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Everything posted by {::'KayCeeS::}

  1. This thread is all my fault boo hoo hoo ha! Ok, i will take responsibility. Let me sum up, for all those at home: Sean Hannity is an actor playing a role. He's in it for himself. Duh. So is every other MSNBC, CNN, FOX, whoever the F anchor/talking head. I think that about covers it.
  2. Cool, thanks for the info. I'll check it out. I've heard about it obviously, a very famous series, but never given it a chance.
  3. Because it makes dudes like you so flustered they make threads on a message board about it: (hot_collar)
  4. Love all of these. Especially the Stormlight Archive. What did you think of the last book? Have you read any other of Sanderson's books? Which Dirk Pitt Series book would you recommend, if I was to read one?
  5. Okay, you silly basterds This is the idea: Make a case for something that you "oppose", politically, socially, culturally, scientifically, whatever. I'm not saying how you should do it. Just do it in your own way. Enlighten/entertain us with your ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes! Serious attempts are preferred, but I ain't gonna cry if you make me laugh. Okay, so here's the format I would suggest: - State what you believe (I support/believe/ascribe to "such and such") - Then make an argument for the opposite, opposed, or divergent opinion from your own. I'll go first: MY BELIEF: "Climate Change is a political hoax that has nothing to do with actual, real environmental issues." DEVIL'S ADVOCATE: "Conspiracy theories always abound, and are always fueled by people who are not qualified to make the judgments that they seem so comfortable making. The reality is: the vast majority of scientists around the world acknowledge Climate Change as not only a real and present issue, but the most pressing enviromental issue of our times. Most countries around the world have been coming together to try to reduce CO2 emissions, knowing that in doing so they're not only saving the many great species of our world, but also saving ourselves as well. Ocean levels will continue to rise if we do nothing. Temperatures will continue to rise if we do nothing. By the end of this century, previously established coastlines/countries will be underwater, and temperatures will be so high that agriculture will be drastically affected and curbed. We will have serious trouble feeding our ever-growing populace. All these stresses will result in increased local and regional disputes between various factions and countries, resulting in an overall state of chaos in the world that will victimize the vast majority of billions too poor to shelter themselves. In short, we MUST curb fossil fuel energy usage as much as possible and transition to as green economy as soon as possible, in order to stem the inevitable advent of a world that has lost its climate equilibrium and thus descends into dystopia."
  6. Yeah, i get you, the cowboys stadium and all, over three days and such. I just never imagined that many people was even a remote possibility! You've just kind of blown my mind over here! Still... I would be curious about what the final count is after it's all said and done. Because I would be willing to be that "expectation" will still be on the high side. Anyone want to take a high/low bet, for bragging rights?
  7. Lizard gonads fried
  8. bro you just took the words out of my mouth. wtf? i want to call bulls**t, right? I mean... right?
  9. So I'm a big reader, especially of genre material (speculative, fantasy, sci-fi, weird, horror), but always looking for any good recommendations. I also read crime/mystery novels, especially the ones that are hybrids with other genres. Anyone here on goodreads.com? This is me on Goodreads Holla at me if you want to be frendz and such, I like to see my feed pop off with people's recommendations/reviews. Books that I've read recently that I would recommend: China Lake by Meg Gardiner (suspense, crime) The Night Market by Jonathan Moore (crime, mystery, sci-fi) The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty (historical fantasy) I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid (literary horror) Hater by David Moody (horror) Even if you're not on goodreads, please post reviews/recommendations of whatever book in this thread, that would be great as well. The more the merrier!
  10. Well, my point was more of a personal opinion on what the overall situation is now, as opposed to before his retirement. Now if you asked me, do I think the Bills' draft board/plan has changed because of Incognito retiring? That's a different and a good question, and you're probably right: they're going to stick to the plan. Which makes sense, as you say. Me, personally, however, it gives me pause. I would still love a QB but if they don't/can't trade up for whatever reason, I'm not going to throw things against the wall like I would have before. Perhaps that's being short-sighted, but it's just what strikes me now.
  11. Now that you mentioned it, I just went back and looked at some interviews with him: I could have sworn he was irish and very metro-actor-ish ! But he's evidently not. I'm not sure what I was thinking there.... My bad! I fed you false info. Still, a superb performance by a great actor.
