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Everything posted by Franco_92

  1. So you came to a Buffalo Bills board.
  2. Why are you posting about a Chiefs Pats game on a Bills board?
  3. Clay has to get to the marker there.
  4. Meh. Everyone is 0-0 again. I'm happy about that.
  5. Matt Ryan blew it. what a loser.
  6. Did you email? What was the email address you sent it to, or the postal address if you wrote by hand?
  7. We've just completed a trade for Philip Rivers.
  8. They did spot it where his helmet landed, not the ball, he was a couple inches short. Not worth the challenge though.
  9. Why does someone make the first and second half game day threads early every week? They never get opened on time. Ever.
  10. Makes sense. Ignore any crazies you might find over here, I like reading your input, thanks for coming by.
  11. It's not that he calls them incomplete; he says "and-complete!" Like it's one word. It certainly sounds like "incomplete" and is very annoying.
  12. This is not how the rules of football are supposed to work. Absolute nonsense.
  13. I'm definitely a lightweight when it comes to hot food, and I didn't come close to throwing up when I had the death sauce there. It wasn't pleasant, of course, but not as bad as I imagined it would be. It did end the meal though, I wasn't full before I ate one and after that i did not feel like eating for a few hours
  14. That's awesome, super happy for him. Glad he's happy to be here.
  15. yes because last place would still be clinched
  16. The crime is that they never got that shot.
  17. Is there any way to get video of this, or are they all illegal?
  18. My bad, I might be mistaking you for another poster. I'm not a fan of either as well
  19. Are you watching your guy? Laughable.
  20. they might be raised in one because of their parents, but until they develop reasoning skills they can't actually choose one over another themselves
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