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Everything posted by {::'KayCeeS::}

  1. The whole point is that Fromm is ISOLATED, as the emergency Covid QB. What is so hard to understand about that?
  2. Yeah, also, I generally run the equivalent of 15 circles around my house everyday, So I was just BSing.
  3. I'm in pretty good shape. I run on the reg.
  4. Do you live in rural TN? Because I grew up there. Come at me.
  5. If 15 Titans players don't get suspended for this game, I will run circles around my house for maybe 15 minutes.
  6. As long as you understand that YOU have nothing to do with it. It's all just GOD. Always. Has Been, Will Be.... It's okay.
  7. This. Great Point.
  8. So why are you so worked up about Bretton Woods? I assume you're familiar with the wheel of Karma?
  9. I'm ALL ABOUT esoteric interpretaion! Seriously. PM me if you want. But I understand your reticence. You're very right: surprises are what makes life worth living! But maybe also.. knowing that your fundamental life essence has nothing to do with Bretton Woods?
  10. Thank you for your response! Seriously. You're a gem. But here's my question: why do you think the power people of the world would ever leave their wealth to question? The answer is: they wouldn't! No apocolypse is coming, because all the "crises" and "apocalypses" have been orchestrated. In regard to Bretton Woods: sure yes, but it was just one part of a greater plan... but no matter what, bro, they can't take YOU from YOU if you don't give it to them.
  11. Please post something that you learned yourself that wasn't told to you from a media source. For the betterment of all of us. I'll start: the first and foremost commandment is to question all commandments. These commandments may be right, but they also may be wrong. You don't know until you question them. All thoughts or expressions are welcome, as long as they comply with TBD guidelines.
  12. You don't know anything about Baphomet. Whether your use the energy for good or evil is up to you.
  13. Just trace the money upwards. But you're being dishonest. That's okay.
  14. Yes. Nothing to do with belief. Just fact.
  15. For the people who got him elected. Obviously Trump is not the best candidate for the job. If our country was really about the best man, then why does everyone keep voting for people that take more and more money from them?
  16. Here's my question: Trace the money upwards. A super duper fractional amount of people own EVERYTHING. So why wouldn't these people orchestrate their holdings? I mean, wouldn't you?
  17. Do any of you care that Trump is a frontman?
  18. Well, even without being a "conspiracy theorist", trillions of dollars (i.e. the size of the world's economy) support either one of them. That's why I ask. Why do serfs so fervently support their masters? I'm not a complete #######. I'm always open to someone smacking me in the forehead and saying, "Hey, you've been an idiot!". It's why I ask.
  19. Honest question: why do you think either of these people have any say in what happens?
  20. What would be the point of propagandha, if you didn't think it was happening to you?
  21. Okay, so it really is that he's just "not Trump". What is the bolded? Again, not trolling.
  22. Honestly, very well said, King Serf. I'm sure whatever job you do, you're paid well.
  23. NFL games are not only hard to win, but are most often won by few points. Which means that individual plays have great influence over games, and especially plays by your non-stars who pay bit roles. Cue Andre Roberts, who I think will "win" us a game this season.
  24. If Allen keeps on playing like a BOSS, then it makes it easy for McD to keep the pedal to the medal in the playoffs. I'm of the opinion that McD is a real coach, and just amplifies what he has in front of him.
  25. No. The Meat in his head is reserved for knowing about his players practicing. If you asked him who the Mayor of Nashville is, and he said he didn't know... then I would believe him.
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