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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Correct. The problem is that Russia isn't really capable of large scale mechanized maneuvers anymore, which is what you'd need to pull that off. Their professional, high tech, low drag army was destroyed about a year and a half ago. They've tried over and over again to ram tank/APC borne assaults through Ukraine's defences. Check out videos of Vuhledar to see how those turned out. Now, they fight positional war leveraging superior manpower and firepower to advance. This generates the slow, small, consistent gains they enjoy right now. They pay for it in 5k men killed per month if you believe Putin, much, much more than that if you believe their military bloggers. This is fine for now, as Russian can recruit 20-30k/ men per month thanks to astronomically high military wages and bonuses, and very, very generous disability and death benefits for veterans. But it also means there army is s-l-o-w, and the whole theatre is awash in recon drones. Not much chance of building up a large assault force before it's detected. Conversely, Ukrainian units in the assault are highly mechanized. There's not much chance of encirclement unless the Ukrainians duplicate the mistakes of Sevierodonetsk and Lysychansk and let themselves be encircled by fighting too hard in dumb positions. Oleksandr Syrsky the current Ukrainian C in C, has been much better at avoiding dumb fights than Valeriy Zaluzhny was. They're in a good spot, and they can always ***** it up, but there's not much chance of Ukrainians being cut off and encircled outside of rabid ZZZZZZZ brained spaces. Russian military bloggers like Fighterbomber, Geroman and Rybar are becoming more confident, but they still note that even today, Ukraine is punching holes in the Russian defense. Even if more and more Russian reserves are arriving in the area and the pace of Ukrainian advances is slowing down. Sidenote, this whole offensive may well be Ukraine calling it's backers bluffs. They drove the biggest military force since WWII over Russia's border, without so much as a by your leave...and have not disappeared under mushroom clouds as Putin threatens seemingly every Tuesday.
  2. Man, can you imagine how easy this win would be if DiSantis or Haley were running instead of Trump?
  3. If anybody's wondering what Russian propaganda's current talking points are... here's Russia's actual domestic propaganda with it's current talking points.
  4. Tell me you're an NPC without telling me you're an NPC.
  5. We aren't living in aftermath of Carter's forever wars and Carter's deficits.
  6. How is God's name is any modern president worse than GWB?
  7. He's been phenomenal? Like, "Sarah Palin giving John McCain the lead" phenomenal? Or he's just stopped screwing up as much and you're happy about it?
  8. Yup, it's Walz. Wondering why she didn't go Beshear...but she's toast if she loses the upper Midwest.
  9. ...unless she wins. Then she's the second worst. But hey, it's a two party system, and we can't dig up Ike and ask him to run again.
  10. So if she's a TG women, but she still gets her ass kicked by biological women (she's lost 9 professional fights to certified biological women)...why should we care if she's TG?
  11. On the one hand, Rasmussen is a garbage poll. On the other hand, that's a winning national margin for a Democrat in the EC.
  12. ***** around. Found out.
  13. Be careful with any polling of the Upper Midwest. Public pollsters had them all going for Biden by 10+ in 2020. Biden didn't believe it, Trump didn't either, and Biden did just enough to win them.
  14. Yeah. Kentucky is sewn up for the GOP. It'd be a waste of talent to keep him their where local machines (like the one run by Mitch McConnell) can keep a lid on him. It's the sort of choice that's designed to stretch the electoral map. Like what Trump should have done. Harris' PA polling has improved significantly, she's almost got a lead bigger than the Margin of Error in PA. I don't know about playing for GA and NC, with AZ and NV still around. AZ and NV are going to be more receptive to her message and easier to influence. Honestly, I think her plan is to keep the Trump campaign scrambling until they pull a Biden. That is, until they panic and demand a debate. Then hope Trump turns a meandering, angry, geriatric performance and turns the lights out on his own campaign.
  15. The rumor mill is spinning hard for Beshear as VP. Supposedly his security detail has increased suddenly and dramatically.
  16. Lies, exaggeration and mudslinging in politics? Who could have seen this coming?! I'm shocked, nay, appalled!
  17. Jesus is, was, and will always be the Word made Flesh, who freely accepted torture and death to redeem all of our sins. He is coequal in glory, coeternal in majesty with the father and the holy spirit. True god from true god as Nicene creed says. Wholy god and wholy man who gave up his life to destroy our death. He died side by side with two other convicted felons. One was prideful, rebellious and full of mockery. The other came to him in true humility and true repentance and received the fullness of salvation. But who has time for nuance when a quip will do, right?
  18. Alright, I might have to join Xitter now. Lefty meme game had risen to lofty heights of Catturd, Poso, Poso's sockpuppet account EndWokeness, and whoever else tells BillsfanNPC how to feel and what to think. This might actually be entertaining.
  19. Outstanding. This is great news. Tua gets generational wealth. We get the same old Miami Dolphins for four more years.
  20. I did no such thing, Sir! And I demand satisfaction for your dastardly imprecations! Excellent use of "alights" btw. It's why I write at a 5th grade level.
  21. Democrats candidate is bad and is losing. Democrats decide not to run a losing candidate. Democrats change candidate. Internet brains lose their *****. Trump campaign shocked that the people they called idiots stopped being idiots, at least temporarily. Race temporarily becomes interesting again. Grown ups watch internet brained NPCs throw equal and opposite talking points at each other
  22. I heard he was in Ukraine. He's getting treated with the same drugs that the NATO funded chemical weapons labs are using to create Neo Nazi Human Animal hybrid super soldiers. Don't believe the lying MSM. The lying MSM never asks the tough questions.
  23. The 47-17 vs. NE in the Wild Card. 44-34 vs Seattle. My favorite game of Josh's career.
  24. I would love an actual open convention, complete with backroom deals and floor fights. Quit these glorified informercials and canned applause lines.
  25. I've seen that too. It's a shame. It would really spice things up. Kamala is the *presumptive* heir apparent, but we'll find out. Granted on how bent out of shape all the usual NPC posters are about this move, there's a glimmer of hope the Dems will make things interesting.
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