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Everything posted by {::'KayCeeS::}

  1. This. Think about it: how many NFL GM's exist in the world? and they don't talk? as in "[insert name here] f'ed me over on this, he's a douche". All of a sudden, no one wants to deal with that guy. It's a competitive but definitely collegial atmosphere. It has to be, right?
  2. LOVE Michele, but I don't think we're gonna second round him.
  3. Yes. The kid is just straight bonafied. Yes, his shoulders aren't as broad, and yes, he's had some concussions. But...have you watched him throw the football? Have you seen him play the game? He's pro-ready and for real. The tape bears it out, and none of the interviews tell me otherwise personality wise.
  4. Okay. We agree here. I have faith in McCarron. Why? Witchcraft basically lol. In my humble opinion, we have so many holes, I will not be unhappy if we stand pat and just draft studs. On the other hand, I am a Rosen Fanboy, so... if we trade up, GREAT! But to be clear: I would stay pat, except for a reasonable price for Rosen.
  5. Ok, we come to an accordance: do you think McCarron is that? if you don't then...
  6. They don't. That doesn't mean you don't develop a prospect.
  7. i could throw the whole arron rodgers thing, and so I will.
  8. I feel like he's got to eat a bullet at the end. It kind of makes sense, seeing how he's the completely innocent one. Whatever the ending is, it's going to be absolutely BRUTAL, so might as well lean into it and really flesh out the story/finale. Notice he's never really been part of the storyline. He just exists. Which makes his "execution" all the more bats*it, and will cause the parents and the daughter to also go bats*hit and provoke the finale stage, so to speak. But in all actuality, knowing this show, they will end it so subtly we will barely notice, but will be in awe at the same time, and it will be nothing like I'm saying.
  9. This is what I call a "Half-Troll" Post. It's halfway possible... i mean, it's not "outside" of reality. But... In all equitabiliy....
  10. That's what I think about. If I can trade up to 2 for a reasonable price, then i do it, because I know rosen will be there. But otherwise? Just stockpile the talent. I know Rosen will be great, but our position is so great, that I won't overpay.
  11. No one knows. That's the best part. No one can find the "record" if it comes to suit. But still, I'd like to think my word is my bond.
  12. How is is "idiotic and senseless" in your opinion? Misleading sure. But "idiotic and senseless"? I honestly want to hear your opinion. Not trying to F with you.
  13. I just want to go on record and say that the OP's prediction will not come to pass. That is all.
  14. That's the question for me: ROSEN vs. 6 draft picks? I want Rosen bad too but it's still the question.
  15. Everything is stolen, my friend! We don't need Cercei Lannister walking through the city to tell us that! Every creative act is built on a trillion that came before it. You can't have the wheel without....etc. etc. BTW, jon and the mother of dragons are gonna have a baby, because they're both targaryens!
  16. I hear you, and I hope so for his/our sake
  17. Thank you for responding in such an intelligent manner. I think we hired Daboll precisely to make us current with the RPO. I think Shady would be fantastic in an RPO offense. But who will run it? Everyone seems to love McCarron, so I do too...?
  18. I get you. But you will agree that pro days mean pretty much nothing? I mean, he might as well be Allen then, if gameday experience is negligable. Just saying: I'm not a Mayfield hater, I actually like the guy quite a lot. But just trying to call a spade a spade.
  19. The honest truth is physical visibility + psychological knack = success. Drew, Russell, they have to be way better in certain ways than Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady. Just a fact. Which makes what they do even that more impressive. As Meanie said in his thread, to be a QB, you have be the 1 percent of the 1 percent. An if you're undersized?.... Reality: 99% of eyes in heads are in similar locations relative to size. But I think this is an April Fool's Thread
  20. Dropping from the shotgun and the center are not the same thing. How can you have "no concerns" about it?
  21. I'm an unabashed Rosen Fan but I've been thinking that we're not going to trade up. Six picks. Six picks in the first three rounds. Imagine what we could do with that. We do have a lot of positions that need filling.
  22. Exactly. It's the pre-draft time of year when threads proliferate like Tennessee Rabbits. The Nature of the Beast.
  23. I follow your reasoning, but I don't think Rosen will drop that far. I feel like fans pump up Mayfield (who again, I have nothing against). I just don't think the NFL GM's value Mayfield as high as his fanboys. But back to the point, I will eat my hat if Rosen falls out of the top 10. And I love my hat, it's a Bills hat and I've had it for years!
  24. Tyrod: "You can't come to my birthday party"
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