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Everything posted by {::'KayCeeS::}

  1. Honest question: do you think it's a fad? the tilted shotgun ratio, i mean? it's something i think about...
  2. The title of this thread basically summarizes my concerns about Mayfield. I could give two s***s about his "character issues": people see issues, I see competitive fire. But yeah, I don't know if he can. And that, coupled with his height (sorry but a fact), gives me pause.
  3. I bet Mayfield falls. How far....? If you couple the height thing with the not operating under center thing, that's what I think is going to happen. And I'm not a hater. Just a realist i think. I like Mayfield fine.
  4. I'm not going to quote the whole thing for etiquette's sake, but I appreciate that you put the last name's first. I'm old school like that. Also, you've obviously put a lot of thought into this ideal, and I salute that. I wouldn't take Mayfield but I can follow your reasoning and that puts you ahead by a good distance, imo.
  5. LOL because i hope the opposite. But here's what i think is gonna happen, after watching the first episode of this season: they're obviously pitting Elizabeth and Phillip against each other, and who's in the middle? Obviously the daughter. So the ending has to revolve around her. they've been developing it too long, and a show like this doesn't do that for no reason. So Elizabeth and Phillip will be guns in the face at the end, because both want to salvage the daughter for their own reasons. Beyond that, i don't know. All that being said, I LOVE THIS SHOW.
  6. I think this a very interesting perspective, and not worthy of all the flippant hate. On the other hand, I don't see what it has to do with ethinicity. So I think that's a valid criticism. But we should be, as a community, encouraging more thoughtful threads like this, even if you don't agree at all with them. So bravo, Mr. Meanie, keep doing what you do.
  7. Honestly, what is your problem? The rest of us can watch these Leaf interviews and talk about them rationally. You are just projecting your own bias. So I'm calling you out. The guy has obviously grown as a human being, if you can't get that from watching, especially, the Rich Eisen interview, then you are merely a troll with an axe to grind.
  8. Yes, this is exactly what I got from the interview. But also, independent from it, the point of that line is a salient one, i think. I think a lot of people can relate to the line between confidence and arrogance. I know I've been burned before because of it, but I wasn't also being paid millions of dollars to perform on a public stage. It's a relevant concern, and I found Leaf to be surprisingly forthcoming about his past and his dealings with present players.
  9. I'm pretty sure when the allegedly heavenly deity wrote the book, his first phrase was...
  10. I've begun to think recently that all this "moving up" stuff is just smokescreen. I'm beginning to think they like McCarron and are ready to ride with him (at least for this year). I think this because I looked at our roster and, reality, we have a lot of holes to fill. I'm beginning to think they moved up to twelve for a specific player (not a QB). With six picks in the first three rounds, we can immediately fill (or at least try) to fill all these holes. But nothing McBeane does surprises me anymore. If we move up, it will be for Rosen. I'm sure of that. We shall see. But don't be surprised if we stand pat and just draft six players in the first three rounds.
  11. Nova is goin' stomp that wolverine, sorry Michigan peeps.
  12. That volley was frakkin' RIDICULOUS. Next Level Stuff.
  13. These "done" threads just only say something about the OP. If you don't bleed it, then exist stage right, imo.
  14. This is similar to my thinking, although I also think that the notre dame guard is a possibility at 2. But I think they really do want Barkley. All of a sudden, with Barkley, their offense is viable, and he's the kind of RB that doesn't have to have a killer OL to kill.
  15. I really can not believe that McBeane is targeting Allen. He doesn't fit their mold, imo. Now Rosen, on the other hand... that make sense. If we trade up, it will be for Rosen. Otherwise we will stay pat and just draft a bunch of studs. I can't see it any other way.
  16. I still remember EXACTLY where I was when the Music City Miracle happened. Maybe my most distinct memory from back then.
  17. The reality is we have a lot of holes to fill. <insert your joke here> <<:)>>
  18. I just want to officially go on record that I'm a Rosen Fanboy. That is all.
  19. Sporting events are naturally communal for me... except for the draft, which I like watch alone. Not sure why.
  20. I've never seen an interview with Leaf, and I'm surprised by how thoughtful and intelligent he is. But that's part of his story- he's so open and self-aware, it's refreshing and good to hear someone who has risen from the depths, so to speak. He also has some interesting things to say about Rosen, etc., I highly recommend you watch this.
  21. You're kind of making the point of how many holes we have, including no proven QB, among the many other positions. Why would anyone rank us high at this point in time? Your theory banks on all those drafted rookies being major contributors straight out of the gate. That being said, I believe in the {::'ProCeSS::} and totally respect your Optimism.
  22. I always appreciate your posts, but i think everything they've done since the new regime started has been leading to Rosen. They're gonna trade up, I'm sure. They got the capital, and they've collected it, with a vision. McBeane is Nothing if not Bold, and Sure Footed. Exactly what it takes to trade up and not mortgage the farm to do so.
  23. THIS:: He's a !@#$ing PRO:: the one we've been waiting for.
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