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Everything posted by Franco_92

  1. Between him and Bell and Ben, my respect for Tomlin has increased, holding things together those years. And now that he has that team at 7-5 with injuries and their QB situation too.
  2. Watson is a smart, talented quarterback. So fun to watch.
  3. Beautiful TD catch in Pittsburgh, game should be tied up with the extra point
  4. "Make Jackson pass" Lol that should be easy for us, if this mediocre 49ers defense is so successful at it
  5. The word that came to my mind was "deluded." I'm thrilled for this game all over again. ***** you Dallas, and ***** you officials.
  6. I would never feel too strongly about it, but I'd rather they celebrate with their teammates than individual stuff like that. These guys are schemed into a lot of these sacks, it's a full team effort. Oliver in particular will combine this stuff with instagram stories about how he actually should have been credited with more sacks than he was, and it's kind of a bad look. But out of 10, I care about this stuff at a level of, say, 2. Not very much as long as they don't take penalties
  7. We hosted a MNF game less than a year ago
  8. No. We would need Houston to beat the Pats as well.
  9. Spent 25 minutes in the car, with 550 on (some ESPN show at this hour). They talked football the whole time. Had an interview with a Dallas reporter. Discussed each game including Trubisky's comeback drive against the Lions, and the Saints over ATL. The word "Buffalo" or the word "Bills" was mentioned a grand total of zero times. I was annoyed - surely you have something to say about Allen? Oliver? Singletary? Then I realized that I don't give a ***** what those ***** think about our boys what a joke though. Who cares about the Cowboys? They're mediocre and their mediocrity has been a thing for 20 years, and yet they blabber about them incessantly and have them prime time every week. I'll take what we have thanks
  10. I missed most of the 1st quarter. Just saw that throw in the highlight reels. Holy *****. That's a top 3 throw I've ever seen from him.
  11. this comes from me being skeptical that it's the influenza virus (as i elaborated on in the Game thread). I'm pretty sure Dallas has norovirus or some other form of gastroenteritis. That stuff can be passed on weeks after symptoms alleviate through body fluids. All it takes is a couple of guys not washing their hands at the wrong time I say that because these players would be missing more than just a couple days of practice if it was influenza. Influenza is what Bruce had all those years ago.
  12. If the Steelers win, we don't have to worry about the Browns for the rest of this season. We'll still be at least 1 game ahead of the Steelers, with a game against them. If the Browns win, We could still have to worry about Pittsburgh, and then we're almost certain to be worried about the Browns right up until when they play Baltimore (and Baltimore could be resting players by then). Go Steelers.
  13. This highlights why it's a waste of time listening to this argument. If we lose this game, the narrative will unequivocally be that we haven't won the statement game yet in the 3 times we've had a chance (Philly, NE, Dallas). We all know this. If we win it, it will be that they don't have a winning record, and so it wasn't a statement game yet, and the Bills still need to beat a good team. For chrissakes, they h ad to fire their coach! Of course this is flawed logic, but it's how it will go. So best bet is to ignore it and just keep cheering on our boys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, does anyone know what is actually going around the Cowboys locker room? Because literally 99.9% of what gets called the flu in America is emphatically not the flu. If we catch the flu, we will have players incapable of walking without nearly passing out for 10 days at a time. The symptoms will be less digestive and more full-body, with headcold symptoms on top of it. This is what made Bruce Smith miserably ill and still gets talked about today. If we catch a stomach bug, they'll have an uncomfortable 24-48 hours, a recovery period, and then be good to go after. Most athletes have this happen to them a few times in their career, due to the inevitability of spit and body fluid germs transferring in such close quarters with so many people sharing towels, water bottles etc. Shady caught it before a training camp practice two summers ago, was briefly reported on, he was back the next day and everyone forgot about it. Which is it?
  14. This is probably going to happen to us then. Some of these viruses can keep people contageous weeks after the symptoms go away. Good thing we have the extra rest after the game.
  15. I'm gonna miss a lot of the game it looks like. My family is full of bills fans but they're the kind that mostly just insult the team and turn the game off when they go down 10-0 in the first quarter with a "typical Bills, they'll never be good" exclamation
  16. I'm pretty sure the idea is that you want to lose all your out-of-conference games to maximize your playoff chances.
  17. Nah, it was in New Jersey.
  18. I put the Bills at 10-6 with wins against the Jets and Steelers, and then went about selecting other games to see how long it'd take our chances to fall below 50%. I got to 25 individual games going not ideally in our favor before that happened. It took about 23 to get below 95%. No idea how "maximally un-ideal" my choices were, but if we win those two games, we're in.
  19. I turned this guy into a superstar for the Cincinnati Bengals in Madden 20's Franchise QB mode.
  20. It kind of isn't where they lay the egg historically speaking, to be honest. When Billsy was being defined, it was because we'd take 5-2 and turn it into 7-9, or take something like 6-5 to something like 6-10. Historically, the Bills aren't 8-3 often, and when they are, they get their 10/11 wins.
  21. This was my first game since 2014, and the first win I've seen in person since 2007, when I was in 7th grade. I spent most of the day in a nostalgic, contemplative mood. I saw the festivities beforehand, and everything about the stadium and game itself, through the hopeful eyes of that preteen version of myself. Only this time, my Bills are doing something I've never seen before. I wish I could show that kid what this looks and feels like. It's so fun. I'm just enjoying this season so much
  22. If you think accuracy is Josh Allen's problem it's been a calendar year since you last watched Josh Allen with any intent to analyze what you're seeing.
  23. For whatever reason, I am going to remember that forever. Tyrod's reaction was funny too.
  24. It's so easy to get anxious about the amount of teams that still COULD finish at 10-6 or 11-5, but it's literally always like that around week 11 even in down years. There is simply almost no chance that all of Cleveland, Indy, Oakland, and Pittsburgh finish with one of these records. 2, if not 3, will slide into the 7-9 win range.
  25. It must be ***** nice to not be in the AFCE.
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