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Everything posted by Franco_92

  1. It's amazing that you guys still don't see how tired and unmotivating shrieking "raycizm!!1!" all of the time is to literally any normal person
  2. The stripes looke ridiculous.
  3. If the left is still thinking, as billstime suggests, that their opponents are merely driven by being "racist and dumb af" then they didn't learn ***** from 2016 and will endure another lesson in 2020
  4. I hope you're right too - but the way they're talking about monitoring this thing over the next indefinite period of time, they will be able to selectively ***** down what they need to, in all likelihood, smoother than this first time. We are a lot better at this stuff than we were in 1919.
  5. You're aware that this has been signed off on by the doctors, some of whom don't like trump, right?
  6. Locking down was a "retreat" method meant to gather information and data on the extent of the virus, which we were sorely lacking, while also trying to keep the hospitals from becoming overwhelmed (which was fairly successful). Nobody, from Cuomo to trump and everyone ideologically in between in a position of leadership, meant for a shutdown until vaccine.
  7. There are already going to be a loooooot of deaths directly tied to the coming economic recession. Uncountable numbers connected in hopelessly intricate webs. Staying shut down on the time scale you suggest will cause suffering and death more than an order of magnitude worse than the worst coronavirus models, at the very least. You think you're weighing bills games against death. Those aren't actually the things on the balance the government is trying to use to measure and make decisions. The bills game is replaced with piles of bodies as well. That is why not one country on the entire planet, of any political or economic orientation, will stay closed for even a tiny fraction of the time you suggest.
  8. What's it like for low-brow coping like this to be the only psychological release from stacking years of sustained, fabricated outrage? You must be on the brink of snapping
  9. Asinine is too mild an adjective for this circumstance
  10. You mean people predictably ramping up the doom and gloom during the worst week of the virus in the US, talking about events 5-6 months away, guaranteeing things about events 8months away, even as best case scenarios were slashed into fractions of what was thought just two weeks ago, might not be the most sage and informed on this topic??
  11. I just mean pessimism like this article. It's certainly far from everyone, but there are random people who seem to be ramping up their "nothing will be normal for 18 months" mantra just now, after the peak, which was lower than even hopeful people had feared a few weeks ago. There re will be football this fall - and yes, I am aware that other waves of this virus may happen
  12. Poyer skateboarding, instagram vids of Diggs playing intense pickup basketball, I know these guys are allowed to have freedom but part of me wants them wrapped in bubble wrap all offseason
  13. It's been bizarre to watch pessimism increase as our death toll looks more and more like its going to come in at a fraction of the best case scenarios of just two weeks ago.
  14. There's not only nothing wrong with nationalism, it is utterly essential at this juncture in world affairs
  15. ...nobody tell that chode he's only known for being a trash clown....
  16. Brady is the anti Peyton. The more you see and learn about him, the more genuine and less hate-able he appears. Now that he's off NE I will be happy to root for him on the Buccs. BB, NE, Edelman and Kraft can fall off a cliff tho
  17. He didn't video game it, but he was in total control, and was the primary reason they put up so many yards and first downs when we desperately needed the ball back. He was one of about 5 NFL QBs that wins that game against us.
  18. I will never watch a single play of this game again if I can help it
  19. This would be funny if he hadn't run over us in our last ever game against him and finished his tenure with a what, something like 32-2 record against us?
  20. Those look great.
  21. Gilmore is flagged more in NE in general than he was here, though it has always fluctuated on a yearly basis.
  22. It is unreal that this is how you choose to spend your time and see the world
  23. If you pretend China's, like, 50,000 extra urn orders in Wuhan were for their reported 2500 deaths, then sure
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