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Everything posted by Franco_92

  1. Crazy how this happens every week the bills play football, every single week people line up to tell us how this is the worst they've felt or the least they've cared in years. And each week I point this out and they get mad at me:p
  2. We are spending too much time in the huddle but I wouldn't get away from huddling completely. One of the cover 1 guys posted our stats in no huddle situations this year and we are league average or worse in most of them.
  3. Thanks for the new thread!
  4. Thanks for the new thread
  5. It has felt like this for us perpetually-online fans, but I have to say, listening to the coach and player interviews this week, it really seems like just another week in an NFL season. I think they take "not riding the roller coaster" to heart, which is a good thing. Because if the team was as spastic and emotional as this board they wouldn't win another game
  6. Prove might not be the best word but by using it I mean I think there is a stronger case to be made than "teams who choose X win Y% of the time " I just don't remember how the argument goes.
  7. I'm pretty sure you can prove mathematically deferring is better. But I don't have the proof. I like getting the ball at the half when both teams have run through their scripts and have a good idea what the other team is doing.
  8. There is nothing wrong with immediately upgrading Vickers, and maybe even Ford, with a guy who has scheme familiarity Not every Bills tweet in your feed is going to announce the trade for Jamar Chase
  9. It was interesting. He beat around the bush early in the PC when asked how Matt was doing (just talked about how he's back in the building and that he has a lot of injured guys to check in on) then was explicitly asked about the nature of the injury later, said it was confusing or something, talked about hockey designations (like lower body) I still have not heard explicit confirmation that his ACL was spared. I would also love to know more. I'm hoping @HappyDays hears something at some point.
  10. Isn't he a D1 defensive coordinator? Not chiming in on this argument but from following his posts this year and watching the film of the plays he talks about it definitely seems like he's got a next level understanding even compared to Erik Turner etc.
  11. Every person you could possibly associate with the franchise gets blamed an average of 15 times per each loss we have. Plenty of people have rightly criticized Josh's contributions to the loss yesterday. Why do we always talk in these incorrect absolutes?
  12. They did one of these after the last Tampa game too didn't they? This team needs the mental reset and I'm glad they're being proactive.
  13. These people really want us to just kick and scream and pout until the offseason when we can fire someone. They are hoping the losses pile up so they can continue to do so. Of course they wouldn't want us to make incremental adds that could help.
  14. This is make believe. Josh's anticipation has been excellent this year, it's a big reason why his efficiency is up. Any time we weren't whiffing on blocks and taking penalties yesterday, we walked down the field
  15. Bills fans are uniquely ill-suited to handle this for whatever reason
  16. You are not Terry. Terry does not want to let Rex Ryan out of the building. Terry was fooled by Ralph Krueger's slimy sales pitches. Terry doesn't actually know much about football and we should be worried whenever the time comes for him to pick the next guy.
  17. And you do have the inherent unknown that comes with HC being a completely different job than OC. I understand the worries with Sean at the helm, but I am also scared of Terry making these decisions given the field of available candidates. Ben Johnson is clearly a top notch offensive mind, but we are far from having things fixed just by virtue of naming that guy head coach, and the room for decline is a LOT more spacious than the room for improvement with the Bills of the last 3 years
  18. Gotta win this one any way you can and get to the mini-bye to re-orient themselves and get a little healthier.
  19. I would love a big addition at WR, medium addition at 1-tech, and depth addition at CB. But part of me wants to keep our stash of picks in the event that we do have to move in a different direction this summer.
  20. I understand
  21. Most of those years I would have murdered someone to be 4-3 and to have a qb who has put up the season josh has so far Yes there are problems, I don't deny that
  22. It could be worse, it could be any single day during the 14 years I was a bills fan before we ended the drought
  23. An equally sad but far more likely possibility: Miami or KC could win the super bowl.
  24. They're gonna give him a fumble on that meaningless last play though right?
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