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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Not even close. The Brotherly Shove is a rugby scrum, repackaged to be NFL legal. The big difference is rugby players can hang onto each other so they can pack more bodies and more force into small spaces. NFL players are not allowed to "bind", like rugby players are, so the Eagles line their OL up with their shoulderpads almost touching. It's just that NFL teams refuse to fight it using rugby principles. Instead they trot out angled alignments, or some version of "the lowest blocker wins". And get steamrolled over, and over, and over. To even start beating it, the DL needs to match mass and alignment with mass and alignment...like two scrums do in Rugby. DL have to play heads up on every OL, or squared up in every gap to even have a chance. Otherwise, you just help create the carpet of downed players for Hurts to slide over.
  2. Say it ain't so Mac! Who was the last good WR drafted by NE? David Patten? Troy Brown?
  3. Apart from the six Superbowl wins, I guess you're right? How awesome would that be? The personally I want the Pats to end up around the 7 win mark. That should put them comfortably out of contention for a top QB prospect, but in pole position for a oversized MLB or a scrappy, undersized WR from Rutgers.
  4. Nice stand by the Jets D. TB7 TD drive?
  5. It's working now, they must have resolved whatever copyright crap was going on. Good. I appreciate the clarity of his argumentation. TLDR for everyone who doesn't have an hour: The war in Ukraine is an artillery war. Whoever has access to the most shells for the longest period of time has the upper hand. Right now, Ukraine has the upper hand, but it's slipping because Russia has shifted to a war economy, and has massively expanded production of artillery shells and rockets. Ukraine uses its upper hand to massacre Russian infantry with artillery fire. This forces Russia to pack its front lines with barely trained recruits, where they die in droves. Because so many of Russia's recruits die in droves to Ukrainian artillery without getting much training, the Russian army is too small and too poorly trained to decisively beat Ukraine. -For now- If Ukraine's supply of artillery ammunition can't keep up with Russia's, then Russia gains the upper hand. It is unlikely that Ukraine will keep up, because Europe refuses to make long term investment in its artillery ammunition infrastructure. This refusal is because Europe views the Ukraine war as a temporary inconvenience that is very expensive, which diverts from the real business at hand which is stability and economic growth. Which is all fine and dandy, except what happens if Ukraine loses, and Europe is suddenly staring at a fully-mobilized Russia, with a large, experienced, modern army, a vast nuclear arsenal, and the notion that all former Soviet states are its rightful property? And of course, Russia's ally China is achieving its military modernization goals with worrying speed and efficiency. This new Chinese military can only have one real enemy in mind, the USA, which means America might not be around to prop up European security if Russia successfully disentangles itself from Ukraine with a favorable settlement, or an outright win. Because America has many powerful Allies in the Indo-Pacific that it must defend. So actually, Russia and China are incentivizing eachother to press forward, either in their current war (Russia), or towards future war (China), because Europe views Ukraine as an expensive incovenience, and does not take defense and defense production seriously on strategic level, and so provides no real deterrent threat to Russia.
  6. This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Alexander Rybalchenko. Is this work by Michael Koffman?
  7. Standard warning posters who don't want their virgin ears to hear naughty words. Really gets cooking @ 5 minute mark. This is the best Jets fan rant in a long, long time. Adam, the ranter, is a teacher in Elmira, and his jester cap is...well it's outstanding.
  8. You gotta speak English to the uninitiated, my friend.
  9. It's a rugby inspired play and formation right? So somebody call Christian Wade, and have him spill the beans on how to scrum, ruck, and maul.
  10. Yeah. It's like comparing a receiver who catches the ball to a receiver that doesn't.
  11. My only real complaint about this game was seeing that dude's finger bone sticking out of the tear in his glove. We didn't need a close up of that.
  12. I admit I lost it a little tonight. When the camera panned over to Salah, I was shouting at the TV "Where you at Salah? You were talking all that good ***** yesterday?"
  13. The offense seemed far, far less disjointed and far, far less predictable. Brady called a great game, and whatever changes he and Kromer made to the run game were fantastic. The number of times the OL was able to blast holes in the Jets defensive front was truly relieving. That Jets DL is no joke and they were getting rag dolled over and over for 4-6 yard gains.
  14. Count it. Gabe Davis has video of McDermott with a dead girl and a live boy. It's the only reasonable explanation.
  15. But expected. Unlike the people in this thread who think a receiver who think it's ok for a receiver to drop a ball that hits him in the hands.
  16. How the ***** are their people making excuses for Gabe ***** Davis?
  17. I knew Hamas was a death cult, but it's fun watching three different Hamas spokesmen say Hamas is a death cult. And to different audiences at different times. Glad they're all on the same page. At least the North Vietnamese dug bomb shelters along with tunnels.
  18. Sure, I'll take McDaniels if he brings c.2007 Tom Brady with him. Otherwise, like all the pompous idiots who coached for Bill Belichick, he can't figure out that Tom Brady = The Patriot Way and nothing else.
  19. Thank you for saying this out loud. This board, like the interwebs, is filled with people who want what they want and they want it NOW. Then they think of a lot of reasons why they can't get what they want RIGHT NOW and get pissy. It's a game. Be Zen, like an adult, because it doesn't actually matter at all.
  20. Man, reading this thread, you'd think the Ohio Kittens were 8-0 and cruising towards Joe Burrow's 5th straight Superbowl.
  21. The other implication of your reasoning is that Governors and State Legislatures aren't responsible for crime in their states. Which is fine, if it were true.
  22. Good for them. I hope they win and I hope they affiliate with another, bigger Union, like CSEA.
  23. Well, the solution is obvious. Josh has to bang Taylor Swift.
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