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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. The Transcript of Fareed Zakaria's interview with Zelensky.
  2. If a play doesn't do it, a penalty will.
  3. Because he's a mumbling, stuttering, barley with it, washed up lame duck in his 80s?
  4. The more All Pro posts about her, the more I think Victoria Nuland would make a great Secretary of State.
  5. Once again, America! World Cop has to keep the peace because, well, because...
  6. Agreed. Rather get them at night if we have to play them early though. Were it up to me, they'd shitcan Thursday Night games altogether. But the accountants have spoken.
  7. Miami has no home field advantage besides architecture. They'd be better of playing in front of empty bleachers.
  8. WWIII, Russia's victory is inevitable, America World Cop must force everyone to make peace yadda yadda yadda...
  9. I'll be at a birthday dinner at a nice Italian restaurant tomorrow evening. Maybe the game's on, maybe it isn't. But I'm not worried. We'll take care of business.
  10. All I learned is that Trump is pitifully easy to manipulate. Middle School level word games leave him completely incoherent.
  11. I was going to say. That actually sounds like WGR after a one score home win.
  12. So don't screw up. Got it.
  13. None. Either we'll win or beat ourselves. We own them. They know it.
  14. Great game by Groot. Great efficiency in the running game. Defensive secondary needs work. Exactly the game I wanted.
  15. That was the easiest facemask call ever.
  16. After the opener, and the Brazil game, I've about had it with the overproduced, Zebra driven primetime games. Give me a low drag, 24-14, 1 pm game heavy on the run and play-action. Then tell the NFL to get off my lawn.
  17. Ahhhh, good old SOS. Or "Creamy Chipped Beef" for the PC. Best served with a side of scrapple and some hash browns.
  18. I'm sure Brazilians paid good money to watch Zebras throw laundry.
  19. Given the tone and type of discourse on this subforum, I don't blame you
  20. Clearly your sense-making has been captured by US regime talking points. For example, Tokyo Rose, Axis Sally, Lord Haw Haw, and Hanoi Hannah raised valid concerns rooted in an honest search for the truth. Real critical thinkers would appreciate the nuance that they brought to public discourse.
  21. Agreed! So who started the war in Ukraine? Since us Free Thinkers know it wasn't the side that drove tanks over the border or landed paratroopers in Hostomel Airport. That's MSM propaganda for the drones!
  22. https://rollcall.com/2024/05/21/pentagon-pursuing-russian-use-of-musks-starlink-terminals/ You are correct. I was wrong. He doesn't provide them to Russia. Russia buys them off the black market and uses them in Ukraine.
  23. He throttles Ukraine's access to Starlink, and he also provides Starlink access to Russia.
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