter embed?
  11. I'm absolutely horrified of Frazier trying to run back the exact same style of D, just without Edmunds and Poyer in it.
  12. Russia made many, many blunders to get where it is now. But near the top of the list is attacking the only country in Europe that had the sheer size, number of soldiers, and amount of gear to conduct an old fashioned conventional war for more than a few months. Any other European country, including the first tier European powers, would have been ground into burger or forced to resort to nuclear blackmail months ago. Poland just learned that lesson very, very quickly. And of course there's the lesson they learned in WWII, where 1/3 of their population was murdered in combined Nazi/Soviet occupations... after Western Europe guaranteed their security, then hung them out to dry. A little bit of self reliance when it comes to defense fits the bill. They also gave pretty much their whole Soviet era tank inventory to Ukraine.
  13. Honest question here. What killed the blitz happy 34/46 hybrid style defense that Rex used to run?
  14. Whaaaaaaat? Dude, you've posted or reacted to something on this forum 30+ times in the last 9 hours. Retirement must be dull!
  15. Still in awe of the Eagle's offensive line play. They scored on a QB sneak from the three against a stacked box. Unbelievable. ... alot like the officiating.
  16. I hope it's the same pilot. He's two kills shy of ace.
  17. The Eagles O-Line is unreal. Absolutely unreal. The Chiefs know exactly what's coming, they're ready for it, and it doesn't ***** matter because they get blown the ***** off the line every time.
  18. It does not say Boris Johnson threatened to kill Zelensky if he made peace. It does say Naftali Benett got a promise from Putin that he would stop trying to assassinate Zelensky. Sounds like wires got crossed?
  19. I googled this claim and found nothing. What's your source?
  20. I really want to talk to Jack's elementary school teachers. His listening comprehension is a nightmare.
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