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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Sure, I'll take McDaniels if he brings c.2007 Tom Brady with him. Otherwise, like all the pompous idiots who coached for Bill Belichick, he can't figure out that Tom Brady = The Patriot Way and nothing else.
  2. Thank you for saying this out loud. This board, like the interwebs, is filled with people who want what they want and they want it NOW. Then they think of a lot of reasons why they can't get what they want RIGHT NOW and get pissy. It's a game. Be Zen, like an adult, because it doesn't actually matter at all.
  3. Man, reading this thread, you'd think the Ohio Kittens were 8-0 and cruising towards Joe Burrow's 5th straight Superbowl.
  4. The other implication of your reasoning is that Governors and State Legislatures aren't responsible for crime in their states. Which is fine, if it were true.
  5. Good for them. I hope they win and I hope they affiliate with another, bigger Union, like CSEA.
  6. Well, the solution is obvious. Josh has to bang Taylor Swift.
  7. I know they're doomed, but go Broncos anyway. A guy can dream.
  8. Hamas wants a Truce all of a sudden If I'm ok with Israel telling them to shove it, does that make me a warmonger?
  9. It seems like you want a lot of credit for this thread. Nobody knows why, but that's what it seems like.
  10. In the mean time... Israel has called up 300,000 reservists in 48 hours, and declared a total blockade of the Gaza strip. No food, no fuel, no water, nothing's going in or out with their say so. Which, given all the videos of gang rapes, beheadings and child executions being posted right now...Yeah that was going to happen.
  11. Put me down for another spot, we've got a second car coming.
  12. Oh no doubt...but it seems like this move actually succeeding is the last thing anybody of any political persuasion expects. So it's strange to see agreement on a major political issue, and a little funny.
  13. Honestly, were I running the NFL, I'd flex the Bears to 1PM every ***** week. They're a gong show. They're a clown car. Putting the Bears on TV is a 3 hour excuse to catch up on house work.
  14. Sounds like poor coaching. Nothing wastes talent faster.
  15. Yeah they can. I lived in England for some time. When got there, three or four pints would do me in. By the time I moved back home, I could drink a 5th of Jim Beam in a day and still walk, which is not a good thing. I most certainly cannot do that now, thank god.
  16. Me too. If they tried to keep pace with the locals, well, a pint every 45 minutes for twelve hours should soften them up nicely.
  17. I agree. But like I've said, as long as nobody wants to negotiate because they think they're winning...then you have to pick a winner. Or a loser. Then force them to settle. So, hypothetically, what credible threats are we prepared to make for peace?
  18. Sure there was. When one side has already won. You're thinking like a businessman. Not a historian. The Confederate States of America didn't get a chance to negotiate. Nazi Germany didn't get a chance to negotiate. See my point?
  19. You're ignoring that both sides want to win, and have plans to win that they think are working. So unless you want pick a winner... waiting them out is the only answer.
  20. See, I look at the example of the Vietnamese vs. us, the Afghanis vs. the USSR, the Taliban vs. us, and I think a smaller power that's willing to take its lumps and not lose stands a really good chance of winning. Especially against a larger power that has a ton of other fish that it wants to fry, but can't...because it's stuck in a forever war it didn't need to start, and is too dumb to admit it's lost...
  21. Ok. I'm not going to debate the point that you're making if that's what you're looking for. But it is interesting to me to see why people think what they think. I agree. Yup. But if you're looking for a morally pure country to live in... well nobody sells real estate in space. It absolutely is.
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