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Everything posted by Franco_92

  1. Love TT. I started watching in 2005 and he was by far the best QB I"ve seen the team have to this point. I'd like Josh to take enough of a leap this offseason to change that. But Tyrod QBed my favorite Bills season and moments to date. I was completely ready to move on last year, but glad to see he also looks back fondly.
  2. The Bills and Sabres both can change my mood for the following 24 hours. Not from bubbly to suicidal or anything, but things are bleaker when they lose and rosier when they win to the point that people around me can kind of tell.
  3. Yep, our only legacy that matters will be that as the 20XX Super Bowl Champions
  4. I'm not telling you to stop, I'm saying that if I was a pats fan, or any neutral party, the exchange would have looked hysterical and like intellectual infancy, and not on the part of the pats fan here. As a bills fan reading it, it was just cringe-inducing.
  5. Nothing wrong with it in general, but the specifics of trying to make the pats/Bills matchup the last two decades look better than it is, and then shifting to correcting grammar and insulting intelligence/education levels, just looked absolutely dreadful.
  6. The conversation with Chris66 is making Bills fans look pathetic
  7. I mean, I want to see the Bills and Allen beat him too. But as long as he's playing, that's just very unlikely to happen, unfortunately. So I want him to retire.
  8. Unfortunately this is a lot of nothing as it stands, then.
  9. If you have a strong opinion, but can't spend years reflecting, researching, and trying to understand every nuance about it, you don't understand the issue enough to justify how strongly you feel about it. ie, I know friends and family that have terminated relationships over things they actually know next to nothing about.
  10. Buffalo sports fans are dumb en masse, like all other fans, but they're juuuuuuuust passionate and smart enough to think they're intellectuals, which makes them far more annoying than groups of other sports fans on forums. I stress that this is a group property, and that it'd be dangerous to project that exact behavior to any individual fan you meet online or in person.
  11. Everything I read and see about this guy are glowing. "Will have a long career, very smart, excellent routes and hands" etc. So why are people also talking about grabbing him in the 4th? Why isn't he a first round talent?
  12. I also asked him over there why he left Sabrespace a while ago, and he also never answered me. He makes up like 95% of the posts in that bills thread that few posters read, at some points
  13. Is there anything definitive about the helmet mic stuff from the Patriots? I read about it here in broad terms but have no idea what they've been proven to have done, when, and what the speculation is beyond what has been proven/caught.
  14. And since accuracy and Allen have been tied at the hip, we are far more prone to noticing even slightly-off throws. Every time I went to a different game this season (not that often, but often enough) to watch a Mahomes or a Big Ben, I was shocked at how many throws were off target and imperfect, because I lost my grip on the accuracy of normal NFL QBs. This is not to say that Josh is more accurate than average, only that it's not as bad as you'd think by microanalyzing every Josh Allen throw without doing it to any other QB.
  15. Tom has 5 SBs in 19 years. Could turn into 6. Lots of teams have beaten Brady, even though he's the GOAT. Nobody is going to take this "everything is hopeless and useless" nihilistic approach except you
  16. I guess we better hope Josh Allen doesn't become too good, eh? Every team with a QB to threaten teams with elite QBs will face similar problems. I wish we could be a part of that delicate balance that's coming. I hope we can be, but Josh still has a lot of growth to do. We're nearing a fun time for the NFL. Get more guys like Romo in, calling exciting new QBs from exciting new teams after twenty years of the same thing. And the Chiefs will always be front and center. I hope we can join the fray.
  17. Matt Ryan's peak doesn't touch Patrick Mahomes' first ever NFL season. You're just pouting.
  18. Mahomes almost took down the GOAT in his first full season with a 31st ranked defense behind him, and would have done it had he just gotten the ball once in OT. We'd be ***** thrilled to have this problem. No. The NFL is, by far, the most what-have-you-done-for-me-lately league. By season 3 of the Pats being bad, whenever that begins, you will be laughing at any of their fans' attempts to point to the dynasty. Because it will be history, and that will be now.
  19. This isn't true. The GOAT in any sport always eventually leaves, and the sport moves on. Just because the most recent is the best ever to this point doesn't mean that the next century of football is meaningless.
  20. Is there any reason not to expect Tom to play 4 more seasons, and to make at least 3 of those Super Bowls?
  21. I think the refs have handed Patriots games before, not because anything is rigged, but because benefit of the doubt superseded what actually happened on the field, and I think that happens in every sport and I think we all make the same lapse in judgment in different ways in our own lives. But I don't think that you can make that the story of this game at all. Mahomes was a freak, Brady as smart and unflappable as always, and what ultimately killed the Chiefs was their 31st ranked, pillow-soft defense.
  22. Regardless of what happens today, let this be the last time we watch the Patriots on championship game weekend for a long, long time.
  23. I'd much rather have 2 wins inked in the schedule before the season starts, as they perpetually sit at 2-14 and have an empty stadium week after week. That isn't special to the Patriots - I feel that way about the Phins and Jets too. We just helped give the greatest of all time that for twenty years, I certainly wouldn't feel guilty about something similar happening to us.
  24. This is not a Carolina connection. Neither GM nor Coach was ever with this guy in Carolina. He was there one season. This past season.
  25. This video did not show me a single completion by our QB, and yet it's convinced me that Allen is our guy for a long time.
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