  12. That's why I deleted that post! I realized too late! Thanks a lot!
  13. Europe, and the Euro, is/has been traditionally coupled to the US and the dollar, all the way back to the end of WWII. In essence, the US paved the way for the EU with the Marshall Plan, as an extension of our influence against Communist Russia. See NATO today, as the military outgrowth. The Euro was/is never going to supplant the dollar. However, it will most likely be a part of the bundle of currencies which do supplant the dollar, and that's already under way. One day, the reserve currency of the world will be "backed" by a bundle of national currencies (the various powers) and also by gold as well (as a stablizer), with international commerce being conducted in "Special Drawing Rights", or SDR's, the currency of the International Monetary Fund. If you doubt this, just do the research. It's already well underway. Has been for awhile. It's what fuels mega-conspiracy theories.
  14. I'm not going to quote that long post, but I "liked" your OP, even though I am not an Allen fan. That was the most informative and interesting perspective on him that I've heard so far. Thanks for posting.
  15. And the 81st time will be when the IMF owns all the infrastructure of our country. A true patriot would be interested in what I have articulated. Would be interested in figuring out how exactly we could avoid this fate. Or, if he/she disagreed, would be interested in debating the relative merits of my points. Would be interested in saying "Hey, you're wrong, and here's why". But that's not you, obviously. So keep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It's much easier, hey, I get it, trust me.
  16. Yes, this. And when the dollar is not the reserve, this smoke and mirrors game will be null and void, and we will be well and truly f'ed. Russia is buying gold by the truckloads to ensure their future, and China has launched its yuan-denominated oil futures as an attempt to chip away at the dollar's monopoly. Both of these countries are on the upswing, which none of us may want to hear, but it's simply the reality. Nothing short of a self-imposed, radical change in our expenditures can save us from the reality of these countries overtaking and surplanting us. Saber rattling only fools the plebs, not the people who actually run these countries.
  17. I haven't watched season 4 yet, but I agree with the OP, one of the best written/produced crime series ever. Completely underrated. It makes sense that one of Wire producers is the showrunner for the series. But still, it's completely LA. Even if you've spent only a little time there, it reeks of an authenticity that is so lacking in so many shows. Nothing flashy or gratuitous about it. Just really well done. Inspired casting of Bosch too, the actor himself is nothing at all like Bosch, but you wouldn't know that at all from his performance. Just great stuff. Also, I recommend Michael Connelly's books! Start with his first Bosch book, "The Black Echo". It's great!
  18. Incognito retiring really f'ed us. I was all for trading up for a QB until then. But it was kind of the straw that broke the Camel's back, imo. Think about it: Linebackers? Milano has potential, sure. We resigned Humber, but he's just okay. Alexander is not a linebacker, really, let's be honest. We have no MLB. Anyone else on the roster I know so little about that it's pointless to speculate. But we could draft 6 players in the first three rounds without trading up, including LB's and OL's, which are our two really dire needs. Rock and a Hard Place. I don't envy McBeane this draft, but, at the same time, they have a lot of options, so we shall see.
  19. Debt. Because one day the dollar won't be the exclusive reserve currency anymore. It's just a matter of time. And we'll be forced into austerity measures, and we will be the IMF's biotch. It will happen sometime this century. We will be "bailed out" because if we weren't the world's economy would be majorly f'ed, and we here in the US will sell it as something else, but it will still be the same kind of thing, just on a larger scale, that happened to Greece, etc. You might say, "well, that's not at this time", but really, it is, because the powers-that-be in our country ain't stupid, and they know what's coming down the pike, and through, especially, our foreign policy, they're trying desperately to augment our position, so that when the inevitable comes down the pike, we will be in the best position possible to negotiate the best possible deal. That's why we, in public, take such bellicose stances against the BRICS countries (especially Russia and China). We're like a famous, reknown poker player that has dominated the scene for a long time, but now, has finally gotten up in age and now sees his stacks dwindling where they once increased, and thus becomes recklessly aggressive with his play, even though he knows that, in the long run, he will end up bankrupt.
  20. Why would pay him now with his history of knee injuries? If he can play this upcoming full season and put up 1000+, then maybe you entertain it. Nothing worse than long-term saddling yourself to a player who can't stay on the field. Gotta wait and see on this one.
  21. Still, I feel dutybound to fall on my sword. I mean, not piercing any internal organs or anything, but just a solid flesh wound that will leave a mark, that I can then later claim is a battle scar from saving some damsel in distress, or something equally old-fashioned hero-like. The time honored tradition of turning embarrassment into triumph!
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