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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Colin Powell...I wonder how history would have changed had Colin Powell run for President in 1996 instead of Bob Dole. Anyyyyyway...
  2. Pass. TD Phins Talk is a Dolphins YouTuber with about 25k subs. That barely registers when it comes to "influencer" status. If none of the Dolphins beat reporters are saying anything, there's nothing going on. He just had a kid too, so if he wrangles another couple thousand subs off the rumor mill, good for him and his side hustle.
  3. The video starts with the line "It's day 373 of Vladimir Putin's 10 Day Special Military Operation..." and moves on in the same spirit. Sky's not exactly being sympathetic to Putin. The battles for Bakhmut are winding down, Russia's going to take the city as expected. Nobody knows why they want it so badly but hey, they're getting it so bully for them?
  4. Twitterbrain is real. Were I Russia, I'd want to stop this war as quickly as possible. Usually when global diplomats are laughing in the face of your foreign minister...in public...it means you've lost respect. Certainly nobody laughed at Russia before this war started. But they do now. Even Colin Powell's bogus bull#### on Iraq and WMDs was received with more dignity that Lavrov's moralizing talking points.
  5. I really wish I could disagree with this. And ***** off with that Reagan worshipping bull####. I'm a Union man and Reagan can go straight to hell.
  6. I'm an old school republican. I want limited government, reformed institutions, and a country that works for its citizens. I don't need a revolutionary party that smashes everything it deems to be corrupt. There is no party of limited government left. Just parties of activists playing to our base instincts and the internet age's addiction to outrage and instant gratification.
  7. If you can't run'em up, the fill'em in! I wonder if this means McDermott's bringing in Jerrod Mayo? I think NE is running a 3-3-5 base defense, where one of the LBs is actually more a old school Strong Safety type player.
  8. This was informative, but not in the way you intended. The first entity to say Keir Simmons was put on a hit list is Russia Today. A news corporation financed directly from Russian Government revenues. The only entities reporting Russia Today's "hit list" story are twitter accounts and susbtack authors. Like the twitter account and substack you posted. kanekoa happily retweets Michael Flynn, without commentary or analysis. So your source retweets Russia Today and Michael Flynn uncritically, while adding subtle digs that align with RT propaganda. This isn't earth shaking information. This isn't investigative journalism. This is literally how message amplification propaganda works, step-by-step.
  9. Nuanced opinions? Come now sir, don't you realize this is the Internet?
  10. George Pataki would have beat Hochul by 30pts. There just aren't any George Patakis left.
  11. The comment section on the powerline op/ed was pure gold. Thanks for that!
  12. Well, generally everyone posting in this thread is pro-Ukraine and pro-Peace. Where we differ in is in what peace looks like, and the sort of role America should play in reaching it. We've also got some serious cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome and AltRight QAnon Twitter brain. But that's the internet these days so what are gonna do right?
  13. r/Combatfootage is a good place to start. Telegram is full of pro-Russian/"Z" channels. Try WarGonzo, Rybar, Geroman and Strelnikov/Igor Girkin. WarGonzo actually lost part of his foot while embedded with Russia forces.
  14. Yeah, BigBlitz earned his spot on my ignore list. It's just a firehose of tweeted bull####.
  15. https://www.reuters.com/world/ukraine-says-its-open-some-parts-china-ceasefire-proposal-2023-02-24/ Highlights on Zelensky's response to China's proposal: -He doesn't think it's a plan, just a list of points, some of which he thinks are ok. The article doesn't say which ones. -He says that any peace plan that doesn't come with a full Russian troop withdrawal is DOA. -He's got a meeting with Xi Jinping coming up, and China providing arms to Russia is a very serious issue that will be discussed. The rest I leave to you guys, it's a short read.
  16. Totally agree. If this summary is accurate, all China did with this flim flam proposal is announce how they'd like to see the war resolved. And how the resolution of the war could best align with China's interests. It's such a naked wishlist of China and Russia's best outcomes given current circumstances, you'd almost think it's a fake.
  17. It's not a snarky response. You're a guy with an opinion on the internet, you said you're not an expert, and you didn't post any evidence. So I stopped reading.
  18. Honesty is a great policy and I appreciate it. PPP could certainly use more like you. But this is where I stopped reading your post.
  19. There's a DeSantis thread for talking about DeSantis. The whole rest of PPP is there for discussing politics n crap.
  20. The T-90M is the second most modern tank in Russia after the T-14 Armata. It's also the most modern tank they're currently producing. All the stuff sicking out of the top of the turret are sensors and gunsights for the crew, bits of the anti-missile defense systems, and remote weapons stations. The rug looking thing draped over it is Nakidka, to help minimize its thermal and radar detectability.
  21. The last time I heard arguments like those, it was in college. And they were coming from guys in sandals and Che Guevara t-shirts holding $6 lattes. Horseshoe Theory has once again proven itself.
  22. Nope, there isn't. You're right. I just wish Russia would take a page from Austria-Hungary's book, back in 1866. Yes, Prussia just kicked your ass, humiliated you, and broke your influence over central Europe. But they didn't break the back of your Empire. So take your L, make peace, let bygones be bygones, accept Prussian rapprochment and get back to doing what works for you: throwing your diplomatic influence around the concert of Europe.
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